Chapter 3 :Is this real life right now?:

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The day seemed to fly by, which you couldnt deny you were excited to hang out with Eddie outside of school. You walked out the doors, and headed to the van that Eddie said hed meet you at. Leaning against the door of the van reading a book, you patiently wait for him to make his grand entrance. "Hey its the girl that is out of my league!" You looked up from your book to see Steve Harrington standing next to a burgundy BMW, his hands stretched out on the roof of the car. "Your Majesty, youll forgive me if I dont bow." You smiled looking back to your book. He walked around to you, and stood in front of you holding out his hand. "Im sorry, Im Steve." You looked at his hand for a few seconds before deciding to shake it. "I feel like Girl out of your league is too long, you can call me Evie. " "I like that, Evie." You look down and see he still has your hand in his. "You gonna give her back her hand Harrington?" Eddie slid himself next to you putting his arm around your waist. Steve snapped out of it dropping my hand, and stepping back. "Oh, Munson, sorry, I didnt know she was with you." Eddie puffed up his chest proud, until you spoke deflating every ounce of air. "Im not with him, we are just friends." You smirk getting in the passenger seat of Eddies van, smiling at both of the boys you had just left speechless in the parking lot. After an awkward exchange between Eddie and Steve, he jumped in the drivers seat and cranked the huge rust bucket of a van, while beating the steering wheel as if it were a drum. "You ready to have the best evening ever?" He gave you a wicked grin and your breath hitched, "Don't make me regret getting in this van Eddie." You stuttered reaching for the seatbelt and barely getting it snapped on when he peeled out of the parking lot. After a 15 minute, loud, Eddie karaoke filled drive, we had arrived to what seemed to be a run down trailer park. The sign in the front was faded, unable to be read, and there were really only 5 trailers and they were placed sporadically in the most random places. Eddie ran around the van, flinging the passenger door open before you could even unbuckle, "M'lady" he bowed holding out his hand to help you out of the van. "Mr. Munson, your kindness just surprises me every time!" You let Eddie help you down, mainly because he was so adorable, but also because you wanted to feel any part of him on you. "Well Evie, dont go around saying that too loud, you know I have sort of a reputation to keep." He pretended to look around making sure no one had heard me. I jokingly patted his chest, "God forbid, Eddie Munson loses that bad boy rep, right?" a smile formed in the corner of his mouth, "Oh so is that why youre here? You have a thing for bad boys?" He ran his fingers down the side of my arm and I had instant chills. "Well sorry to disappoint, its more of a Freak/Cult Leader rep." The smile faded as he walked to the door and hung his head. You stopped him by grabbing his hand and pulled his face to yours, merely inches apart, you stared directly into his gorgeous, dark almost black eyes. "Eddie Im not sure who started these rumors, or called you a freak, but they are completely brain dead. They say freak, and I say charming, kind, and generous." His eyes light up, almost like a spark of hope was returned to them. "You're just saying that," He paused let out a loud sigh and looked you up and down. "But lucky for you, Donovan, your flattery may just get you somewhere." You smiled and rolled your eyes, gently shoving him to the door. "Ego Munson. Get it in check. Lets get this best evening started shall we?" You follow Eddie into the small trailer, only to run directly into him when he stops right in front of you. "Eddie, I didnt know youd be home right after school," The older gentleman peered around his nephew to spot you, looking directly at the floor. "And I had no clue you'd be having a guest."Your eyes shot up in the direction of the voice, you smiled and held out your hand. "Hello Mr. Munson, Im Evelyn Donovan, its nice to meet you. Eddie has told me so much about you!" He gladly shook the hand you so kindly offered. "Wow, Eddie, where did you find this one? And how can I help to be sure you dont mess it up?" He let out a low grunt trying to hold back his laughter. Eddie rolled his eyes, grabbing your hand and dragging you back through a narrow hallway to a room, it wasnt very large, but there was definitely a lot going on. Posters were everywhere on the walls, drawings, and as you turned towards the dresser your eyes met the most beautiful guitar. Eddie could see you were enchanted by its beauty, "Gorgeous isnt she?"He walked over touching it, you simply nodded afraid to breathe around it for fear youd ruin it somehow. Eddie threw his jean vest over the chair in the corner of his room, and threw himself down on his bed laying on his side. He smiled shyly, and patted the surface of the bed next to him, waiting for you to join him. You rolled your eyes, removing your coat and laying face to face, truly taking in everything around you. Everything being Eddie.

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