Chapter 5 :He's what I needed:

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Warning!!!! T/W: Mentions of Abuse, and Sexual Assault. Please if it is something you aren't comfortable with don't continue.

You throw a hoodie on over your pajama shirt, and slide on your shoes. You poke your head out of your bedroom and peer towards your moms bedroom. You see that her light is off under the door, and quietly tiptoe down the stairs and to the front door waiting to see headlights pull up. After a few minutes, and tons of butterflies you see the headlights of a familiar vehicle pull up in front of your house. You gently turn the lock and slowly turn the handle to be sure not to make too much noise. You were pretty convinced that your mom would have willingly let you leave but it was pretty exciting sneaking out. Once you are outside you shut the door quietly and run down the steps leading to your house, to greet a visibly nervous Eddie holding the passenger door open for you. Hes already holding a hand out waiting for you to take it so he can help you in, when he does he quietly shuts the door and darts over to the other side to get in the drivers seat. The van is already so warm, which was a relief considering you were in your shorts still. Eddie put the van in gear and slowly pulled away from your house being sure not to rev the engine too loud.

Eddies POV:

I could tell by her body language she was nervous, and Im not going to lie I was too. Honestly I had no idea why I drug her out of her bed at 11:30 at night, the only thing I knew for sure, I wanted to be near her and I couldnt get enough. After a few minutes of silence, only noise that could be heard was the heater on full blast. She finally broke the silence, "Where are we going Eddie?" She asked curiously, there was a slight sense of almost fear in her voice. "Honestly? I just wanted to see you, and I couldnt wait until the morning." I reached over slowly as not to startle her and placed my hand on her thigh, "Is this okay?" I probably sounded like an idiot, but after earlier I never wanted to make her flinch or jump again. She smiled softly and placed her hand on mine. "More than okay. " Her thumb was rubbing over my hand in small circles, I think it was a little bit of the nerves coming out but I blurted out "Thank you" I tried to hide my embarrassment, but I heard her laughing quietly to herself. When we got to where we were going, a large opening near Lovers Lake, I put the van in park but obviously kept it running. I turned the radio up just a little bit, and climbed over the seat to get to the back. Once I was back there I moved some stuff around, and when I was content with it I held my hand out for her to join me. "Mlady" She chuckled and took my hand climbing carefully over her seat to sit with me, she slipped a bit and I caught her by the waist. "Sorry," She looked up at me almost embarrassed. I smiled and helped her sit down, "Its okay, youve warned me a few times about being a klutz." She gasped pretending to be offended and playfully smacked my chest. When she finally got settled and looked around the van I could see she had started to relax a bit, and didnt seem like she was as nervous. I turned a lantern on that was in the back, the dim glow of the light bounced off her face, and I almost forgot how to speak. "You are so pretty." It came out so fast I couldnt have stopped it even if I wanted too. "I am so sorry, Im not trying to make you uncomfortable." I rubbed my sweaty palms on my jeans trying to relax. She turned to face me as she sat up on her knees and she grabbed my hands. "Eddie, its okay, you didnt do anything wrong. I promise." She paused and gave me the kindest smile anyone has ever given me. "So, you think Im pretty huh?" She poked, trying to lighten the mood.


