Chapter 4 :Just Trust Me:

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You took a deep breath, trying to decide if you were going to book it out of the trailer, and never come back, or doing something you havent thought of doing since the incident at your old school. Telling a guy how you felt.

Flashback: TW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talks of physical abuse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please, dont, Brian I swear it was nothing! You were pinned against the wall, crying, and pleading with your boyfriend that the innocent moment you shared at school that morning with some kid sharing a pencil, was exactly that. Unfortunately Brian didnt ever believe you in any of these situations. Yeah, right, do you think Im Fucking blind?! Like I dont see what you do behind my back, stupid whore! He punched the wall right next to your head, placing his other hand tightly around your throat. I try to plead, as he squeezes so tight, you feel your life literally slipping away, until it goes black.

You stood up ready to make a run for it, you grab your coat and head for the door. You reach for the handle but a hand on your shoulder, stops you dead in your tracks, as you flinch and your shoulders tense up. When you turned to face him, you could see the confusion on his face, hes looking for any sign that something he had done was too much. "Evie, Im sorry did I do, or say something? We can just talk, I promise, its okay." You release the breath youd been holding since he touched your shoulder, not even realizing you were holding your breath. "Or I can take you home, whichever you want, you just have to tell me." He takes a couple of precautionary steps backwards, trying to read your body language, his eyes darting back up to your face, as you can tell he clearly figured it out without you saying a word.

Eddie POV:

I panicked as she ran to the door, wanting to stop her to see what I had done, or what I had said to make her want to run. I reached up my hand to gently grab her shoulder, and I felt her flinch, and tense up under my hand. I spoke gently to her, trying to reassure her, I was okay with doing anything she wanted. I dropped my hand to my side as she slowly turned back to face me, her eyes slowly looked up to meet mine, and her cheeks were tear stained. I was so confused, trying to remember everything leading to this, and I could have smacked myself when I put it together and it hit me. Ive seen this before, when I was younger, my mom would sometimes act the same, if I came around a corner to fast, scaring her, if I was really loud, shed always jump, and sometimes flinch. My father used to think he was so tough, he thought it was the mans job to teach a woman how to behave. I vowed after seeing the suffering it caused my mom, I could never turn out like him. I snapped back to what was in front of me, I didnt want to scare her away, but I didnt want her to think she had to stay if she wanted to go home. She relaxed after a few deep breaths and she walked back to my bed and sat with her back against the wall and had her knees in her chest. I could tell she wanted to talk, but she was completely traumatized. Someone, had hurt her, really bad. Im not talking a little high school broken heart, Im talking about someone physically, mentally, and emotionally hurting her.


