Chapter 2 :Some things are better left unsaid:

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The first day wasnt as bad as you had anticipated, you felt like you had won something, considering the way the last day of school in Colorado went. You throw your hoodie on, and start the 15 minute walk home, zoned out thinking about everything that is Eddie. "Donovan! Hey, Evie!!" You hear screaming behind you, running down the sidewalk, with his curly locks rustling in the wind, waving to get your attention, Eddie. You slow waiting for him, but not stopping, "Jeez you walk with a purpose, Evie." He finally caught up trying to catch his breath. "Munson, you seem to be a bit out of shape, you should probably sit down and rest." You smirk half hazardly turning toward him with your hands in your hoodie pockets avoiding eye contact at all costs, not sure if we were addressing the diner comment Eddie made earlier. "Oh, youre hurting my feelings sweetheart. Making fun of me, ignoring me, is that how you treat your new friend?" You snap back at him quickly, lWhen did I ignore you?" stopping him with your hand on his chest, he was warm, and feeling his muscles made me weak, he puffed up a bit showing off. He stepped a little closer leaning down, his nose almost touching mine "I know you heard me, and I know you saw me last night." He placed his hand on yours, gently grabbing it and dropping your hand to the side, intertwining your fingers. You nod, unsure of if you could even speak. LWhat was that baby? I need to hear you." Butterflies rushed through your entire body as baby left his lips. Your mouth was dry, as you tried to form the words, "Yes, I did, and I couldnt take my eyes off you." Your eyes slowly traveled down to his lips. "Oh, Evie, sweetheart, I havent been able to get you out of my head since we locked eyes." He smiled, and pulled you in the direction you were originally walking still holding your hand. "Come on gorgeous, I'll walk you home." You were in complete shock, unsure of what these feelings were, of course he was attractive, obviously, but you'd only have ever been in one serious relationship, and it was terrible, not much to compare but one thing was for sure you'd never had these feelings with anyone else. You walked up to your door, as your mom pulls in the driveway. "Eve! Honey, how was school?" "Hey mom, it was actually really good, this is Eddie Munson, Eddie this is my mom, Sarah." Eddie eagerly stuck his hand out to greet your mother. "Hello Eddie, so nice to meet you." "You as well, Mrs. Donovan, your daughter and I have become really good friends. Dont worry, Ill keep my eye on her!" He smiled walking back down the sidewalk. "Thank you Eddie, you live around here then?" Your mom had asked, grabbing the front door about to open it. "Oh, no maam, my van is back at the school I just didnt want Evie to walk home alone, you ladies have a great night!" Eddie yelled running back towards the school. Your mouth dropped as you processed what he said, "Eve, that boy walked over a mile just to walk you home, sweetie, hes a special man dont let him wander too far." She smiled and we walked into the house to start dinner.

Eddies POV:

Running back to the school, and all I could think about was how hard it was not laying my lips on hers and my fingers stroking her beautiful glowing skin. I could have traced the freckles on the bridge of her nose out of memory, I locked every single feature on her face in my head never wanting to forget. I made it back to my van, and headed home. Walking in the door of the run down trailer I live in with my uncle, he was on the couch reading through the paper. "Detention again?" He said not even looking up from his paper. "Nahhh, not this time." I felt my cheeks turning red. "Holy shit, Eddie, did you meet a girl?" he threw the paper down staring at me waiting for details. "If I dont blow it, I promise youll meet her." I through my keys on the counter, and sauntered back to my room and plopped on my bed, grabbed my guitar, and started writing.

The next day:

You sluggishly walked down the sidewalk towards school, completely drained. Only because you couldnt sleep, that freak that you heard so much about in the halls, and in the lunch room, walked you home, just because. It made you wonder, how you deserved someone treating you so well, after everything you went through in your old school. Trying to decide if it would ever be something you'd tell Eddie, or if it was just better left unsaid.  Thinking back to what all Eddie had done for you in the first day you couldnt help but smile. You were truly speechless, no one had ever gone out of there way like that, for you. You made your way up the steps, to the doorway of the school. You had paused, and closed your eyes, taking in a deep breath, trying to compose yourself before coming face to face with whatever the day brought. "Im not going to hold this door all day for you Donovan, you coming or not?" You let out a loud sigh, "Good morning, Eddie." You say before even opening your eyes. "What are you doing sweetheart? You look exhausted." He smiled trying to figure out if I was trying to calm down, or having a stroke. I fixed my bag, smiled at him and walked into school, leaving him there to hold the door for the other kids shoving through, "Hey, wait!" I heard him yell, I turned around walking backwards blowing him a kiss "Thanks Munson, youre the best!" I turned and headed to my locker putting my jacket away and grabbing my books for class. I walked into Biology and sat at my seat in the back, waiting to see how upset Eddie would be walking into class. You were going over the chapter, and taking your own notes when a shadow is standing over you, all you can see are the black ripped jeans, and white sneakers. "Really?! I hold the door and you couldnt even wait! So mean, honestly." Eddie plopped down in his seat next to me throwing his hands on the desk. I slowly look up from my notes, pretending I had no clue what he was talking about. "Oh, Eddie, when did you get here? I havent seen you all morning." You say laughing. "Funny, see if I ever walk you home again." He stuck out his tongue and turned away from you. As you turned to question him about that, the bell rang and the teacher started his lecture, you decided youd bring it up later.

Eddies POV:

I couldnt keep my eyes off of her, I doubt she noticed, she was so focused on class, I think she forgets there is anyone else in the room. I wish I could focus that way, I definitely wouldnt be a second time Senior. I was so zoned, I barely heard the bell ring, I rushed to grab my stuff so I could walk with her but as I stood up I caught sight of her gorgeous brown locks of hair flying out the door. I jumped over at least 3 desks and into the hallway, but she was gone, or so I thought. "Were you looking for me Munson?" I heard from behind me, I slowly turned my head to the left and there she was, leaning on a locker books in her hand, and a huge smile on her face. "So, what if I was? Does that bother you?" I ask walking towards her, placing myself only inches away from her, placing one hand on the locker behind her seeing how close I could get. Her breath was shaky but confident, "Why do you feel the need to be around me all the time Eddie?" She asked playfully, but she was definitely looking for an answer to satisfy her curiosity. I placed my mouth directly next to her ear, engulfing myself in the smell of her hair, it was coconut for sure. "Because, I just met you and Im already addicted." I could see the goosebumps traveling up her neck as she shivered. "Why dont we hang out at my place after school, I want to know everything there is to know about you Evie." I rubbed my hand down her arm and grabbed her hand, She nodded and followed me to our next class. She didnt say much the rest of the day, didnt know I had gotten to her that bad, but I was impressed.

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