"Zip it, Donovan." He had sassed back to you, trying to keep up the lighthearted joking. You looked around a bit more and found a few pillows and blankets in the corner of the van. Grabbing the pillows and placing them next to each other, you laid on your back and held up the other side of the blanket waiting for him. "You coming Munson?l You quietly asked. He wasted no time sliding in next to you on his back, the both of you staring at the ceiling. You enjoyed the peace, and the heat coming from Eddies body, but you werent really sure why you were invited out at such a late hour. "So are you going to tell me why we are here, Eddie?" You break the silence finally turning on your side to face him. He let out a long drawn breath and slowly turned to you. "Truthfully, I know you cant talk about certain things with me, right now and Im totally okay with it!! I am, its just." He paused looking down and then slowly back into your eyes. "I thought maybe if I told you a little bit about me, you could start to trust me more." He was fidgeting with the loose string on the blanket that covered you both. "Really? Eddie, you dont have too, but I would love to listen." You reached for his nervous hand taking it in yours and giving it a firm squeeze. "Well, as you know I live with my uncle, he took me in when I was 13. My parents couldnt handle my outbursts, so it was him or a foster home." He looked away and then directly back to you as he took another deep breath. "My mom was awesome, she really tried to help me, but I was just too much for her. My dad on the other hand was a total dick, he was always yelling at me and my mom, picking fights. Which is part of the reason..." He stopped and sat up sitting directly across from you, and you mimicked his movements sitting up across from him as well. He took both of your hands in his and gave you the most comforting look youd seen. "The reason why I knew exactly why you flinched and tensed up earlier this afternoon." You looked away almost embarrassed, he grabs your chin between his thumb and index finger turning you back to him. "Please, its nothing to be ashamed of, you dont have to talk about it, I just wanted you to know that I understand." The quiet of the night washed over both of you, you didnt mind it at this point. Eddie knew that someone had once put a hand on you that wasnt so nice, someones words had once cut you so deeply, you thought it would never heal. You knew, you wanted him to know. "His name was Brian, we met sophomore year in Colorado. His parents were friends with mine, so of course theyd constantly make us hang out, and we instantly clicked. He was so sweet, and caring, such a gentle person." You locked eyes with Eddie, as he intently listened. "Well at least he was in the beginning." You told Eddie how for the first year it was the best time! And then how after year 1 together, it slowly started going down hill. "I found out middle of junior year he was cheating on me, with my best friend. And when I confronted him he admitted it, like it was nothing. I threatened to leave him, and that was the first time he-" You stopped, youd never said the words out loud to anyone but your mother, your therapist, and the judge who overseen the Domestic Violence case. " He punched me, and threw me against the wall, choking me, he did that a lot, that was his favorite punishment." You felt the warm tears start to form in your eyes, as you tried to wipe them away, Eddie reached up and did it for you. After a brief pause you told Eddie about how it had gone on for almost a year and a half, the abuse got worse, Brian would belittle you in front of people, trying to make you sound dumb, or crazy, he isolated you from your family and friends. "He had me so alone, convinced that he was the only person who would ever love me, I stopped talking to my mom. And she was my absolute best friend, I mean my dad and I were close, but after everything came out about what Brian did, my father some how tried to turn it to be my fault." You said bravely almost as if you were giving a sworn statement all over again. Your eyes and cheeks glistened in the soft glow of the only light in the back, and you could feel Eddie sliding closer to you, only inches from your face. Watching how slowly he reached up to place a gentle hand on your cheek, rubbing it with his thumb, was the most reassuring youd felt with Eddie. You were a million percent sure at that point he would never hurt you, intentionally, and you never wanted to lose this feeling. "Anyways, the last time, was really bad, I almost died. We were at a party and he had gotten drunk, started accusing me of cheating on him.l You swallowed hard, "He drug me upstairs to a room and locked the door, throwing me on the bed." Eddie grabbed your hand, deep down knowing, but afraid of where this was going. "He hit me a few times, choked me for a bit, always calling me a whore, or a useless slut. I pleaded for him to stop, telling him Id do anything, I didnt want to die." Neither of you could hold back the tears at this point, he was squeezing your hand, and gently rubbing it, reassuring you he was there for you. "He told me I was only ever good for one thing, and that he was going to show me my place." You started crying uncontrollably, "2 hours, for 2 hours, he held me in that room, beating me, and raping me, within inches of my life. People knew what he did, and all of those people at that party, KNEW!! And let it happen." You