Chapter 9 :Darker Days Ahead:

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Time jump : 3 Months later (April)

"I'm telling you, well just throw the party at Steve's, he has the most room and no parents around. No offense Harrington." Steve shot Eddie a look, "Not super offensive coming from you, now is it Eddie?" You step in between the two, just to be sure there isn't any shoving. "Alright, it is our job to come up with the perfect Senior party, I can't do that when I'm worried about you boys, messing up each others pretty hair." You patted both of them firmly on the cheek. "Yeah, so be good boys, and go sit in your respective corners of the store." Robin chimed in, I loved hanging out with my friends and Eddie, but I wont lie the tension between Eddie and Steve was getting exhausting. "I love you both, for very different reasons, and I need both of you in my life. So for the love of all that is holy can you two get a long for once?" You plead, staring at your boyfriend, and best friend. "We have 2 ½ months left of all the high school bull shit, and then that's it. Can we please just enjoy each other?" They both look down to you, and then at each other. Letting out a deep sigh, they shook hands creating a silent peace between the two that you knew wouldn't last, but you were grateful they were at least trying in that moment. "Thank you, both of you." You kiss Steve on his cheek, and turn to kiss Eddie on the corner of his mouth. "So, that's that then, huh? You think they'll stay friends?" Robin asked as I walked back over to her and threw myself up on the counter. "Absolutely not, they'll get drunk this weekend, Steve will throw some flirty looks my way, and Eddie will become the jealous boyfriend." You pause, laying your head on her shoulder. "Ohhh so you mean typical Saturday." You laughed together, Robin tried to help over the last few months to explain to Steve, that you and Eddie weren't breaking up anytime soon. But he held out the hope, that the cute new girl who bowed to him the first day they met, would suddenly change her mind, and fall for the hero of Hawkins. "Alright so, everything is set up, we all know what we are buying?" I jumped back off the counter, grabbing Eddies hand, heading for the door. "We will see you guys tomorrow night, love ya." You say dragging Eddie through the door, to the van. "Where do you think they go every day at 7:30?" "Steve, I'm going to be real, Im not as invested with their relationship like you, I have no clue. But I almost guarantee it ends with sex!"


Eddies POV:

"If you don't drive faster we are going to be late, and I don't want to miss it tonight. We've seen it 3 weeks now, I'm not ending the streak." She laughed, as we hurriedly drove towards the quarry. Its been our tradition for the last 3 weeks, to watch the sunset together. We made it, just barely, she was throwing herself over the seat before I could even get the van parked. "Hurry up slow poke, Im not waiting for you." She yelled, grabbing the blankets and pillows weve had packed in the van since the first night. I parked, and left the radio on, turned down low, I could hear her fumbling around in the back as I ran to open the back doors. Once we got all settled we laid down, her head on my chest and an arm across my stomach. "Im glad we make this time for each other, everyday." She smiled, rubbing her thumb up and down the side of my ribs. "I couldnt imagine a day we dont do this, sweetheart, I love every moment of it." It was a comfortable silence between us, that we shared every day for about 45 minutes. When the sun went down, and the sky was almost dark, we'd shut the van doors, turn the music up a bit more and just talk. I felt like we'd never run out of things to talk about, no matter if we did this every day for the next 50 years. "I cant believe, I'm graduating." I sighed, running my fingers up and down her back. "I can, you just needed to put a little faith in yourself, and an amazing tutor. Who is pretty hot, so thats a bonus." She smirked, "Yeah, shes super humble as well." I teased leaning down and kissing her nose. "Eddie, the world is yours, what are you going to do with it?" She asked grabbing my free hand and intertwining our fingers. "Well, Im going to keep performing, and writing music. Get a job, and save up to get my own place. Finally be an adult." I couldnt believe I was finally imagining a life outside of High School, and Hellfire, I just needed her to know that it didnt matter where I go, shes coming with me. "And you are going to be by my side, the entire way, because my life didnt start until I met you. There isnt a life I want live, if youre not with me." She leaned up and placed her lips gently on mine, "I love you baby." "Love you too, princess."

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