Chapter 11 :86 Baby:

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Eddies POV:

The last month had been a long one, Evie and I trying to recover from the accident, catching up on our school work to be sure we graduated. "Well, princess last week of school are you ready?" I asked helping her out of her moms car. "I am, Munson. How about you? Ready to finally say goodbye to Hawkins High after all these years?" She asked wrapping her arms around my waist and pulling me into her. I moved the strand of hair from her face and kissed her gently, "Considering I finally have something to look forward too, I cant wait." "EVIE!!!! LOVE OF MY LIFE, AND MY BESTIE!" We heard Robin come barreling toward us, and Steve followed in behind, being sure to keep a distance. She practically tackled us both wrapping us up in a group hug. "Robin, I just seen you last night." Evie struggled to get out in Robins tight grasp, she looked over at Steve, who was slowly creeping towards us. "Eddie, Im sorry for everything that happened that night, and for what I said. I never should have tried to convince her to be with me, you two are quite literally a match made in heaven and I chose to ignore it." He looked down kicking the ground, I could tell a part of him felt guilty about the events of that night too, we all almost lost her. I held my hand out and he took it, shaking it firmly. "I get it Harrington, shes amazing, trust me. I would fight for her every day, over and over again." He smiled turning to Evie, she had to be a little more convinced to accept the apology then myself. "Eve, Im so sorry, for what I said, and how I acted. I miss my friendship with you, and I hope that one day you can forgive me. I was an idiot, and I know that now. I need you in my life, and if a friend is what that means than Id be happy with it." She looked to me, and then to Steve. "If Eddie forgives you, then so do I." She nodded, reaching to pull Steve into a hug. "Alright I hate to break up this love fest, but we have a final week of school to get through, Harrington." I said grabbing Evies books from the car, she still had the cast on her arm, and the bruises were still on her face in shades of yellows and green. She hated it, she had cried last night because of how ugly she thought she was. "Eddie, I can carry a book or two I have one working arm." She rolled her eyes putting her bag on her good shoulder. "I dont care if you had 8 working arms, Im carrying these. Now lets get to class, Donovan." I lightly smacked her ass and wrapped my arm around her waist and we walked towards our last week in Hell.


The week flew by, and it was finally Saturday. You were racing around your bedroom, trying to finish getting ready and it was a struggle with one arm. You had everything done, hair, make up all that was left was trying to zip up the back of your black dress. "Damnit!" You yelled getting frustrated. "Need some help princess?" You turned to see Eddie leaning on your doorway, smiling ear to ear. "Shut it Munson, and please help me!" You pleaded, almost whining. He walked over and stood behind you while you faced the mirror, instant chills when you felt a hand on the small of your back. He zipped it up slowly, and placed a few random kisses on your shoulder, and neck. "Eddie, I just got dressed, put on fresh panties and all. Im not trying to be a mess sitting at graduation, save it for later lover boy." He smiled against your neck, and turned you around to face him. "Absolutely beautiful, but I got you something, so close your eyes."You sighed, doing as he said "You didnt have to get me a thing, you know that." You felt something thin and cold slide around your neck, you knew it was a necklace. "Okay, open them." He stood back proud, and excited for you to see his gift. You walked to the mirror looking at the charms on it. They were silver, there were 2 Es with a sun charm in the middle, it was the most beautiful thing youd seen. You threw your arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, turning back to shut your door and lock it. "Baby, we have 15 minutes before your mom gets back." He whispered into your mouth. You shoved him back so he fell onto the bed, "Guess we should hurry up then huh?" You smile, undoing his belt, and black jeans pulling them down along with his boxers.


He was already hard, probably from the comment about being a mess because of him. You climbed on top of him, straddling over his hard cock, teasing the tip with your wet slit. "Oh, god princess, dont tease me, please." He begged, and it was like something in you flipped, you grabbed his cock firmly in your hands and pumped it a few times before you helped glide it into you, taking all of him in. You both let out a deep moan, as you felt him fill you up completely. "Eddie, it feels so good," You moan, his hands firmly grabbing your hips, gliding them back and forth as you ride him like a pro. You lean yourself down to his neck, kissing and sucking a few love bites, and you decide to give him what he wants. "Baby, I want you to fuck me so good I can barely walk that stage to get my diploma." You whisper softly in his ear, and its all he needs, his eyes seem to almost go black, and he flips you onto your back in one motion, not breaking your connection. He gave you a devilish grin and grabbed one of your legs and wrapped it around his waist, and the other over his shoulder. "Your wish is my command, sweet girl." And with that he thrusts into you so hard, it takes your breath away. He gives you a few slower pumps before picking up his pace, he takes his thumb and rubs your clit, sending your body into overdrive. "Oh, god princess, you are so fucking tight, it feels so fucking good." You moan, unable to get any form of words out as you can feel yourself getting close. "Eddie, Im gonna cum, please dont stop." He feels you tighten all around his throbbing cock, as he goes even faster, his pumps getting sloppier and losing rhythm. "Thats it baby, cum for me, cum with me." He locks eyes with you and its almost like he controlled your entire body in that moment. "Now, princess." And with that you released all over him, you felt the twitching and throbbing as he came at the same time. He collapsed on top of you, placing kisses gently all over your face. "Well, now we have 5 minutes until your mom gets back, we should get cleaned up, yeah?" you nod unable to catch your breath, and he slides himself out of you and grabs a towel of the back of your door. Cleaning himself off, and then he walked over to clean you off as well. He stood and pulled up his underwear and jeans fixing his belt. He walked over to your dresser and pulled out a clean pair of red silk panties and bent to help you into them. "If you dont stop looking at me like that Donovan, Ill be ready for round 2 in about 5 seconds." He laughs, "I cant help it Eddie, youre so handsome." He slides the panties up slowly, the electricity from his hands sending shockwaves up your thighs. "I cant wait to see you cross that stage, knowing that this is what is underneath that gown." He kissed you gently, pulling your dress back down. "Kids, are you ready? Wayne and I want to get some pictures before we have to leave." You hear your mom call from the bottom of the steps. "Perfect timing Munson." You say kissing him one last time before grabbing your purse and walking to the door. "Lets go graduate." You hold out your hand to him, ready for this new adventure, knowing you couldnt imagine doing it with anyone else. "86, baby" he smiled taking your hand and following you down the stairs.

Eddies POV:

This was it, I was next, I already watched Robin, and my sweet princess get their diplomas, and it was my turn. "Edward Munson" Evie, and Robin shot up out of there seats, screaming, and cheering. It didnt matter to me that they were the only two that were truly cheering, the rest I think were just clapping to celebrate not having to see me again next year. I grabbed the diploma, smiled to the crowd and turned and flipped the principal the bird. I walked back to my seat next to Evie, and she threw her arms around me, and gave me the biggest smile. "Im so proud of you Eddie." "I truly couldnt have done it without you sweetheart, you gave me a reason to want to get out of here, you took the time to help me and get me to where I am now. Thank you." I kissed her again and wrapped my arm around her. "Let me just say, once again congrats to the class of 86, I hope you all find what makes you truly happy." The principal stated, as we all stood up throwing our tassels to the other side of our caps, and the entire gym erupted in cheers.

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