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Zola shook Siya but he was unresponsive.
Zola:He’s not breathing.
She says.
Jimenez rushes to him and listen to his heartbeat.
Jimenez:His heartbeat is there, but faint.
“What is happening down there? “, the judge asks.
Fanele lifts up Siya 2.0 and hold him on his arms.
“He’s not breathing “, he says.
Right now, the whole court was in commotion. People taking videos of what was happening, the journalists had invaded the room and filming the whole thing.
Jimenez:We need to take them to the Lab quickly.
Zola:Shouldn’t we be taking them to a hospital?
Jimenez:Doctors would never understand them.

The judge gave them permission to take them because it was really bad and the whole court was a mess.
I must say, my first day wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. The workers are nice and they showed me everything, about how things are done. How to conduct yourself as an employee of this company, everything I needed to know.
“It’s lunch time, we are going out to grab something to eat”, that was one of my colleagues, Nombali.
Kukhanya:I have my lunch thanx.
She walks away and I take my lunch to warm it up a bit.
I get busy with my phone while waiting. My first stop was Facebook, I love this app you get to know the who’s and who’s of trends.
I stumble upon a trending post, see what I meant?
Wait I know this person in this video. Oh my God that’s aunt Nomtha! She was naked with another man who was also naked, wait I recognize him too. He was mom’s childhood friend, Yokuthula or somewhere there.
They were caught cheating, I assume by the girlfriend because she’s busy bashing Aunt Nomtha that she sleeps around with other people’s men while she’s married. Isgaxaa! Who would have thought she would do something like this? I wonder how her creepy husband feels about this?

I shake my head and scroll through, I come across another trending topic. I almost drop my phone when I realize who it is about.
I see mom crying and kneeling next to Siya. What happened here?
I noticed someone who was also collapsed in the lawyers hands. He looks exactly like Siya, I didn’t know he has a twin.
I call my mom and her phone doesn’t go through, I call her again and again until she answers. She doesn’t sound good.
Kukhanya:Mom what is happening?
Zola:I don’t know baby, Siya just fainted in court.
Kukhanya:Is he okay? And who was that who looked like him?
Zola:It’s a long story, but both of them are not doing well now. I don’t know what’s happening.
Kukhanya:Where are you now? I’m coming.
Zola:No, you can’t bunk at work Khanya. I will keep you updated.
Kukhanya:Okay then.
I hung up and took out my food from the microwave.
Thula is sitting on the hospital benches with Nomtha.
Thula:You should leave Nomtha.
Nomtha:I need to know if she will be okay.
Thula:Jf her family finds you here they’ll be more upset Nomtha. Stop being stubborn! We are already in trouble! And we are trending! What was I even thinking sneaking around with you!?
Nomtha:Oh is that what you are saying now!? After telling me that you love me and that I should leave my husband?
Thula:And were you going to do that?
Thula:Ubufebe into yakho kshuthi! (Whoring must be within you!)
Nomtha:I will not sit here and listen to you insult me. I did not force you to do anything with me, you did it willingly. So don’t pretend like you are innocent in all of this just because you are scared of her father!
Thula looks up and sees the whole Cele family coming towards them. He gulps his saliva and stands up feeling nervous. This man scares him!
“Who did this!? “, he asks, already angry.
Thula:It.. Was a mistake sir…
“A mistake!? My daughter was shot and you say it was a mistake!!? Who did this “, he asks again.
Xolelwa holds his hands trying to calm him down but he jumps to Yokuthhula and throws him on the floor with a rain of punches.
“I told you that I will kill you if  you hurt my daughter. I did not raise her for so many years to be played by pieces of shits like you! “
Nomtha feels like running away, what if when they are done with him they jump into her too.
Xolelwa removes Sthembiso from Yokuthula who was already bruised up so badly.
“What did I tell you when we left home? Didn’t I tell you to calm down? You are causing a scene Cele”, she tells him. His  face softens and he listens to his wife.
“I’m sorry, I just got so angry “
“I understand, but please control yourself. We are here to see our daughter who is fighting for her life”
At the Lab.
Zola:Are they going to be okay?
Castro:We are doing the best we can.
She nods and continues pacing up and down biting her nails.
Castro goes back inside.
Jimenez:He’s not breathing.
Castro:Is he dead?
Jimenez looks at her with eyes full of pity.
Jimenez:No his heart is beating. What about that one?
He points at Siya 2.0.
Castro:I don’t know how to check his vitals because as you can see he has no blood. Dr this is scientifically impossible, how did it even happen? We’ve heard of disorders before, but there was never a case where a whole personality will just come out from its owner.
Jimenez:I agree, it is scientifically impossible, but we’ve seen worse Castro. If people could find out the things we’ve seen, they would run mad and want to relocate.
Castro:This is complicated. I mean look at him. How did he survive this long? Without eating, without drinking water?
Jimenez shrugs her shoulders and continues checking on Siya.
Castro:Let’s just call him Alpha, for communication sakes.
Jimenez slightly laughs.