You decided, in that moment, that even though everything in your soul, your entire body was telling you to go home you walked over and sat on Eddies bed. You wanted to trust him, and wanted him to be in your life, even though you werent exactly sure how that was going to play out yet. You set yourself gently on his bed, leaned against the wall in the corner and pulled your knees to your chest. You learned in therapy sometimes this could help calm the panic attacks, what you really wanted in that moment was for Eddie to sit with you and wrap his arms around your entire body and just hold you. But you were pretty sure you really freaked him out, and he wasnt even going to look in your direction after this. You use the sleeve of your sweatshirt to mop the tears up on your face, trying to stop them from flowing. You look up at Eddie who was slowly walking back to the bed to sit with you (at a distance), you could tell by his face he had no idea what to do. You throw your head into your hands and sob, "Im so sorry, I didnt mean to freak you out Eddie, you can take me home, and we can just pretend wed never met." You heard him softly start to mumble. "Is-is it okay if I hold your hand?" He asks afraid of touching you again while you arent looking at him. Slowly raising your head wiping your face one last time, you cant help but give him a half smile. "Really? You want to hold my hand?" He smiles confidently, like this was the only question in the entire world he was 100% sure of his answer. "Yes, Evie, Id love nothing more than holding your hand. While we talk, if you want!" He acknowledged the idea that you may not be ready for all of that. "Or if you want I can hold your hand while we talk about absolutely nothing." You let out a small sigh with a smile as you hold your hand out for him to hold. He tilts his head to the side, very dramatically, "Theres no snot on this right, Just tears?" He grinned, hoping to get you to at least give him a tiny laugh. And like music to his ears, you did, it was just short of a chuckle. "Im not sure, let me wipe it off just incase," you say leaning forward wiping your hand all over the black ripped jeans he was wearing. He jumped up pretending to gag, glaring at you. "Why so rude princess? I was just offering a hand to hold, not a snot collector." "Disgusting Munson, completely disgusting." You smile laughing uncontrollably. You could see him start to smile, he was happy to hear you laughing. "Music to my ears, Donovan. Please laugh more often." He says as he sits next to you leaning on the same wall holding his hand out waiting for you to take it. "Only if youll stick around to make me." You reply placing your hand in his, you both close your hands interlocking your fingers. After a few minutes of silence pass, you finally speak. "I want to tell you all of it, my favorite color, my middle name, what my biggest dreams are, who my celebrity crush is, I want you to understand that I want too more than anything." He turned to you, "I do understand, I promise," He let out a deep breath hed been holding for a few seconds. "You dont have to tell me anything, unless you are ready, Im not going anywhere. Just trust me, day or night, any time if you decide you want to tell me at 3 am on a Sunday morning, Ill be there to pick you up, and we can just drive, we can sit somewhere and talk. I dont want you to think that you not wanting to open up to someone that youve just met, about the deepest darkest parts of your past, makes me not want to be around you." You smile, and place your head gently on his shoulder. "Thank you Eddie, that means a lot to me, and I promise, Ill tell you everythingeventually." He slowly leans his cheek on your forehead, "Is this okay?" He stops and asks before continuing. "Absolutely" You whisper, just taking all of him in, his scent, his touch, everything. Although you felt you could have stayed like that for the rest of your life, it was getting late. "You ready to head home, princess?" He plants a tiny kiss on your forehead as he sits back up. "Yeah, I should probably go home and finish my homework." He stands up and holds his hands out to help you up, which he did it a little too quickly and you both stumble into each other. He grabs your waist gently, helping you stay balanced. "Sorry, Im a klutz."You giggle poking him teasingly on the nose and pull him gently the neck of his Hellfire Shirt and quickly kiss him on his delicious lips. You reach down and grab your coat, throwing it on while walking to the bedroom door and opening it. You turn to see Eddie standing there, stunned, and unsure what was going on. "Coming, Munson?" You yell walking down the hallway to the front door. As you walk out the door, you hear him shuffling with his vest, and keys trying to catch up. You patiently stood outside the door, waiting for the shaggy haired, beautiful brown eyed man to basically fall out of the trailer trying to get to the passenger door before you, so he can open it. He asked to hold your hand once you were in the van, and headed home. And he held it the entire way, gently placing kisses on the inside of your wrists all the way home. When Eddie finally parked in front of your house, he jumped out and ran over to open your door. "Watch your step princess, dont fall." He held his hand out to help you over the small patch of ice he had parked near. You smiled sweetly as he grabbed your waist with his free hand to be sure you didnt fall, he turned you in the swiftest motion so you were facing him. You noticed the porch light turning on out of the corner of your eye, so you just knew your nosy mom was peeking. He gently placed both hands around your waist, pulling you gently into his chest. Almost instinctually your hands wrapped around his neck and your fingers ran through his curls, "Thank you for being so patient with me, and thank you for listening to me cry." He lifted your chin with his thumb to meet his gaze, "I will wait as long as it takes, even if its a 100 years. Because I believe you, Donovan, are truly worth it." You werent sure why, but a single tear fell onto your cheek, no one has ever made you feel like you were worth anything. Eddie saw the glimmer in the street light, and gently kissed away the tear, and then he slowly planted his lips on yours giving you one last slow, sensual kiss. "Id like to pick you up for school in the morning if thats okay?" He asked moving a strand of hair out of your face, eyes lit up like a little boy on Christmas waiting for a yes. "I would love that, you truly are the best, Munson." You give him one last hug as you turn around and head into the house, seeing your mom fling the curtain shut like she was never even there. You reach the door and turn to give Eddie one last wave, hes still standing on the sidewalk, "Im good Eddie, you can go home." You laugh, "I told your mom Id look out for you, Im not getting in the van until you are in the house." He crossed his arms in the most serious manner. "Okay, okay. Im going, good night handsome." You smile slipping into the house, and you hear a faint sigh coming from the kitchen doorway. "Hey mom, way to not be obvious!" You laugh leaning on the door, sliding down to the ground. "So, I take it things went good?" She smiled sitting on the step across from you, you nodded closing your eyes. "He is so patient, and so gentle. He truly seems to care about me." You ramble telling your mom all of the events of the evening. You lost contact with everyone back home, after leaving so your mom has really been your only friend. You never really kept things from her, until you started dating Brian, the relationship between you and your mom suffered from it but once everything happened and was out in the open, you both felt relieved getting back to how you once were. "So he sounds pretty smitten with you, just remember to take your time, there is never any rush to get into another relationship honey. Eddie seems like the type to wait, so enjoy the time and dont put pressure on it." You let out a long-drawn sigh, "I know, he really is the sweetest person Ive ever met, Im just worried because Brian was the same way when we first met." "But Eve, you know the signs now sweetie, and I honestly dont get the same feeling with Eddie. Brian always rubbed me the wrong way, but I just thought it was because he was so cocky and arrogant. I never would have ever guessed he was doing the things-" She stopped abruptly, trying to hold back tears. You rush up to hug her, "Mom, its okay, Im right here." She squeezes you so tight it takes your breath away for a second. "I know I just wish I would have known what was going on behind closed doors, I could have helped." "But I didnt want you too, I chose to shut you out, but we are here, and safe now." You held the embrace for a while until you both decided to head to bed. As you were getting ready to lay down, the phone rang, "I got it mom!" You yelled picking up the phone in your room. "Hello?" You throw yourself down on the bed. "Princess, can you meet me outside in 15? Theres something I want to show you." Your heart skipped a beat when you instantly recognized the voice. "Um, sure?" You answer hesitantly. There is a long pause on the other end, and you hear a deep breath finally escape his lips, "Evie, just trust me."

Sorry this one is a bit long, wasn't sure where to end it.

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