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Still at the court room.

Fanele helped him get on the stand.
Fanele:Are you going to be okay?
“Yes, I’m fine. I can… hold on for a few minutes… “

Siya was looking in shock and confusion.
Fanele:Apologies Your Worship once again for being late.
Sir can you tell the court your full name?
“I.. Don’t have a name… “
Fanele:Okay… Do you know him?
He pointed at Siyamthanda.
“I do, he’s my maker “.
Fanele:Okay,are you aware that there has been a serial killer who has been killing people?
“Yes “
Fanele:Do you know who is doing that?
“It.. Is… me”
The whole room gasped, some whispering. The judge called for order.
Fanele:What do you mean it is you?
“I am the killer… I was targeting people who are giving others trouble… “
Fanele:Permission  to provide a piece of evidence of evidence Your Worship.
“Go ahead Ntombela”.
He played that footage he got from the weapons shop.
Fanele:This is the footage I got from a shop selling illegal weapons. As the court can see here, this person isn’t clear. It is only a shadow showing, when you look at the items he purchased they match the equipment of the killer. I had the footage analyzed by someone who is good in IT, and he was able to isolate his face.
He played another video again.
Fanele:Now we can see here that this is Siyamthanda Nyathi, that the shadow belonged to. Or was it? The following day this Siyamthanda, the accused came at the shop and bought the same things that he bought.
At Kukhanya’s apartment, the footage also showed a shadow, which I asked from the detective and my guy got the same face. This Siyamthanda Nyathi. The one standing here.
At the restaurant, the footage showed a shadow, as we can see again, it was Siyamthanda 2.0.

Je switched off the footage and continued questioning him.
Fanele:How many people have you killed?
Fanele:Are you aware that Siyamthanda, the accused, has multiple personalities?
“I.. Only knew weeks back.. “
“I was meditating… and looking for people to target…. That’s when I saw him…. But it was not him.. It was his personalities, inside his mind. I was distracted because they aren’t supposed to be existing. It was impossible… “
Fanele:How exactly did you see them?
“I can travel to one’s sub consciousness with my mind and concentrating. I heard him or them speaking, they were worried about Siya and that’s when I saw them. They were shocked too to see me. “
Fanele:Did you know that they were also killers?
“I didn’t.. I thought it was me only. “
Danger was sweating on his seat, he was completely struck here. He had no questions to ask him.
Fanele continued cooking him with questions and he answered them truthfully. Fanele then made a closing statement, that Siya shouldn’t be arrested because it’s clear he didn’t have any idea of what was happening. It wouldn’t be fair, the arms of justice should protect everyone.
Danger was asked if he has any questions and he stood up chuckling nervously. He was so gonna screw this up, he didn’t even know what to say.
Danger:Okay… you said he is your maker what do you mean by that?
“I am his alpha personality, I disconnected from him five months back”.

“I movie phela la! “
“This is witchcraft I’m telling you? “
Whispered the audience in their seats.
Danger:You disconnected from him?
“ Yes… it was in the morning and I wanted to come out… I couldn’t control my anger… I was angry and I wanted to go on a.. Killing spree. So I disconnected from him, I’m not sure how… but I just thought about it and concentrated on it that I wanted to come out. Minutes later, I was breaking free from him, his face broke into two and that’s where I came out. Naked, slaggy, and covered in a fluidly sac.. Through a lot of excruciating screams and bones breaking… I then stole his clothes and ran away…. That’s when I started my hunt. He… he was always in pain.. Everyday he was thinking about his parents… it was hurting him…. I had to avenge him by removing anyone who causes trouble…. I had saved his parents for last… “
Danger:Sir this is the court of law, please don’t play games. How can a person come out of a person?
“I’m not a person. Don’t you see how thin I am? Don’t you see how pale I am? I am an abomination. I’m not supposed to be existing… I don’t eat, I don’t drink water, I drown myself in water with leaves to gain energy and strength . I don’t have blood, my DNA is mixed up… I have 23 chromosomes which are rearranged. Because I am not a person… he.. “
He pointed at Siya.
“He doesn’t know anything… I was not aware that there are other personalities, it was me all these years. They must have been asleep or quiet. “
Danger sighed and cleared his throat.
Danger:If you are the one who attacked Kukhanya then why did you leave your claw hand behind?
“She recited a prayer, I felt myself burning and I had to get out of there. The man above doesn’t want with his people.”
Danger:Your Worship, this is all Science-fiction. There is no proof that what he is saying is true.

Dr Jimenez stood up from the audience and shouted.
Jimenez:It is true, and I can prove it!
“Dr This is my court, we don’t just scream. “
Dr Jimenez:I apologize your honour, but he is telling the truth.
It’s the theory I had, I just didn’t have proof to back it up.
“Dr sit down, prosecution you may continue. “
Danger:I… I don’t have any more questions Your Worship… This is nonsense…
“Language! “, the judge reprimanded him.
Siya 2.0 trembled from the stand and he was losing strength bit by bit. He couldn’t hold it and fell down on the ground, collapsing.
People gasped and Fanele rushed to him.
Siya, in his seat, felt himself losing energy and the room was spinning. He also fell down on the ground and collapsed.

Zola stood up from her seat and rushed to him. She didn’t care at the moment about any law she might be breaking.
To be continued….

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