Chapter 10 :I can't Leave You:

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Eddies POV:

"Eddie, Eddie, what happened?" I heard my uncle and Mrs. Donovan, as I floated in and out of consciousness. "Where is she?" I would ask, but I couldn't get a straight answer. "Just rest, Eddie we'll talk soon." I'd hear a Dr. say. I was in and out of it for a few days, when I finally came too my uncle and Mrs. Donovan were sitting with me. "Eddie, Eddie, its okay, relax. You're in the hospital." Mrs. Donovan grabbed my hand, trying to calm me, because I was in a complete panic. "What happened?" I asked, my head was still throbbing. "You remember anything?" Wayne asked me. I shook my head, "Wait, we were at Harrington's for the party. She was ready to leave, said we could go back to her place because Mrs. Donovan was away for the weekend. We were sitting at a light, and I couldn't take my eyes off her, she was so pretty in the glow of the light. The light turned green, and she laughed at me, because I didn't move. She told me to go, and I looked up, saw the green and went. Next thing I knew we were upside down and she wouldn't answer me." I sat up starting to panic, "Oh god, she wouldn't wake up, did she wake up? I need to see her, please." "Eddie, shhh, calm down sweetheart. Wayne get the nurse to see if we can get a wheelchair for him." I felt like I couldn't breathe, my chest was tight, and my mind was at worst case scenario. A few minutes go by, and my uncle came in and they helped me in the chair. "Eddie, I just need to tell you something before we go." Wayne knelt in front of me and put a hand on my arm. "What, what is it?" He looked up at her mom, and the tears started flowing. "Eddie, she, she hasn't woken up yet." Mrs. Donovan sighed fighting back more tears. "How long?" I asked, "Eddie, listen." "Wayne, how long?" He looked down at the ground. "Its been 4 days since the accident. They, well Eddie they aren't sure if she's going to wake up." "She was wearing a seatbelt; I always make sure before I pull out of anywhere." Mrs. Donovan nodded, "Sweetie, this isnt your fault. The seatbelt is the only reason she's still alive. A drunk driver ran a red light, Eddie you didn't do anything wrong, you've always done what was right for her." Mrs. Donovan wrapped me in a hug. I hugged her back for a minute, and that was it. "I need to see her, please." They nodded, and wheeled me down the hall, to the elevator. We passed a sign that read ICU, and I knew this was going to be bad. When we got to Room 3, it was the second door on the right, Wayne wheeled me to the door, and I stopped the chair. I got up, and unsteadily walked over to her, she had looked like she was sleeping. There were bruises up and down the side of her face, she must have hit her head on the passenger window, a few gashes on her chest and arm. She had a cast on her arm, I'm assuming it broke when we flipped. I rubbed her cheek with my finger, "Hey pretty girl, I've missed you." I said quietly. I could feel her mom and my uncle watching me from the door, I grabbed her hand and kissed it gently. "Baby, I'm so sorry, if I would have known this was going to happen, I would have made us stay at the party. I need you, Evie please. We are graduating in less than 2 months, and you are going to college, and I'm going to be the boyfriend with the apartment off campus. We're going to get married, and have kids, beautiful brown-haired green-eyed babies." I started sobbing into our hands, thinking of all the things I still wanted to do with her. "Ohh, sweetheart, I'm so sorry. I promised you I'd do anything, to keep you safe, and I messed up. I'm so sorry baby." I laid my head on her lap, and just sobbed. Wayne and Mrs. Donovan were both messes standing in the corner. "Eddie, we should get you back to your room, you need rest." "I'll bring you back in a little bit." Evies mom said gently, pushing the chair forward knowing there was no way I'd be able to walk back to my room. "Baby, I'll be back in a bit okay, I need you, Evie. I need you to stay with me okay princess?" I leaned down and kissed her cheek, and a tear hit her face. I turned and sat in the chair, and Mrs. Donovan faced us towards the door to go back to the room. "E-Eddie?" I shot back, almost jumping out of the chair. "Princess?" I grabbed her hand, and she gave me a slight, tired smile. "Trying to leave me baby?" I asked with a low chuckle. "I'm sorry, I waited for you to come with me, but you never showed. He tried to get me to go with him, but I told him I can't leave you." Her mom was at her side at this point with tears rolling down her face. "Who tried to get you to go with them baby?" She asked curious, and almost cautious. "It was him, mom. It was Blake." She smiled and closed her eyes. "Who?" I asked, her mom let out a silent gasp. "Blake, was Eves older brother, he was in the Marines, he died when she was 16. That's when she met Brian, and all the abuse started.


You woke up, and your entire body hurt. Your room was filled with balloons and flowers, cards from everyone! "Good morning beautiful." Eddie wobbled in on crutches. "Be careful Captain Graceful." You joked as he came in and sat on the side of your bed. Why, do you keep looking at me like that Munson?" You asked. "Like what?" "Like you're waiting for me to disappear." He smiled and looked down. "I just, wondered why you never mentioned Blake before." You let out a deep sigh, your brother was your best friend growing up and losing him led you down the path you were on. "Well, when Blake died, I think a part of me died, and it just isn't easy to talk about. Honestly talking about the hell I went through with Brian is easier to speak on, than losing someone you thought would be in your life forever." "Promise me you'll tell me about him sometime. I'd love to hear all the stories you have." You nodded, wiping a tear from your cheek, pulling Eddie into a gentle kiss. "So, I dont think your brother would be a fan of Eddie The Freak Munson, huh?" "What makes you say that?" "Well, after the accident, you said he tried to get you to go with him, but you told him you couldnt leave me. So I'm sure he hates me, he wanted his best friend back and she chose to stay here with me." His eyes were red, and a little teary. "Eddie, you are the one who saved me, in more way than one. Why would I choose to leave you now? When our story has just started, and we have so many plans." You paused and looked down at the rings on his hand, "Didn't you say something about marriage, and babies?" You smirked looking up in his beautiful brown eyes. "What? I have no clue, what youre talking about." He turned so red, he didnt think I'd heard him. "So Munson, how many babies are we having?" You let out a laugh, and it was music to his ears, once again. "Well, who knows, but we have plenty of time to just practice." He smirked with a wink, kissing your hand.

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