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The following weeks, the trial went on and things weren’t looking good at all. Many people were called to testify, the prosecutor is really good at his job, I can’t believe I’m saying that but yeah; Fanele is also trying but with everything pointing to Siya. And the second killer theory seems to be a dead end. It was worse when Siya’s parents were called to the stand and they denied ever abusing him, just imagine they lied under oath. But Fanele questioned them and they squirmed under pressure, and ended up admitting that they were abusing him. Reason? They didn’t have any. Siya was right when he said, some parents don’t even have valid reasons why they abuse their children. He is still convinced that they are not his real parents. I don’t blame him.
The people from the Lab, are the ones testifying today. I don’t know how they are linked to this; but Fanele said they will help with information. So I am trusting him.

On the other news, Khanya told me that Ndlovu is here. She said he came weeks back and she tried hiding him from me but he didn’t want to leave. He has been asking to see me but seriously I don’t have time, my mind is focused on this case. It’s not easy that I have to deal with trolls on social media that are bashing me left, right and center. I can’t deal with him too.

I grab my handbag, and walk out of the house. It was said that tomorrow is the last day of the trial, which means that the verdict will be released soon. I am so anxious, and nervous. My heart can just drop to my stomach any time. Fanele said if he is found guilty for everything, he can be given a life sentence. A whole life sentence! Maybe they’ll double it or triple it who knows!?

As soon as I arrive at court, journalists run to me with their microphones shoving them on my face.
“Do you think Mr Nyathi is guilty? “
“Were you involved in the killings too? “
“Did you frame him to get his riches? “
“Who is the second killer? “

I push them off of me with their endless questions and head inside. I sat down and Khanya was already here, she has been supportive throughout the entire time. I’m glad she has finally come around, this is everything I ever wanted, for the two of us to share a mother – daughter bond.
Everyone settles in and we stand up when the judge graces us with his presence.
Fanele looks too calm for my liking, he is hiding something. He doesn’t want to tell us. Again, he said he will “jinx” it. Mxm.

He is the one to first question the doctor, what’s her name? Dr Jimenez yes!

Fanele:You are the head scientist and doctor at the Lab yes?
Fanele:It is written here that you were the one who analyzed the claw hand which was found at Kukhanya Ndlovu’s apartment.
Jimenez:Yes it was me, with the help of my assistant Castro.
Fanele:Tell us your findings.
Jimenez:We analyzed the hand looking for any fingerprint or DNA, and we found that it belonged to a Siyamthanda Nyathi. We then sent the name over to the detective.
Fanele:Was that all?
Jimenez:No, the DNA we found was not normal. It didn’t look like it belonged to a normal person. The chromosomes disarrangement didn’t resemble any disorder or abnormality I know of.
Fanele:Did you inform the detective about this?
Jimenez:Uhh… no we did not.
Fanele:Okay continue.
Jimenez:So the chromosomes were only 23,and a person is supposed to have  a total 46 chromosomes. I then had my assistant investigate further, and we found that there was another Siyamthanda Nyathi. The one we had was not showing up on the records, there was no name, no address or photo.
Fanele:Is there evidence to back this up?
Fanele:Okay continue.
Jimenez:After finding out the new Siyamthanda, we did a background check on him and found that he once did a DNA test to check his origin. We swapped the blood he used and analyzed it. The results came back the same, the DNA was matching with the one we found on the claw hand. But this one was absolutely normal.
Danger:Objection your honour, the witness is telling a fairytale.
Ahh won’t this guy shut up!? I rolled my eyes, luckily the judge overruled his objections and allowed Fanele to continue. I wanted to see where the Dr was going with this.
Fanele:So you are saying that there is two of him?
Jimenez:I won’t speculate because I don’t have proof, but I’m sure that the first claw hand we found belonged to another person.
Fanele:But you just said the results came back the same.
Jimenez:I said that yes, but then Mr Nyathi, the one here with us, his genetic makeup is normal and isn’t the same as the first one we found.
Fanele:No more questions Your Honour.

