Chapter 6 :Kiss me in the Rain:

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*Small time jump* 2 weeks!!

"Ahhhh!!! You yell running from your room and down the stairs," you could feel the vibrations of his foot steps not far behind you. You round the corner of the living room, and pause for a moment trying to catch your breath when all of a sudden you shriek as your being tackled on the couch. "I told you, Id catch you!" Eddie wraps his arms around you as you try to catch your breath from laughing so hard. "Quicker then I thought you were, Munson." You lean up to place your lips on his giving him a gentle kiss. Just then your mom rounds the corner, "Eddie, are you staying for dinner tonight sweetheart? We are having chili." You hear a low grumble coming from Eddies stomach, and so did your mother. "Ill take that as a yes, get cleaned up you two dinner is in 10!" She laughed and walked back into the kitchen. "Jeez, baby, youre not hungry are you?" You joke still struggling beneath Eddies full body weight on you. "Well, chasing you around made me work up an appetite, apparently." He shrugged kissing the entirety of your face before helping you up and dragging you to the dining room for dinner.

These past few weeks have felt like a dream come true, not just for yourself and Eddie, but your mom and Eddies uncle as well. You and Eddie had become inseparable, so your mom invited Eddies uncle for dinner that first weekend you had hung out, she had decided that she was going to make sure to protect you better this time around. After that first dinner, you and Eddie sat on the steps listening to your mom telling Wayne about how she had never seen her daughter so happy and full of life. And Wayne reciprocated it saying how his nephew had never truly felt like he belonged anywhere, and felt that no one would ever care about him, but they were both so happy that you and Eddie had found each other. "Wow, I never realized how worried my mom was about all of this." You whispered to Eddie, who was sitting a step below you, in between your legs while you played with his hair. He nodded, "I never knew that my uncle was that aware of the rumors, and lies going around about me." You bent down and kissed the top of Eddies head, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and squeezing. "I promise, as long as I am around you will always have someone on your side." He turns to the side kissing your cheek, which was placed near his. After that, you spent all of your spare time with each other, between study sessions at your house, helping Eddie, or guitar lessons at his house, as he was desperate to teach you this new Metallica song he was obsessed with. If Eddie was busy youd find yourself down at Family Video, hanging out with Robin and Steve, which Robin had basically became your instant bestie, and #1 fan of you and the freak. "Robin, you know I hate when you call him that, hes not a freak." You huffed throwing yourself up on the counter at the video store, Eddie had some sales to take care of so he told me hed meet me at 4 and we could grab a movie. "Listen, Robin doesnt mean it in a bad way, on the contrary she couldnt be any nicer." Steve leaned next to you, "Truly." Robin was stacking movies in the horror section trying to defend her point, "You are a literal fairytale princess, Evie, and Eddie Munson is the monster that you fall in love with and save his soul." "So, he was a freak and now hes a monster? Rob, Im struggling to help you here, ya gotta pick one."Steve rambled running his fingers through his hair, as a young blonde walked in taking his attention away from the disagreement you and Robin were having. "I dont mean it in a bad way, hes truly a gentle giant. All Im saying is, I think its adorable and you are living a fairytale dream." You rolled your eyes throwing a piece of paper at her, "Listen I dont know what this is that Im living, but I can tell you one thing, Ive truly never been happier." "Man, hes really gotten his hooks into you, huh?" Steve walked back over after striking out with the 8th girl of the night. "I wouldnt say it like that Harrington, hes the first guy who has ever truly showed me kindness, and patience. And he makes me really happy, now will you guys please help me find a movie for tonight?" You sigh jumping off the counter and rummaging through the Horror section. "Ohhh, we just got Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, have you seen it?" Robin skips over to you excitedly handing you the new release. Just as you were about to answer her, the bell chimed above the door and it was like  a presence, you could feel it was him without even looking up. "Has anyone seen my pretty girl?" You walk to the door to greet him, jumping and throwing your arms around his neck, he wraps his hands around your waist, pulling you into a sweet, drawn out kiss. "Get a room, jeez." You hear Steve whisper under his breath, walking towards the back. "Hey, handsome, Robin picked out the movie for tonight, unless you want to see what else they have?" You hand him the movie, and he looks it over. "Nah, Buckley has great taste, and besides, Harrington said we need a room, which I talked to my uncle, and he talked to your mom." He paused looking very nervous. "What?" You ask quizzically. "Dinner for you and I at my place tonight, and your mom is okay with you spending the night!" He kisses your forehead, he has instant butterflies thinking about being able to sleep next to you. "Really?! How did you pull that off?" You wrap your arms around his waist, looking up at him anxiously, unable to contain your excitement. As Robin is checking you guys out with your movie he explains, "Well I convinced my uncle to tell your mom hell be home all night tonight, hes not happy about lying but I promised him, that we were cramming for our test tomorrow." "Mr. Munson, you got your uncle to lie so you can spend an entire night with me?" He looked down at you and blushed, "Id do anything to spend an entire night with you, sweetheart."He replied and you inhaled sharply, unsure why but the way he said that hed do anything, definitely sent shivers up and down your entire body. "Well, you kids have fun, and dont do anything I wouldnt do." Robin shot a wink in your direction and a deep laugh, knowing Robins secret made that statement even funnier. Eddie took you home for a bit so you could pack some stuff, and talk to your mom. After a while of packing and making sure you had everything you heard the doorbell and heard Eddie in the kitchen with your mom talking. You grab your overnight bag, and school bag and run down the stairs to join the conversation. "Listen, I am so happy that you found Eddie, and you two are really great together, but I swear to God Evelyn Jade, I will not be a grandma anytime soon!" You dropped your bags, and your mouth at what your mom said to you and Eddie. "Oh. My. God. Mom!!!!!" You turn bright red, and wont even make eye contact with Eddie, even as he speaks. "Mrs. Donovan, please dont worry, Evie and I are taking things slow, I would never push her or rush her into something she didnt want. Besides Im still trying to get to know her to figure out if Im going to marry her one day." He winks at your mom; they both know they are getting to you with this conversation. "Alright, you two, lets separate, before you give me a panic attack." You huffed, turning towards the front door, "I live in the now, not thinking about the future, so you both can stop!" You smirked, walking to the front door yelling "Love you mom, lets go Munson." You run out to the van throwing yourself in before Eddie could come out and open the door for you. You knew it would irritate him, but it was honestly payback for the conversation he just had with your mom. You pretended you didnt see him come out and mope over to the driver side, and slowly crawl in, when you finally looked over, he was glaring at you, if looks could kill. "Aww, whats wrong Eddie?" You couldnt help but laugh, it was the funniest thing ever. "You know whats wrong, but Im not going to let it bother me, we have a date." When you heard the word date, you instantly got nervous, you and Eddie were always just together, it wasnt anything official.  When we arrived at his trailer, his uncle was leaving for the night. "Hey Mr. Munson! How are you?" You ask jumping out of the van and hugging him, "Ive told you Eve, you can call me Wayne." He hugged back after throwing his lunch box in the truck. "Sorry, its a habit, Ill try harder." He rubs your head, "Im off, Ill be back around 6 am. Im trusting you both, be smart, please!" Eddie grabbed your bag out of the van and started towards the steps "Scouts Honor." He says to his uncle without even acknowledging him. "He's a bit grumpy huh?" "I didn't let him open my door; hes having a tantrum." You tell his uncle good night and walk in the house, Eddie was in his room setting your bags down and you notice it looks different. "Eddie Munson, did you clean your room??" You gasp, walking over towards the bed. "And you made the bed, with clean sheets!!!" You walk up behind him and put your arms around his waist, laying your head in between his shoulder blades. "You did all of this for me, Eddie?" You ask seriously. "I told you Evie; Id do anything for you." He turned around slowly moving your hair from your face and lifting your chin, so you were looking in his eyes. It made you nervous this time, and you werent sure why, youve stared into those eyes countless times in the last few weeks, getting butterflies each time. You knew exactly how you felt about Eddie Munson, the town freak, the boy who helped heal your broken heart. The only issue was, you werent sure if he felt the exact same way. "You keep saying that Munson, and Im eventually going to believe you." You give him a small grin. "Ill say it as many times as you need to hear it Donovan." He kisses your forehead, and then your nose, and finally your lips. Every kiss from Eddie was like an electric surge through your entire body, and you could never get enough. He grabbed your hand and led you to the kitchen where he started making dinner, while you sat on the counter, handing him ingredients and admiring his skills.


