Chapter 7 :The L-Word:

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!!!Smut!!!!!! 18+ please!!!!! First time writing smut, so be kind!!!!

Eddie flung the trailer door open with you still pressed to his lips, arms tightly around his neck, and his were firmly grasping your thighs, carrying you through the front door. You were both drenched, soaking wet from the heavy down pour that just happened to start right after Eddie had asked you to be his girlfriend. You knew you had said you wanted to take things slow, but with Eddie you felt completely comfortable and safe. He truly felt like home, and it was a feeling you never wanted to lose. He carried you back into his room, and he put you down, you were standing so close that you could have sworn you could hear his heart race. "We dont have to do anything you dont want to do Evie; I dont want you too feel like you have to." Eddie stopped, all serious at this point, he was ready, but would have been just as happy to hold you through the night. You smiled, knowing that Eddie truly cared for you, and wanted nothing but to make you happy; sliding your wet Hellfire shirt off slowly over your head, being sure not to break eye contact, throwing it across the room. "I know, and I love that about you Eddie, but I wouldnt have agreed to a night alone if I wasnt ready." You gently moved his hair from his face, and kissed his jawline, "I want you," you whisper kissing up to his ear lobe. You feel Eddie slowly run his hands up your sides, to your back, on the clasp of your bra. "Is this okay, baby?" He asks softly, his voice shaking with a nervousness youve never heard from him. "Yes, its okay Eddie." You take turns slowly removing clothes from each other, until you are in just a black lace pair of panties, and Eddie is in his underwear. "You are so beautiful, princess, just breath taking." Eddie finally speaks taking mental images of every inch of you, he wanted to remember all of it. Just as he grabbed your hand to bring you to the bed, the thunder and lightening pick up their intensity, and the power goes out. The only light that is shining are a few candles Eddie had lit when you first came in, the glow was soft, and he looked absolutely perfect. He was standing near the bed, pulling you to him, he sat on the edge of the bed and directed you to sit straddling his lap. You could feel how ready he was through his boxers, and this made you excited, and wet. You traced your fingers up his arms, to his shoulders, pulling him into a kiss that was so deep, you truly felt you couldnt be any closer. He ran his tongue lightly across your lips, asking for entry, and you let him in without hesitation. His hands were placed firmly on your hips, and he couldnt help but move them downward putting pressure on his hard cock. You both let out a low moan into each others mouths, and it drove you both crazy. "Lay back some, Munson." You push him back to the wall, kissing a trail from his jawline to his neck, leaving little bites, "Oh, princess, Fuuck." Eddie hisses, running his hand through your hair, moving it out of the way so he can see everything youre doing. You reach the top of his underwear and smile devilishly, gently tapping his hips telling him to lift the hips. You slide them down, and his rock-hard cock is released, you cant help but let out a little gasp, you had no idea how big he truly was. Eddie laughs lightly, hearing your gasp, "Whats wrong baby? Afraid you cant handle it?" You bring yourself back up face to face, "Im always up for a challenge handsome, now lay back, relax, and be a good boy." You kiss him gently on the lips, and then give all of your attention to his throbbing member below you. Leaving your head above it, you slowly spit on the tip, grabbing it firmly with your hand which looks even smaller compared to his size. You slowly start jerking him from head to base, Eddie lets out a few moans, with a "Fuck, baby," in between them. You cant believe how undone hes becoming just from one hand, which is making you even more excited, and youre pretty sure youre pussy is dripping at this point. Not wanting to rush, but you cant wait anymore, you tease him by licking the tip, placing it in your mouth. You start sliding your mouth up and down his thick cock, trying to take as much of it as you can, and using your hands where you cant. Eddies head rolls back, and his eyes shut, grabbing your hair with both hands, slowly guiding you up and down, further each time, causing you to gag a few times. You tap his thigh, trying to get his attention, which he completely ignores, you grab his chin with one hand lowering his gaze to you. You wanted him to watch you, and you wanted to see what Eddie looked like, while he was unraveling in your grasp. "You putting on a show for me sweet girl?" He asked breathless, and shaky, moaning even louder, as you go faster, feeling his cock starting to twitch against your tongue, you slide him out of your mouth briefly. "I want you to cum for me Eddie, please, I want to feel you explode in my mouth." He groans, as your hands start stroking faster, "Can I fuck your sweet mouth baby?" He asks, and you nod taking him back into your mouth, preparing yourself for the rough fucking your throat is about to take. He grabs your hair and starts thrusting his hips upwards, until you have most of his cock in your mouth. You let out a few moans, feeling so excited knowing hes having his way with you. "Ohhh, fuck, princess, Im so close." You moan, more, knowing the vibration will help him reach his high. You feel him start to twitch, and a low throbbing, hes about to cum. "Oh baby, Im cumming," Thrusting so hard your eyes are watering, and your gagging, and drooling at this point. You feel his grip tighten holding your head still, and he does exactly what you wanted, Eddie explodes in your mouth, and you swallow every last drop. His body relaxes, as you milk him until theres nothing left. You climb up straddling him again, "Damn, baby, you