sobbed not being able to catch your breath, Eddie at this point was behind you with you in between his legs, arms wrapped tightly around you, remembering how you hugged yourself earlier at his house. His cheek was placed on the side of your face, and you could hear him softly whispering "Shh, its okay, youre okay Im here, and I will never let anything happen to you." He repeated for a while, until he could feel your body go almost limp, as the panic attack had passed. "Thank you." You finally whispered trying to slow your heart rate, and quiet your breathing. Not breaking the hold he had on you, only loosening it, "Anything for you, princess." He replied sweetly, nuzzling his face a little furth into your neck. You both sat there, for what seemed like hours not wanting to be the first to break the hold. LWell baby, I think I should probably get you home, I got this girl I have to pick up in a few hours, promised her a ride to school." You could feel him break into a smile, "Well, we cant have you breaking promises, Mr. Munson. Now can we?" You turned so that you were still in between his legs on your knees, and facing him. LI cant tell you how much this meant to me, and how I will forever be grateful you." You wiped a few loose strands of hair off of his cheek, placing your hand where the hair once was. "Evie, ca-can, I maybe, kiss you? If not its okay, its ju-" And before he could finish you gently placed your lips on him, not giving him a chance to even process. He slowly wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer, onto his lap, your legs straddled over him. You had the worst case of butterflies, the kind where you could feel yourself shaking, but not from being cold. After a few, amazing minutes, he pulled away, and gazed so gently at what seemed like every feature on your face. "I could stay like this forever, but I really dont want to make a bad impression on your mom." He chuckled, helping you back up front and joining you after turning off the lantern. You settled in the passenger seat and buckled the seat belt, as he put it in gear and placing his hand on your thigh, without asking this time, which if we were being honest didnt bother you one bit. Because if tonight had taught you anything, it was that the town freak was the most gentle human being youd ever come in contact with, and he was truly nothing like the rumors that followed him around. You were so lost in thought, you didnt even realize you were home, or staring at him for that matter. "Donovan? What are you looking at?" He gently squeezed your thigh to get your attention, you snap back to reality looking around and seeing where you were. "Sorry, I got distracted, by that handsome face of yours, Munson." You smiled playfully, lifting his hand from your thigh and kissing it before opening the door to jump out. "See you soon Eddie, and thank you." You turned smiling at him shutting the door and running back up the steps and into your house. After locking the door, you finally hear him pull away and drive down the road. You hear shuffling in the kitchen, realizing your mom was up, and you smelled coffee. "So, imagine my surprise when I got up this morning to check on you, to see your bed completely empty." You hear your mothers sarcastic comment floating from the kitchen. You sigh, ready to take whatever she says and agree to any punishment, but when you enter she has the biggest smile on her face, waiting for me to spill what happened tonight. You laugh, and sit at the island in the kitchen, throwing your head down on the counter. "Mom, it was amazing, he is amazing, and Ive never felt like this with anyone!" You say in one breath, as your mom sits down across from you. "Well I can attest, Ive never seen this kind of happiness on your our face, that is for sure." "He told me things, about himself, and didnt once pry or try to get anything out of me, but, I told him." You trail off the smile leaving your face, you were afraid your mom may be upset with you for spilling your past so soon. She grabs your hand from across the counter and squeezes it, "Sweet girl, it is your story to tell, when you feel comfortable telling it. I support whatever decision you make, you know that. And if Eddie Munson is the person that you feel most comfortable with then Im happy with that."You smile, and have a cup of coffee with your mom. Its already 6 am when you get back to your room, so you decide to shower. No point in sleeping for 20 minutes, just to be interrupted by the alarm. You say to yourself, grabbing clothes and your towel. After about 30 minutes of heaven, in the hottest shower youd ever taken, you wrap the towel around yourself and walk into your room. As you are finishing getting dressed there is a knock at your front door, "Ill get it on my way out honey, have a good day! And Evie?" "Yeah mom?" You yell down the steps, "Don't skip class, please." You tilt your head almost feeling guilty that the thought had even crossed your mind. You hear her shuffle with her bag to the front door, "Good morning Mrs. Donovan, Im just here to pick up your daughter for school." You could hear the cheerful voice of Eddie radiating loudly through your house. "Oh, Eddie, good morning. Her room is up the stairs and first door on the left." He slowly walks in, not expecting an invitation to your room. As he heads for the stairs you hear your mom faintly whisper his name, but for the life of you, you cant make out what they are saying.

