Chapter 12 :No going back Now:

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"I have a tiny little speech, please, and then Ill let you get back to dinner." Eddies uncle stood up from the table. Your mom decided to throw a little dinner party for yourself, Eddie, Robin, and Steve. "Wayne, dont embarrass the kids. Your mom whined from the table. Listen, no, no no. Its not going to. I just wanted to say Eddie, Im proud of you for how far youve come. You didnt have it easy growing up, and instead of following your dads steps, youve made your own path. And miss Evie, thank you for loving my boy, and showing him that he is worth so much more than this town has ever given him credit. I know he doesnt always do the right thing, but you dont ever hold it against him. You teach him, and I think for once, when you told him he wasnt a freak, he believed you. Youve gotten him to see, the man I knew he could be. I will forever be grateful to you, for loving him." You look over to Eddie, as he puts his hand on your leg, to see some tears. Leaning over you wipe it away, and raise your glass, "To Eddie Munson. The boy who finally graduated." You say, not taking your eyes off him. "To Eddie!" Everyone cheered for him and it made your heart melt. "Thanks guys, it truly means a lot, but the one person I must thank is this beautiful girl right here. You never gave up on me, and I wouldnt be here if it wasnt for that.  I love you, and cant wait to see where this life takes us baby!" He leans over and kisses your cheek. "I love you too." After dinner your mom and Wayne were cleaning up the kitchen, while Steve took Robin home. You and Eddie were sitting on the porch, he was behind you with his arms around your waist. "Well how does it feel, being a free man?" You ask laying your head back on his shoulder. "Man, its weird I have so many things I want to do but I dont know where to even start!" "We could start by going for a drive, theres a spot out by Lovers Lake," You turn to grab his hand and pull him up. "Not going to lie Munson, Ive always wanted you to fuck me in the van." You whisper being sure your mom doesnt hear you through the windows. Wrapping his arms around your waist gripping your ass sucking gently on your neck. "You know, that sounds like the best Idea Ive ever heard."

Eddies POV:

We told her mom and my Uncle we were going for a drive, after we changed. She was wearing these short cutoff jeans, and my Hellfire shirt Id given her. I threw on a pair of jeans and a Metallica shirt. When we were headed to the van she was in front of me and I noticed how short her shorts actually were, grabbing the door for her as she climbed in, I couldnt help but squeeze her ass. "Eddie, Im not wearing any panties, stop!" She laughed shutting the door and buckling up. I had to get a new van, after the accident, I wanted a car, but Evie insisted I get another van. And now on our way out to the lake, I see why she was so adamant about it. She laid her head back on the seat and just watched me drive, "I can feel you looking at me." I smirked refusing to take my eyes off the road. "Baby, Im always looking at you." She smiled. As we parked and got out, we threw the back doors open and set up some blankets and turned on the lantern for just a small glow. It was peaceful, so quiet you could hear a pin drop. "So, out here, nothing to do, but stare at the stars." I pulled her back with me so she was laying on me, her arms stretched on both sides of my head, holding herself up. "Well, I dont want to look at the stars, Id rather look at you." I pulled her down to kiss her, trying to slide my tongue in her mouth, but she stops and jumps, reaching over the front seat. "I forgot, I got you something. I was going to give it to you this morning, but you distracted me." She smiled flirtaciously, handing me a box. I sat up some, with her still on my lap, I could feel her excitement for me to open the gift she had practically thrown at me. When I opened the small box, there was a thick silver band. The ring had two skulls carved into the sides. Oh, wow baby, I love it so much. She grabbed the lantern so I could see the design, it was beautiful. I noticed she was smiling really hard,  "Thank you." I leaned over to kiss her and she pulled back. "Eddie, look on the inside." She said nodding her head to the ring in my hand. I turned it into the light so I could see it, '86 our year baby -E' I felt my cheeks flush, and I could have probably started crying right there. "This is truly the best gift, Ive ever gotten." She smiled, proud at the gift shed given me. "I love you Eddie, and I meant when I said I was truly proud of you." She wrapped her arms around my neck, and we continued where we left off.

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