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"Mr Nyathi, so good to see you."
Siya:Likewise, Mr Ntuli.
They all sat down and he opened the chair for Kukhanya.
Ntuli:So is this your special woman?
Kukhanya's face flushed with blushing.
Siya:Something like that.
Ntuli:You chose well.
Kukhanya smiled and for a moment she forgot about her temporary problems. Only thing that mattered at that moment was this dinner. The meeting went on and the men discussed about their business ventures. She was busy taking notes, how you should go about when looking for investors or opening your own business.
Ntuli:Well we will be on our way. Thank you Mr Nyathi.
Nyathi:The pleasure was all mine.
The associates left, leaving Kukhanya and Siya alone at the table.
Siya:Do you want us to go?
Kukhanya:Yeah I am finished with my food.
Siya:Okay, let me settle the bill.
He called the waiter and he gave him the slip. He took his wallet and Kukhanya gasped at how fat the wallet was, filled with a lot of notes.
He counted a few of them before he gave them to the waiter.
Siya:Now we can leave.
Kukhanya:Okay, but I need the bathroom first.
Siya:I will wait for you outside.
She nodded and went to the ladies and Siya went outside to wait for her.

At the bathroom.
Kukhanya, totally unaware of anything, did her business and wiped herself with a tissue that is always in her bag. She did a few mini breathing exercises and stepped out of the toilet. She went over the sink and opened the tap releasing water.
She washed her hands and closed the tap.
Just as she was turning to walk out, suddenly the room felt chilly. Like there was someone in there with her, she softly stomped her heels on the floor opening all the doors to check who it was.
She saw no one, the lights started to flicker and smoke filled the room;as if someone sprayed some sort of gas or something. She coughed removing the smoke dramatically from her face, trying to see more. She heard heavy breathing behind her and she opened her eyes out as her breathing completely went abnormal. She tightly held her dress and slowly turned back.
Her eyes met the figure that was starring at her, like she's some sort of meal.
She screamed loudly running to the door. She tried to open it but it was locked. She repeatedly banged it trying to open and called for help. She frequently moved the door knob but it just wasn't budging..
"Kukhanya... Your time has come",his disguised voice echoed the whole room startling her.
"Wh... What do you want with me... And who are you...?",she asked with a scared voice. She was now facing him.
The room was too quiet much to her dislike, only his heavy breathing making any noise.
He moved his heavy boots which made a rythimic tune with each step.
His hand had a metalic claw-like hand attached to it.
Now that he was closer, Kukhanya felt like there was no way out. He brushed his index claw finger to her face. She closed her eyes and whimpered under him, he was way too close to her face.
"Why are you doing this?... Wh.. Who are you?...", she asked him again, if  she's going to die she might as well get some answers.
"Some people have to be removed.... So that others do not spend their lives... Worrying about them", he replied back.
"What does that mean? I don't understand.."
"You will soon".
He touched his face with the attempt of removing the gas mask so that she will see his face.
A loud knock erupted from the door followed by a voice.
"Mem, are you okay in there? We heard some screaming"
He jumped out of the window and Kukhanya rushed to the window to see where he was running to, but he was nowhere in sight to be seen.
The person on the door knocked again but she ignored him as she slowly dropped to the floor hugging her legs close to her chest.
She almost died, she almost died. He would have killed her.
"Kukhanya it's me, please open up"
She recognized Siya's voice. She has not shed even a single tear, that's how spooked and traumatized she still is.
She stood up and went to open the door.
Soon as she saw Siya, she ran to him and held him tightly hiding behind him.
Siya:What happened in there? Are you okay?
Kukhanya:Can we just go? Please.
Siya:Okay, but I still want to know what happened.
She held her hand and walked to the parking lot with her. He opened the door for her and she got in. He also got in.
Kukhanya:Please don't take me home, I don't want to go home.
Siya:You want us to go to my house?
She nodded. He sighed and drove heading to his house. Within a while they arrived and he opened the gate driving inside, he parked in the garage.
They both got out of the car.
Kukhanya:I think I can't walk.
Siya:What do you mean?
Kukhanya:My legs are shaky and weak, I feel like I'm going to fall any minute.
Siya looked at her in confusion, what happened in there?
Siya:Okay, I will carry you inside.
He lifted her up and carried her inside, he placed her on the couch and sat down next to her.
His face was more relaxed today, and he showed some emotion. He looked worried, if she may say.
Siya:Are you okay?
Kukhanya:Please don't leave.
Siya:I'm not going anywhere. But you're going to tell me what happened in there. Did anyone do something?
Kukhanya:I came face to face with the serial killer.
Siya:*Swallowing*The serial killer? Did you see their face?
Kukhanya:No, but he spoke about how some people need to be removed so that others won't worry about them. I did not understand what he was saying, I was so scared, I thought he would kill me. If that person didn't come on time, I would be dead by now.
Siya got closer to her and embraced her on his arms. Now this wasn't supposed to happen.
Nokuzola:Where do they even get such tight pants?
Thula:It's what people wear these days we Zola. Bayazipintsha kulama tights.
Nokuzola laughed freely.
Nokuzola:Nonetheless, I look like I'm ready to take over the world. You have style.
Thula:I am the best. I should have been a fashion designer.
Nokuzola:And you should have.
They laughed together. Well today was Zola's first day at work, as Yokuthula's PA. She is excited and nervous at the same time.
She hopes her friendship with him doesn't interfere with work.
She is wearing navy blue pants with a white shirt that is neatly tucked in the pants.
She is wearing normal flat shoes, Thula wanted her to wear heels but she did not know how to walk in them and it was quite embarrassingly funny because she kept falling all over the place.
Thula took her to a salon and she opted for a short hairstyle, she doesn't want to do weaves or braids;at least not for now. She is also not a make up person, she wants her natural face. The only thing making her feel not beautiful at the moment is the big scar on her cheek.
Thula:Don't worry about that scar. No one will notice it.
Zola smiled because she knew he was just saying that to comfort her.
Thula:Even if they notice it, it's none of their business. We are living this life thing for you only now, stop caring about what people think about you. You don't need their validation or to fit their standards , you know yourself and you are enough.
Zola:I will try.
Thula:You will not try, you will do as I say Zola. You need to move forward with life, you still have a lot of things to do.
Zola:Okay okay I hear you.
Thula:Good, now let's go to work.
Zola:Work, feels good to say that.

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