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When we were at court, I received a text message but I couldn’t read it, it is from that company I went to an interview for weeks back. I thought they would never contact me again. They said I should come in tomorrow, it will be my first day. I can’t even hold my excitement.
I happily call my mother.
Kukhanya:Mom I got the job!
I scream in her ears and she screams with me.
Zola:I told you you will get it! Oh I’m so happy for you. When are you starting?
Kukhanya:They said I must start tomorrow, so I won’t be able to come with you to court.
Zola:I understand, I’m so happy Khanya. Start preparing for what you are going to wear, do not be late on your first day. Cook a healthy meal for your lunch.
Nangoke u mama! I laugh shaking my head.
Kukhanya:Okay I will.
Zola:Hawu usakhuluma!? (You’re still talking!?) Hang up and prepare for tomorrow.
Kukhanya:Yoo okay.
I hang up and go to my closet. I have to dress smartly. I browse through my clothes and find one appropriate outfit. I take it out and place it on the bed.
Nomtha and Thula are laying in bed naked after making love.
Thula:I wish we can stay like this forever.
Nomtha:Me too.
Thula:Why don’t you leave him?
Nomtha:I can’t..
Thula:You said you love me.
Nomtha:And I do, but me and Lungelo already have children together. They would be confused if we were to split up.
Thula:You will co-parent. I don’t like that every time you leave here you are going back to him. Do you still love him?
Nomtha:I love you. I will leave him, I promise you. But I can’t just do it, I have to plan everything. Me and Lungelo are not married in community of property, if I were to divorce him I would walk out with nothing in this marriage.
Thula:So what? You have your own money Nomtha.
Nomtha:I know, but I stuck with him when he was still struggling. I deserve something, I can’t just walk out with nothing.
Thula:Weee okay.

They stayed like that for a few minutes.
Meanwhile, Khetho entered through the living room looking for Thula. The room was a bit messed up and there were clothes everywhere. She knows Thula to be a person who doesn’t like messy places, he is so neat.
She picks up one clothing item and notices that it is a woman’s best. She doesn’t own a vest like this. She throws it to the floor and go to his bedroom but stops midway when she hears voices and a woman giggling. She concludes that Yokuthula is with another woman.
She reaches for her bag and looks at her gun. Her father gave it to her for protection, she opens the door aiming the gun and they jump out of the bed when they see her. They were both naked.
Khetho chuckles and closes the door.
Khetho:What is this Thula?
Thula:*Nervously* Baby I can explain… put the gun down.
Khetho:You’re cheating on me!
Thula:It’s not what you think.
Nomtha tries to take the sheets to wrap her body, but Khetho clocked the gun and triggered fire on the bed. Nomtha jumped screaming, hiding behind Yokuthula.
Khetho:Thula Sfebe! Uhambe ulala namadoda abantu ube ushadile! Yabo nina ngizoni trendisa, ningjwayela kabi! (Shut it B*! You go around sleeping with people’s men while you are married! I’m going to make the two of you trend!)
She takes her phone with her other hand and make a video of them.
Nomtha hides her face and hide behind Yokuthula but Khetho pushes her off and shows her face on the video.
Thula:Baby this isn’t necessary! Please stop this!
Khetho:Fokof Yokuthula. I want the whole world to see. Umfazi ozele oshadile ohambe elala namadoda abantu! (A woman with children, who is married and sleeps around).
Thula tries holding her but Khetho hits him with her elbow and he falls on the bed. She faces the camera to him.
“I want people to see. “, she says and stops the recording.
She quickly uploads the video on her Facebook account.
Thula stands up and grabs her hand roughly.
Khetho:Leave me alone Thula!
Thula:Delete that video Khethokuhle!
Khetho:Thula uyangilimaza(you’re hurting me).
She tries to break free from his grip but he is holding her tightly.
She points the gun at him and he lets her go.
Khetho:You cheat on me and have the nerve to manhandleme! My father will know about this! Uzowukhomba umuzi onotshwala!
Thula:That’s all you know, running to daddy when things are tough. When will you grow up? But what can I say? You’re the girl who started dating at age 30.
Khetho looked at him in shock and embarrassed. Her rage just went from a 100 to a 200. She held the gun with both her hands, she was ready to pull the trigger when Nomtha jumped for her and threw her on the ground. They both fought for the gun when a bullet went off.
Thula rushed to them and removed them from each other. Nomtha stood up with her eyes wide open..
Thula put his hands over his head.
Thula:I’m dead, oh God I’m dead. He’s going to kill me..
Nomtha:I’m sorry, I don’t know how the trigger went off.
Thula:Do you know who’s daughter is this Nomthandazo? He’s going to kill us. He’s going to kill us.
Nomtha:*Wiping her tears*We need to call an ambulance. She’s losing so much blood.
Fanele helped him get out of the tub, his skin was so weird.
Fanele:How long have you been in here?
He didn’t reply but looked at him.
Fanele:We can leave, do you have any clothes here?
They got out of the basement and he went to one of the rooms and wore appropriate clothing, after drying himself. Fanele was looking at him the whole time. He is weird.
They get out and he leads him to his car and drive to his house.
When they arrive, they get inside and he looks around the house. It was beautiful.
Fanele:Are you hungry? I can order some food for you, I’m not really a cooker.
“I don’t eat”, he told him and focused back on the TV.
Fanele:You don’t eat?
He ignored him. Fanele sat down next to him and switched off the TV.
Fanele:Are you having trouble with speaking?

He asked because he was breathing heavily in a not normal way, and he looked so pale and so thin.
Fanele:Is there anything I can do to help you?
“No. You said he needs my help “
He leaned back on the couch and told him everything about the trial.
The following day, Zola arrived at court and she was alone today. Kukhanya is having her first day at work. She couldn’t be more proud of her. She sits down and wait for people to gather inside.
People came in numbers today, it is buzzing with the media outside.
They stand up when the judge arrives and sit back down.
An hour passed and Fanele was nowhere to be seen.
Siya looks back at Zola and she shrugs her shoulders, she sends him multiple texts asking where is he but he doesn’t reply.
“Does anyone know the whereabouts of Mr Ntombela ? “, the judge asks.
Danger internally smiles, he knows he has won this. He has never lost, he is the best, he knows it. Siya will be sent to jail for so many years.
“It is over two hours now, time is not on our side”, the judge says again.
People whisper within themselves wondering what’s happening.
Zola calls Fanele again but nothing.
“If Mr Ntombela doesn’t come, I’m going to have to make a verdict with what we already have. Prosecution you may start”.

Danger stands up carrying his ego on his shoulders. It’s clear Fanele got cold feet, and decided not to come.
Danger:Your Worship it is_
“Stop right there“, Fanele says interrupting him. Everyone turns looking at him at the dramatic entrance.
People gasped and looked with their eyes open.
Zola rubbed her eyes confused and looked who he was with again. She couldn’t believe it.
Danger swallowed looking at Fanele and the mysterious witness making their way to the front.
Siya squinted his eyes looking at his reflection. You know when you’re looking at yourself in the mirror? You see your exact self, only difference here is, there’s no mirror.
Danger looks at Siyamthanda, “I didn’t know you have a twin”.
Siya:I don’t have a twin.
“He’s not my twin”, he says taking deep, heavy breaths. His knees were weak, he can fall any minute. He was recharging at the tub, he has been weak ever since that prayer.
“I’m… here…. To set the record… straight”, he says once more.
Fanele apologizes to the judge for being late and he allows him to continue with his witness.
To be continued….

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