are so amazing." Eddie breathes, wiping the tears off of your cheeks, from gagging. "I didnt hurt you did I princess?" You shake your head, "No, baby." He reaches his hand up to stroke your cheek, placing a kiss gently on your lips. He sits up, grabbing you and laying you down on the bed. "Your turn pretty girl," He sits up on his knees, and slowly spreads your legs so he can see everything. Taking his thumb, running it along the outside of your panties, "God damn baby, you liked giving me head that much? Youre wet as hell!" "What can I say Munson, Im a giver." You sigh, smiling and watching him has he lowers himself in between your thighs, and moves your panties to the side. He places kisses, and gentle bites on your thighs, your back arching just from feeling his breath on your wet slit. He kisses your lips, and then starts slowly flicking your clit with his tongue,  and tracing your hole with his middle finger teasing you. "Eddie, please, dont tease me." You beg, and this is exactly what hes waiting for. "Oh, come one princess, you have to let me know how bad you want it." He enters just the tip of his finger, slowly sliding it in and out, while gently sucking on your clit, Sending chills down your spine. "Tell me what you want baby." Breathless, you barely get the words out, "I want you to make me cum Eddie, please baby. " He let out a low, devilish laugh, as you wish, princess. Without hesitation he forcefully shoves his finger into you, causing you to let out a loud moan, still sucking on your clit, he goes faster, and sliding in another finger. You can feel the coldness of his rings hitting your sensitive skin, giving you a feeling youve never felt before, causing your back to arch and your hands to grab Eddies brown curls. "Oh, Eddie, that feels soo good." You start winding your hips up thrusting into his tongue and fingers, grinding into him. You feel a warm sensation start rise in your stomach, and its spreading fast. You grind your hips faster, chasing your high, losing yourself under Eddies spell. "Oh, god, Im gonna cum baby, dont stop Eddie." Your grasp tighter on his hair, pulling him even deeper into you. He slows down as your body convulses around his fingers, until you ride out your high. Pulling his fingers out of you, he crawls up and lays next to you, licking every ounce of you off of his fingers. "You taste so good baby, so sweet." You waste no time, straddling him, and gently biting his ear, whispering, "I need you, to fuck me Munson, please." Licking a hard line down his jaw, down his neck, leaving little bites, and hickeys as you go. He grabs your hips, hard enough to bruise, "You sure about this baby?" He asks, ready to stop if you cant go on. You grab his hand and run it down to your wet pussy, making him feel how sure you truly were. "Mmm, god baby, you are dripping, gonna ride me so good arent ya?" He moans in your ear, sticking his wet sticky fingers in your mouth, making you taste yourself. You grab his rock hard cock with one hand and slowly slide yourself down onto him, airy moans escape both your mouths. He helps hold you up, while you adjust to taking him all in, "if its too much baby I can always flip you." You shake your head, he knew how stubborn you were, and how determined youd be to doing this, your way. "Its okay baby, I just need a second." You slide back up, teasing Eddie with just his tip in your dripping wet hole. You slide down slowly a few times, until you can feel his balls smashing against you, throwing your head back as you pick up the pace, grinding faster, and faster. "Look at me princess, I want to watch you, while my cock fills you up." He grabs the back of your head, and tilts you back down, laying your bare chest on his, your perky hard nipples rubbing into his chest. He grabs your hips and starts helping you grind into him, as you both let out moans of pleasure, youre pretty sure the whole trailer park can hear. "Fuck, baby, youre so tight, Im not gonna last much longer, princess." You look him in the eye, "Eddie, oh god, youre so big!" He grabs your hips even harder holding them in place, as he thrusts up slamming into you, hard enough to make you scream out in ecstasy, "Eddie, Im gonna cum, oh god." "Cum with me baby" His thrusts were losing rhythm, getting sloppy, you knew this was it, you both cumming together, and collapsing on the bed.  Eddie grabbed you, pulling you into him laying your head on his chest. You could hear the erratic rhythm of his heart, as he tried to catch his breath. "Evie, that was incredible." Eddie spit out after a few minutes, his breathing was almost back to normal. "Amazing." Was the only word that came to mind to describe the events that unfolded, in that tiny trailer, on what was your first date. "We should probably get dressed, before we pass out, and wake up to my uncle checking on us." You groaned, not wanting to move, every inch of your lower half was sore, you knew youd feel that in the morning. Eddie, got up and grabbed your over night bag, and took out a pair of shorts you packed, and handing them too you, as well as a faded band t-shirt from his dresser. He helped you sit up and get dressed, after he threw on his boxers and sweat pants, climbing back over you so you could curl back up and go to sleep. You fell asleep listening to Eddies heart beat, and him playing with your hair.

Eddies POV:

I couldnt even begin to describe how I was feeling, laying in bed with my beautiful girlfriend, she was mine. She wanted to be with me, spend time with me. I watched her, as she fell asleep in my arms, she was so peaceful, and it brought me peace. I kissed her forehead, and held her all night. I was afraid to fall asleep, fearing that this was all just a dream, and she wasnt really here. Eventually exhaustion kicked in and I couldnt help how heavy my eyes, had gotten. "Good night, beautiful. I-I love you." I whispered, finally letting sleep find me.

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