Outside, Zola sits down and calls Fanele.
Fanele:Zola how are they?
Zola:They are still with them, I don’t know what’s happening.
Fanele:Okay please let me know if there is progress.
Zola:What is going to happen now? Regarding the trial?
Fanele:It’s not over, Siya still needs to go on the stand. The judge said he can recover and when he’s alright it will continue. They are sending officers there to keep watch on him.
Zola:Okay.. Do you think we will win this?
Fanele:We have to.
Zola:How did you find his alpha personality?
He laughs a little.
Fanele:I just followed all the clues. I didn’t tell anyone because I was not sure. I didn’t even know who I was looking for, I only saw him when I found him floating on the bathtub.
Zola:Thank you, his testimony helped.
Fanele:Just doing my job. Keep me updated, okay?
Zola:Okay bye…
She hung up and went inside.
Zola:Can I see him?
Castro:Sure we will give you space.
They walk out leaving her with them.

She touched his hand and the ECG machine was beeping softly at its pace.
Zola:Please wake up, I don’t want to lose you. I don’t understand what’s happening but please don’t leave me. I love you Siyamthanda, you have managed to make me feel worthy of being loved again, in just a short space of time.
She quickly wipes her tears and places her hands on his chest.
Zola:You are not breathing. Why are you not breathing?
She stands up still shaking him. The machines start beeping starts beeping like crazy scaring her at the process.
“Helppp! “, she calls out.
Jimenez and Castro come rushing into the room.
Jimenez:What is happening?
Zola:*Crying* He’s not breathing. Please help him.
Jimenez:Castro get her out of here!
She rushes to Siya with her stethoscope and feels his heartbeat.
Castro:Mem you need to leave.
Zola:No I can’t leave.
Castro:Mem you need to leave! We can’t do our job with you here!
She pushes her out and locks the door.
Castro:Is he breathing?
Jimenez:He’s having a cardiac arrest.
She says as Siya vigorously shakes on the bed.
Castro takes the defibrillator and gives it to Jimenez.
She plugs it while Castro removes Siya’s clothing on his upper body.
Jimenez places the pedals on his bare chest.
“Charge”, she says.
The lines flatten on the ECG machine.
“No no no no… charge!!! “
Alpha starts making movement too.
Castro rushes to him and listens to his heartbeat.
Jimenez says over and over again trying to revive Siya.
Castro goes to her and takes the defibrillator from her. She unplugs it and plugs  on Alpha’s side.
She places the paddles on him and shock him.
Siya’s heart rate returns back to normal, and the beeping goes back to normal..
Jimenez:What the…?
Castro:He saved him….
Jimenez:So you mean Siyamthanda is alive only because of him?
Castro:If Alpha dies, Siya dies. And Alpha can die anytime, he has gotten so much thinner in just a few hours. Even his breathing is so low and barely there.
Alpha slowly opens his eyes but he is so weak.. He can not feel anything, he can tell that he is slowly slipping away from this world.
“W… ate…r”, he faintly says….
To be continued…..

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