Eddies POV:

After dinner, we cleaned up and Evie decided she wanted to go up on the roof to look at the stars. We grabbed a blanket and some beers, using the ladder leaning against the trailer we climbed up and she sat in between my legs with her head resting on my chest. I leaned back on one hand, and rubbed her arm with the other. "Dinner was really good Eddie, who would have thought you could cook that well." She joked, I loved hearing her laugh, it was like music to my ears, I wish I could record it and hear it all the time. "Hey now, just because Im a freak doesnt mean I dont have skills." She sat up and turned towards me, on her knees, putting her arms around my neck. "I hate when you say that, you arent a freak. I wish you could see yourself the way I do, just once." I sighed and looked down, "Me too, sweetheart. Me too, but maybe one day! So I kind of lied, I had a secret motive for tonight, but I wanted it to be a surprise." I hear her almost stop breathing, to hold her breath. "Relax Evie, its not anything bad." She relaxes a bit and sits on her ass, facing me with her legs over mine, our faces mere inches apart. "Whats wrong Eddie?" I think she could sense my nerves, I grabbed her face gently rubbing her cheek. "I have been thinking all day, about how to say this, and Im not going to lie, Ive struggled to come up with anything. So instead of sitting here and rambling on, Im just going to say it. But I want you to promise me, youll let me finish before you say anything." "Okay?" She rests her head into my hand, and smiles. "I promise, Eddie." I take a deep breath, here we go, now or never. "I knew from the second, that I laid my eyes on you that I needed to know you, everything about you. And I know weve known each other a few weeks, but I cant imagine a life where I didnt have you in it. I feel almost normal, when Im with you, I dont feel out of place, or like a freak, I feel like Eddie. Youve shown me that the sides of me that everyone else sees as negative, or wrong, are the best sides of me. Evie, will you be mine, officially?" Her face lit up, and she smiled from ear to ear, "So, what youre saying is, you want to be my boyfriend?" She let out a tiny giggle, it was pure excitement. "Don't make me spell it out for you Donovan, it would make me happier then ever to be your boyfriend." She threw her arms around my neck, and pulled me in, our lips crashing into each other, twisting her fingers through my hair. Thunder started to rumble, and the rain hit out of nowhere. But Evie and I, we didnt move, if anything the rain intensified the kiss, I could feel her smiling against my lips. "And Id love nothing more than to be your girlfriend, Eddie." She paused our kiss to answer my question, and then looked up at the sky. "This is some beautiful weather, huh?" I asked as she watched the storm roll in. She laughed, and pulled me in again, "Shut up, and kiss me."

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