Eddies POV:

I slowly turn to Mrs. Donovan, feeling like I may be in trouble here. "Yes maam?" I replied quietly. She walked a few steps closer keeping her voice low, "Thank you, for whatever you did for her yesterday. Ive truly never seen her smile like that, I feel like shes finally opening back up. That being said, you hurt her, and Ill ruin you. Are we clear?" She smiled innocently like she didnt just threaten my life 2 seconds prior. "S-Sure thing! Mrs. Donovan, Id never do anything to intentionally hurt Evie, I swear." I lowered my head looking at my keys, shaking my hands nervously. "I never once thought you would," She smiled and turned too the door. I started up the stairs and I heard her faintly behind me as she walked out the door. "Don't keep her out so late next time, she looks exhausted!" The door shut behind her and I just silently laughed. I got to her door at the top of the stairs and it was cracked slightly, I could see her walking back and forth from her bed to her dresser, to her closet. I knocked gently and the door opened slowly, leaning myself against the door frame, I let out a loud sigh. "So we got busted huh?" Shes now sitting on her bed putting her shoes on, without missing a beat she replied "She was waiting for me in the kitchen!" She started laughing and shaking her head. I walked over and sat on her bed looking around the bare room. "No posters? Man, Evie, this room is truly depressing." I leaned back on my hands and she threw a pillow at me hitting me right in the face. "Cram it Munson, we just got here a few weeks ago, we cant all have the raw talent, of decorating our rooms like you do." She sat next to me throwing herself back and laying down, "I heard your mom Donovan, no skipping." She let out the most annoyed huff, I think Id ever heard. "You call me, and sneak me out until 5 in the morning, and now, now is when you want to be a good boy and follow the rules?" I sat up grabbing the pillow she threw earlier, and tossed it back to her. "Good boy? Huh, never been called that, Its kinda hot, not gonna lie." I smile knowing that will get her up and moving, she jumped up off the bed rolling her eyes. "Lets go Munson, before were late." She grabbed her bag off the chair in the corner, and then reached out and took my hand yanking me off the bed. I knew we were just going to school, but Im telling you at that moment, Id follow that girl into Mordor.


You got into Eddies van and headed to school, talking about random things and laughing having a good time. You were never truly a morning person, and with lack of sleep you thought youd be in a sour mood for at least the first few hours of school, but that just wasnt the case. "So now that the hard part is out of the way, lets do the easy stuff." He said lowering the volume on the radio. Im sure my facial expression was completely puzzled, because I was so confused on what he had meant. "Easy stuff?" You repeat, unsure of where he was going with it. "Yeah, like uh, favorite color? Favorite Song? Secret hidden talents that no one ones" He gripped your thigh and gave it a tiny squeeze, biting his lower lip. "Dark Green, currently, anything Bon Jovi, and in your dreams, Munson." You hissed back with a playful attitude. He let his head fall back a bit while letting out a small laugh. "Bon Jovi???" You removed his hand from your thigh, "You're damn right Bon Jovi if you have an issue with this, I dont think we should see each other anymore." You looked out the window trying to keep a serious face. He grabbed his chest like I had just broken his heart, "Come on, you cant do that to me, Id never survive!!!" You felt him grab your thigh again, quickly you turned giving him a devilish grin. "I never said youd never learn my secret talents, just not right now." He sighed, getting quiet and he looked like he was contemplating the next word out of his mouth. "Later?" He smiled back, knowing he'd for sure get under your skin with that one. He had pulled into the parking lot, and he hurriedly ran over opening your door and grabbing your hand helping you down. Looking down you interlocked your fingers with his, kissing him quickly on his perfect lips. "Maybe if you are a good boy, Munson." He stops cold, in his tracks letting every word you had just said hit him like a ton of bricks. You pulled a little bit, dragging him to the front door. At that moment, nothing mattered, but him. He was exactly what you needed.

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