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Season Finale.


Many heads peep up and they snake their heads at the terrified Zola, Kukhanya, Jimenez and Castro.
Zola:What do we do?
Jimenez rushes to the table and grabs an injection.
Jimenez:We need to inject him with this before they can fully come out.
Zola:How will we get close to him?
Castro:I’m not going anywhere near him…
Kukhanya:I can do it…
Zola:You can?
Kukhanya:Yes give me the injection….
Jimenez gives it to her. She takes a deep breath and move towards him; she tries her hardest to not focus at the heads peeping out of him. This is scary and creepy; she has never seen anything like this. It shouldn’t even be happening.
She tries to touch Siya but he moves back. She gathers strength and close her eyes. She reaches for his arm and she dives the injection deep into his arm. He screams and the heads go back inside squirming and crying in pain.
She looks back at Jimenez and she nudges her to continue.
His face remains open like that, with the heads nowhere in sight after the injection. Zola gets closer, so does Jimenez and Castro.
Jimenez:Let’s put him back on the bed.
They lift him up and place him back on the bed.
Zola looks at him worryingly, what if his face doesn’t go back to normal?
Zola:What do we do now?
Castro:Alpha said his face will go back to normal on its own. We need to sedate him so that he doesn’t wake up with his face like this.
I am here to see Nomtha, I don’t like that she’s facing the consequences alone. But, what can we do? I have tried to talk to Mrs Cele about dropping the charges but they are hell bent on sending Nomtha to jail.
She appears with the officer cuffing her.
I look at her.
Thula:How are you doing?
Nomtha:How am I doing? Really Thula, that’s what you’re asking me? Do I look okay to you?
Thula:I’m sorry… I didn’t mean for this to happen… I’m really sorry.. They are keen on not dropping the charges, I have tried talking to them.
Nomtha:Of course they are not going to drop the charges, that man threatened me that I should plead guilty. He said he would kill me and my family if I get out.
I’m not surprised that he did that.
Nomtha:My daughters Thula, they are so young. They still need me, they need their mother. What will they be without me?
Thula:I’m sorry…
Nomtha:*Snapping* Stop saying Sorry damn it!
I nod and look down.
Nomtha:Now it’s like I cheated alone, oh God I regret why I came to your room that night. It has ruined my life. I shouldn’t have, I should have left things the way they were between us.
Thula:So you’re saying us was a mistake?
Nomtha:A big one.
Nomtha:I’m facing life in prison and you’re worried about whether my feelings were real or not.
Thula:It’s not like that at all.
Nomtha:Please leave. My lawyer will be here soon.
I don’t want to talk about it, I don’t want to think about it. I don’t want to relive it. I want to forget about it, I want to erase it from my mind. I have never been terrified like that in my life. I’m still shaking even now. Lindo said he was on his way, I have closed all windows. That image is still stuck on my mind. I can’t get it out. Have you ever seen many heads coming out from a person’s face!? That shit is only supposed to be happening in movies.
I shoot my eyes open when I hear a knock. Then my mind registers that it could be Lindo. I get out of bed and wear my robe. I head towards the door and open for him.
I immediately jump into his arms.
Lindo:What’s wrong baby?
He asked worried.
Kukhanya:Please just hold me.. For a few minutes…
At Siya’s house.
Boni goes to Siya’s bedroom but it is locked. She clicks her tongue and goes back to the living room.
Boni:It is Locked.
Sikho:What do you even want from his bedroom?
Boni:I just wanted to clean for him. Siya is my son.
Sikho:A son that you were abusing for years. You do know that he is in this situation because of the two of you, right?
He asks pointing fingers at his parents. Khaya stands up and goes to him.
Khaya:Ukhomba mina ngomunwe(You are pointing at me with your finger!?)
Siya:Cha baba(No baba).
Khaya:Usho phela masuyindoda ngaphezu kwami Sikhonisizwe. Ngiwuyihlo ngiyakuzala(Tell me when you are a man above me, I am your father.)
Siya:Sorry.  But I’m not changing my statement, I’m right. Siya is in this mess because of you two. If only you didn’t abuse him, he wouldn’t have DID. He wouldn’t be facing charges; he would be a healthy man living a normal life. So I hope the two of you sleep better at night knowing that you ruined your own son’s life.
Boni marches to him and gives him a slap.
Sikho holds his cheek and looks at her, this is the first time his mother is slapping him.
Sikho:You slapped me!?
Boni:And I will do more if you don’t shut your mouth.
Sikho:What did Siya ever do to you for you to hate him like this?
Boni:*Shouting* I said shut up Sikho.
Sikho:No I want to know the truth. Is he not your biological son? That’s why you are treating him like this?
Boni:He is my son. Siya is my son, don’t you dare ask me that nonsense. He is my son.
She hits her chest repeatedly, shouting that Siya is her son..
If it means I have to sleep here tonight then so be it. But, I am not going anywhere without seeing him wake up. It has been more than five hours, I’m getting anxious and scared with every minute passing by.
His face is now back to normal, don’t ask me how. It just got reattached on its own. The most frustrating thing about this whole thing is that we didn’t fully understand it, but it’s over now. At least he isn’t hurt in any way, Jimenez says he’s alright. I’m just waiting for him to wake up.
The time seems to be moving slow. I open my bag and notice a container of pills. I take them out and place a few on my hands ready to throw them in my mouth. I then remember the doctor’s words and how worried Khanya was when she came at the hospital.
I put them back on the container and throw them inside my bag. I sigh and look him. Please wake up. I stand up and go get some water, I’m dehydrated. Especially after what just occurred here today! I don’t  want to imagine it. I don’t even want to see it again.
I come back and sit down but I notice his fingers slightly moving.
I jump up from the chair and go to his side.
“Baby”, I call out for him.
He opens his eyes slowly, it must be the light that is bothering him.
He takes them to allow his eyes to adjust to the light and he fully opens his eyes.
Siya:Z.. O.. La…
He says with a groggy and muzzy voice.
I get emotional and just hug him.
Zola:*Crying*Thank you for coming back to me. I missed you so much. Thank you, I love you. I love you so much Siya. Please don’t do that to me again.
To be continued…..

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