Danger was asked if he has any questions and he stood up, of course he has questions.
Danger:Dr Jimenez you have been working at that lab for how long?
Jimenez:15+ years now.
Danger:Okay, you say you found 23 chromosomes on the first claw hand? Which was found on the crime scene?
Jimenez:Yes, that’s correct.
Danger:What was your theory when you first discovered that?
Jimenez:I wanted to see him and study him before I could make a theory.
Danger:Study him?
Jimenez:Yes, have him undergo tests and find out what he has or is. On his own will of course.
Danger:I see… so Dr Jimenez tell me, how did you find out the accused has DID?
Jimenez looked down, Mmm.
Jimenez:Well, my uhm.. I sent Castro to go over to Mr Nyathi’s psychiatrist’s and retrieve the test results.
Danger:How did you know he was seeing a psychiatrist?
Jimenez:We were keeping tabs on him..
Danger:What did the results say?
Jimenez:That he has the mentioned Disorder, but we did return them to his lawyer.
Danger:You once visited Mr Nyathi, what were you doing with him?
Jimenez:I was going to ask him if he would like me to help him, like I said before, to study him.

This is the first witness who isn’t squirming and shaking when being questioned by Danger.
Danger:Did he agree?
Jimenez:No, he said he doesn’t trust scientists.
Danger:And what did you do after that?
Jimenez:When I was leaving, I swapped a hair strand from his arm without him noticing.
Danger:And I’m sure you have already tested that hair. What did you find out about it?
Jimenez:It was showing the same thing as the evidence we had before.
Danger:So is it still two people?
Jimenez:I don’t know.
Danger:Dr don’t withhold information.
Jimenez:*Sigh* I am not withholding any information, I have answered all questions truthfully.
Danger:Dr many years back, you were involved in operations that experimented on young children, of which most of them died, leaving only a few to survive. Those who survived changed, they were never the same again, they had missing limbs, insufficient blood , and strange DNA.

I saw Jimenez breathing heavily, what does this mean?

Danger:So Dr, I’m just wondering here, what if Mr Nyathi was one of your test experiments? And that’s how he got to have strange DNA. Your Worship I think it is more than evident that Mr Nyathi is the only killer. He does not have any siblings, other than his older brother, who also doesn’t look anything like him. He is the killer, he knows it. He is hiding behind “DID”, and the strange DNA is not strange because it is his. Dr Jimenez knows this, scientists know everything, don’t they?
Jimenez:I’m aware of my past life and mistakes, but Mr Nyathi was never part of those experiments, I would remember him..
Danger:You are sure?
Jimenez:I am sure.
Danger:No further questions Your Worship.

Whuu! Okay that was intense!
Another witness was called in and he was also grilled with the questions.
By the time today’s business was over, I was convinced that we are not winning this. Like everything is just pointing to him. His ex-girlfriend also testified days back and admitted that he once saw Siya sneaking out at night and he was carrying a bag, when she asked him where he was going. He said he would be back.

I meet up with Fanele outside.
Zola:We are doomed, aren’t we? He has no chances of winning this now. This is over. Danger is really good, and you can see that he did his research very well. He knew the dirty secrets about every witness.
Fanele:We still have one more card to play Zola, this is not over yet.
Zola:What are you talking about?
Fanele:I will see you tomorrow. I need to rush somewhere.
Zola:Oh okay bye.
He hurried out of my sight.
Fanele drove to the place with his hands shaking. Finally, he has found him. He is their only chance.
He knocks on the door but hears no response, he decides to let himself in.
He walks around the place and it was oddly empty for a person to live here.
He looked for him in all rooms but didn’t find anything.
He walked towards the basement and the door was slightly opened.
He peeped his head inside but didn’t see anything.
He sighed and walked back. But he heard some little noise.
He walked back to the basement and got inside.
He frowned confused seeing a bathtub. He walked towards it breathing sharply and almost collapsed seeing him. Well he’ll be damned.
He was floating on the tub, with leaves around him.
He touched his arm and woke him up but he wasn’t moving.
He shook him again and still nothing. He was about to give up when he felt a tight grip on his arm and he woke up, arising from the water gasping.
Fanele looked at him, scared a bit.
Fanele:I’m not going to ask any questions because I don’t know what is happening here, but he desperately needs your help.
To be continued…..

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