Chapter 8 :Do you feel the same:

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The next morning, I woke up to Wayne knocking on the door of Eddies room. He quietly opened it, and poked his head in. "Good morning, Im getting ready to lay down, I made some coffee if youd like some." You smiled, looking over at Eddie who was still out, hair in his face and his arm thrown across you. "Ill get him up in a few minutes, dont want him to be grumpy." You smiled as you snuck out of the bed to join his uncle in the kitchen, "How'd the studying go?" He asked with a half grin on his face, letting me know he didnt believe a word Eddie said. "Good, also, the dinner he made was amazing." You stated trying to change the subject, Wayne let out a silent laugh. "I was young too Eve, all I want to know is if he treated you right?" You set your mug down and lean your elbows onto the counter. "He did, Mr. M un--I mean Wayne. He always does, he asked me to be his girlfriend last night, and Ive never been happier." You pause, "What's with the face?" He asked genuinely out of concern. "Well, I wasnt going to say anything, but last night, he told me...that he-he loved me." Wayne just smiled, "He told me how he felt when he begged me to let you stay, Im proud of him for saying it." You shook your head, "Thats the thing though, he said it when he thought I was sleeping. I dont think I was meant to hear him, and I dont know if I should say anything." You sighed, laying your head in your hands.  His uncle walks over and puts a hand on your shoulder, "Well, I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you this, Ive never seen that kid happier, and I mean truly happy. He hasnt had it easy, people always just assumed to know him, but youve taken the time, to learn things about my nephew that no one else knows. I guess it comes down to if you feel the same way." He grabbed his cup and headed back to his room. You knew exactly how you felt about Eddie, but werent sure if you could say it to him yet. "Hey princess." You feel Eddie wrap his arm around your waist pulling you into a hug. "Good morning to you, handsome." You respond leaning back to kiss his cheek. "Do we have to go to school, we can stay here and cuddle all day." Eddie said burying his face in your neck. "Absolutely not, dont want all that studying you two did last night to be pointless." Eddies uncle poked his head out from his bedroom, letting out a laugh, as he grabbed his smokes off the counter, and went back to bed. You shook your head walking back to Eddies room to get dressed. "Did I miss something?" "We were busted, Munson." You yelled grabbing your bag and heading to take a shower. You heard the bathroom door open and shut quickly, but you were too busy washing your hair to pay attention. When you turned around you almost fell, "Jesus Eddie!" You yelled, surprised to see him in the shower with you. "Sorry princess, I couldnt help it, I just wanted to see how beautiful you were in the day light, as well as night." He smiled looking you up and down licking his lips, "Well?" You ask wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him into the water with you. "Even more gorgeous, in the day light." He smiled into your lips kissing you gently. After your short make out session, and quick showers you both had gotten dressed for school. Throwing on your jeans, and black tank top, you grabbed a dark green flannel from Eddies closet and threw it on. "I didnt know stealing my clothes was part of the boyfriend deal, Donovan?" Eddie stood in the doorway of the trailer as you walked out of the bedroom ready to go. You threw your shoes on and followed him out the door, "Wanna borrow my skirt sometime?" You ask playfully as he opens the door for you, letting you in the van. He gently smacked your ass "Very funny, princess."


When you got to school you headed to your locker, seeing Robin in the hall, "Well, if it isnt Beauty and the Freak, are youwaitare y---you two holding hands?" She stopped in the middle of the hallway. You felt yourself turning red, "Jeez, Robin, I didnt know it was a public announcement!" "If she doesnt tell everyone, I will." Eddie leaned down and kissed your cheek, "Where are you going?" You ask grabbing his arm. "I have to grab something from the office, Ill meet you in 1st period." Eddie gently kissed your forehead and left you and Robin to gossip. "So, how was the studying?" Robin poked, leaning against the lockers, you couldnt hide the redness in your cheeks, "Oh, Robin, he is truly amazing. He asked me to be his girlfriend, while sitting on the roof looking at the stars." You trail off digging through your locker for your history book. "See, Evie, I told you fairytale." "That isnt even the most romantic part, it started storming, while we were on the roof, making out. We went in, he had candles lit." "Ohh, he set the mood, for a little horizontal tango!" She yelled excitedly, your hand flew up and covered her mouth, as a few students passing by were staring. "My sex life isnt to be broadcasted to the entire school, Robin!" "Sorry, I just cant contain my excitement for you, Evie. You look happy!" You smiled at your friend, and then thought back to last night, hearing what Eddie confessed when he thought you were asleep. "He told me he loved me, when I was sleeping, and I dont know what Im supposed to do." You blurted out, and Robins jaw dropped. "Woah, how do you feel about it?" You slammed your locker and laid against it. "Ya know, Im sick of everyone asking this. I have no clue what to do!" You didnt realize how loud you where until you realized half the hallway was staring at you. "Ill see you later, Rob." You huff walking to class.

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