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Season Finale.

A week later…
I’m getting married today, okay maybe it’s not just a big deal. But wow! By the end of the day, I’m going to be Mrs Nyathi.
I look at myself one more time in the mirror, the dress Siya got me is so fine. I look so good. I even have a weave on today, I just had to..
So there is a driver driving us today, we found a nanny to guard Olwethu while we are gone.
Siya comes and touches me here and there, when will three months end? I need some serious servicing.
Siya:Are you ready?
Zola:More than ready.
Siya:The car is ready for us.
I nod and follow him.
We kiss Olwe goodbye and walk out to the car.
Okay, so I did give birth to twins via C-section. A boy and a girl. The feeling of being a new mom is so surreal. I’m still at the hospital, I will be discharged later. Lindo comes into the room and takes one twin.
Lindo:I can’t believe I’m a father..
Kukhanya:You better believe it baby.
Lindo:They are so cute… when is your mother getting here?
Kukhanya:Probably tomorrow, she’s getting married today and the girls are planning some sort of celebration for her.
He dumped me, he really dumped me. Wow! I now get the saying that says “men are trash”. After everything that we have been through together, he dumps like a hot potato. I’m at my apartment, just a space I’m renting out until I can buy my own house. I take my phone and call this Nokuzola but her phone wasn’t going through.
I went to Facebook just to look at memes, maybe they’ll make me feel better.
I can’t resist the urge to stalk her account.
I type her name and click on her account.
I am welcomed by posts of congratulations and happiness.
She posted a picture of herself and Siyamthanda, she was carrying a small bouquet and wearing a beautiful, white dress. She looks so beautiful, you wouldn’t say she just gave birth.
She was wearing a ring and smiling. It was captioned
“A whole new Mr and Mrs Nyathi”
My throat became dry, so she is married. Look how happy she looks, if only she knew how draining marriage is, she wouldn’t be getting happy. I exited Facebook and called Thula. Maybe I was exaggerating.
His voice sounded annoyed.
Nomtha:Can we talk?
Thula:About what? We broke up remember?
Nomtha:We can’t just end things like this Thula. I still love you and I need you in my life.
Thula:It’s still early for this, I’m going to a celebration. Zola just got married.
I rolled my eyes.
Nomtha:Her again??
Thula:The two of you used to be best friends. Remember that.
Nomtha:Yes, when we were young not anymore. She is too full of herself now ever since she started dating that guy.
Thula:Ay wehlule ntombi. I am hanging up.
He hung up and I clicked my tongue.. I took a quick shower and wore the shortest dress ever. I grabbed my keys and went to my car, driving to my old house.
I arrived and let myself in. The door wasn’t locked. The kitchen was a mess, I went to the living room and there he was, sleeping on the couch with Two on top of him. I felt bad. I went to the kitchen and cleaned around, when I was done I cooked for him.
He was still sleeping, I took Two from him and the little man just woke up.
“Maama”, he said..
Nomtha:Hey baby…. Hungry?
He nodded and I went with him to the kitchen to find him something to eat.
We step out of Home Affairs as newly weds. Finally she’s my wife. She keeps on smiling and admiring her ring.
I open the door for her and she gets in.
Zola:Aren’t you coming with me?
Siya:No, I’m going to fetch your car.
Zola:*Smiling* Really?
Siya:Yes, I will be back with it.
Zola:Okay…..I love you….
Siya:I love you too mkami.
Damn, I’ve always wanted to use that line.
I closed the door and the driver drove her.
I requested for a ride to take me to a dealership.
When I arrived they were already expecting me.
“Mr Nyathi, this is the one. We even personalized the number plate like you asked”
Siya:Thank you. It’s perfect. She’ll love it.

I walked around it, it was amazing. She’ll love it. I can’t wait to see her face and how excited she will be. I still have more surprises for her, we are going on a holiday next week. Outside the country.
I’m even scared to get inside it. The guy gives me the key and they take pictures..
Nokuzola:I am more than happy Kukhanya, I can’t even hold my excitement.
Kukhanya:Oh I’m so happy for you mama. I wish I was there..
Zola:How are my grandkids? I can’t believe I’m a grandma already.
Kukhanya:*Laughing* They are okay, we are getting discharged today.
Zola:I will come and see them tomorrow.
Kukhanya:I will be waiting.
She hangs up smiling and looks outside the window. She still couldn’t believe that she is Mrs Nyathi. This was the beginning of a very exciting happily ever after.
Zola:How soon till we arrive?
“We are almost there mam”, the driver answered her.
She nodded and looked back at the window.
The car stopped as there was a traffic in front of them.
Her smile slowly faded as she noticed a truck spiralling out of control and heading straight towards them.
She was too late as the truck collided with their car sending it rolling over and the driver dying on the spot.
Zola was bleeding instantly and she couldn’t feel her lower body, she couldn’t feel anything….
She took one last breath as she closed her eyes, slipping away from the world.
To be continued….

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