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Season Finale.

It is so good to be back. I have missed my woman. It’s been a week since I’ve been back. The first night I came back, I wanted to make love to her all night, but she just gave birth and apparently, we have to wait for three months before we can do the deed. I don’t mind, because she gave me the most beautiful daughter. But it’s been a year without sex, I’m sure I even have blue balls right now.
I hear Olwethu crying from her cot and I get out of bed. I pick her up and calm her down. She continues crying, I go to the kitchen and grab her bottle, I feed her while walking around the room with her. I can’t believe I’m a father, this feels so magical and amazing. I don’t get people who deny their children, being a parent has got to be the most amazing thing ever. Waking up at night because the baby is crying, bathing her, changing her nappy, all those little things. I’m glad I won’t miss her first step or her first words.
I hear Zola’s footsteps coming to the kitchen. She hugs me from behind.
Zola:How is it like being a father?
Siya:It is amazing, I still can’t believe it.
Zola:You will adjust… I am so hungry.. What do you want for breakfast before we can leave?
Siya:Anything you make.
We are going to her father’s house today. She says he has been calling her asking to see her. So she’s granting him his wish. I’m only accompanying her. I notice that she’s still wearing the ring.
Siya:When are we getting married?
She turned and looked at me.
Zola:You want us to get married?
Siya:Yes… Do you want a big wedding?
Zola:Mhhh No, I would love for us to just go to court or Home Affairs and sign. I’m not really a person of big weddings, but if you want one I understand.
Siya:Anything madam wants, madam gets. We will go next week.
Siya:Yes, I want to call you my wife already.
She blushed and nodded.
Siya:I will go to the stores and grab a few things for our journey. What will you need?
Zola:Nothing much, just buy me chocolate.
Siya:Okay… I will put her to sleep, she has fallen asleep in my arms.
I went back to our room and placed her in her cot. I took a quick shower and wore simple clothes. This will be my first time going out ever since I came back.
I went to the kitchen and ate the breakfast my soon to be wife prepared.
I kissed her goodbye and left. I went to the garage and got into one car. I never really disclosed how many cars I have, because I’m not a person who likes bragging a lot. But, I have 3 cars, I’m planning on buying Zola a new one. I know she has been using these ones for a year, but I want to buy her the one that will solely belong to her. I just have to find out which is her favorite. And I think it’s time we also buy a new house, which will be comfortable for our daughter. This one is more manly because I never thought I would get married nor have a child.
As I’m driving, I receive a call from Sakha. He has been supportive the past year, he has always been though. He just liked getting himself in trouble.
I answered since it was connected on the car anyways.
Sikho:Bafo something has happened.
He didn’t sound okay, he said he was going home today.
Siya:What happened?
Sikho:U mama.
Siya:What happened with her?
I parked on the side bushes to hear what he has to say.
Sikho:I found her dead here at home, together with dad.
I opened my mouth in shock. I blinked my eyes rapidly.
Sikho:Siya I don’t know what happened here, but the whole house is a mess. Dad was shot and mom hanged herself. They left a note.
Siya:*Swallowing* You think she killed him and then killed herself?
Sikho:It  seems so.
Siya:What does the note say?
Sikho:I haven’t read it. It’s for you.
He is crying, I don’t know how to feel about this. My parents and I weren’t really on good terms, and I never even got to know what I did to them for them to hate me. How can they choose the cowardly way and kill themselves? Even when they are dead, they continue making my life miserable.
Siya:I will be there soon. Please calm down Bro. In the meantime, please call the police and all necessary people so they can be taken to the morgue.
I hung up and sighed. I know that everything is now on my shoulders, I’m the one who has to pay for their stupid funerals. I clicked my tongue and drove back home. Zola was surprised as to why I came back quickly.
Zola:So quickly?
Siya:I didn’t reach the shops. Sikho called me and told me that his parents are dead.
She just hugged me. Honestly I’m not feeling any pain or hurt. I don’t want to say that I don’t care, but I don’t feel that deep deep heartbreak.
Zola:I’m sorry..
Siya:It’s okay.. I promised Sikho that I’m coming so I won’t be able to come with you.
Zola:It’s okay I understand. Do you want me to go with you?
Siya:No, go to your father. You can come when you have seen him. I’m sure the funeral will be this coming weekend, no need delaying.
Zola:Are.. You okay babe?
Siya:I’m okay.. Let me pack a few things.
I went to the bedroom and packed a few things, I’m not looking forward to this journey. I kissed my daughter goodbye and went to the kitchen. I kissed Zola and said goodbye to her too.
I went to the car and drove out, heading to Bergville.

After driving for so long, I have finally arrived and I am tired.
I step out of the car and there were already people in the yard here to offer their respects or something.
I passed them, others whispering.
“Iyona lengane ya Boni eyayiwumaligaju(This is Boni’s son who was a serial killer?)”
“Akaboshwanga, angithi phela uphambene ekhanda(He wasn’t arrested because he’s crazy)”

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