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The following day, Siya was still distraught after Zola broke up with him. He thought she was joking but no, she was really serious. He won't give up though, he'll convince her to give them another chance. Right now, he needs to deal with the thief stealing from him. In the morning he got a notification that another sum of money was taken. He almost fainted.
He is so frustrated and confused, luckily his friend is on his way. He'll find out who's doing this.
Outside, Kukhanya pulls the skirt she was wearing up, enough to show her thighs. She is carrying a cup of coffee and breakfast. She knocks on his office and he tells her to come in. She stands right where he would see her but his eyes are stuck on the computer. She rolls her eyes and move towards the table.
Kukhanya:Good day, I noticed you didn't have any breakfast, so I brought you some.
He sighed and nodded, though she was annoying but he was hungry. He slept on an empty stomach last night.
She gives him the food and he immediately digs in.
She smiles looking at him eat, well that's progress.
Kukhanya:So about the thief.
Siya:What about the thief?
Kukhanya:I was thinking that we should work on it day and night, before they  leave us bankrupt. I don't mind going with you to your place after hours so that we can work this out. Working as an intern here has been amazing and I look up to you so much, I don't think I can stand by and watch your company crumble while I can help you.
Siya sighed leaning back on the couch, she is making so much sense. It would help to have extra hands working on this case. And she is brilliant, so they would catch the culprit more quicker.
Siya:Okay fine, but don't try anything stupid.
Kukhanya:I won't, I promise.
Thula:So you broke up with him?
Thula:Wow! Y'all been dating for like a week and already senihlukene.(and you've broken up already).
He laughed shaking his head.
Zola:This is not funny Thula.
Thula:Sorry, I just don't understand why you broke up with him.
Zola:I have a terrible past.
Thula:Don't we all have a terrible past? That man loves you Zola, I saw the way he looked at you that day. He looked at you with so much passion, like you were his whole world. You are willing to let him go because of your past?
Zola:The past has a way of creeping up in your life. And I have issues Thula.. I can't.. I.. Last week I strangled him as a reflex when he touched me. What if someday I kill him? I am a killer.. I am scared and confused... I don't know what to do..
Thula:*Sighing*I'm really sorry to hear that. But Zola this is 2022, you know there are services in this country that helps people deal with their problems. Try going for therapy, it helps. It helped me move on from my childhood. You never went for therapy, I understand that you may be afraid in offloading on a stranger but you want to get better right?
She nodded.
Thula:Then give it a try, I'm not promising that everything will be okay but you will never know until you try. Therapy helps, don't just think it's only done by white people. Us black people too, we also have issues that we need to deal with. And we need counseling, you need it.
Zola looked at him, he was telling the truth. She's not afraid of going for therapy, she just never had the time to look into it. But Thula is right, she needs to deal with her past. She needs to be better.
Thula:So will you give it a try?
Zola:Okay I will..
Thula:Good..I will give you my therapist' details so that you can contact her and set up an appointment.
Zola:Thank you.
Thula:What about Siya?
Zola showed him the pills that were in her hands.
Zola:*Breaking voice*He also doesn't know about this, how much more of my past will he have to deal with ?
It's already half past two. My friend said he has arrived, he just took his family to the house they rented beforehand. He just sent a text that he's on his way here.
Kukhanya is still here and we have been working our butts off trying to crack the case but we've come up with absolutely nothing. But my guy knows these things. I know he will find the thief.
Kukhanya:Okay I'm tired now and hungry...
She yawned and unbuttoned her shirt.
Siya:You can go back to your workstation or order lunch. I'm about to have company anyway.
Kukhanya:Okay see you later..
She walked out and I heard someone speaking to her outside. I stood up.
"Is it her?"
Siya:You don't even greet me.
"I just want to know if it's her."
Siya:No it's not.
"Too bad, I thought I would see her."
Siya:She dumped me.
"Weee, I knew you were lying"
Saying that just left a bitter taste in my mouth. Zola is mistaken if she thinks I will leave her alone. I'm not doing that, I'm going to fight for her.
Ahh look at me, I've forgotten to introduce this idiot's name..
Siya:Zesulwa why would I lie?
Zesulwa:I don't know.
Siya:I'm not lying, you will see her in due time. Relax.
He sat down and to the chair opposite mines, I also sat down.
Zesulwa:So what do we have here?
Siya:Someone is stealing money from me man, lots and lots of it. Clients are already calling me wondering what's happening with their investments.
Zesulwa:Do you have anyone in mind who could do this?
Siya:I don't. I have never encountered a situation like this before, me and my workers have always respected each other.
Zesulwa:Don't worry, we will find this person. I will start working on it tonight, everyone needs to be investigated. Including you.
Siya:Me? What did I do?
Zesulwa:It's just simple procedure. Have everyone bring in their reports for the past 3 months by tomorrow.
Siya:Okay, I can do that.
Nomtha burps Two and put him on his cot. He is such an adorable child, it's just his weird name that makes her laugh every time she says it. She chuckles shaking her head, she wonders where his mother is. One thing she likes about her, even though she doesn't know her; is how she didn't cause drama and try to come between her and Lungelo. Not many baby mamas are like that, others are just ridiculously dramatic and bitter, but most of them are nice. It's just the 20% that is the problem, especially the ones from that Facebook group, Ladies house.

Lungelo stands by the door and watches her as she is looking at Two with love in her eyes. He can't thank her enough for not abandoning Two. He walks over to them, and hugs her from behind. He kisses her neck and she moans a little, it's been a while since they had sex.
She misses him, just as much as he misses her.
She turns around and gives him a kiss, he kisses her back.
Lungelo:Shall we take this to the bedroom?
Nomtha:You don't have to ask me twice.
She giggles as he picks her up and carry her to their bedroom.
@The police station.
Detective Mashaba walks to his office and finds the constable already waiting for him.
Mashaba:Constable are we winning?
"Yes sir, we have a suspect"
"The murder that happened a week ago, this guy was seen talking to the victim hours earlier. Sandra James, the white lady found in her apartment dead; this guy was also seen with her days earlier and they looked pretty intimate. Sir, I know this may seem far fetched but this guy was seen with the two victims before they died. Is it a coincidence? "
Mashaba:You're right, it is far fetched. But any lead is better than nothing at this point, we have to bring him in for questioning. What's his name?
" His name is Lungelo Mkhize sir".
I called Thula's therapist today and set up an appointment for Thursday, she sounds like a really nice person. Maybe this won't be that bad after all. Thula left to check up on his girlfriend. I am left alone. Giving me time to think.
First, I need to call Kukhanya. I have been so distracted all week that I forgot to call her.
I dial the numbers and it rings for a while until she answers.
Zola:Khanyo hi, it's Zola.
Zola:I noticed you have been sending me messages but I can't read them because you delete them.
Kukhanya:I must have pressed my phone by mistake. I never sent any messages.
My heart sank at that.
Zola:Oh okay, but can we meet up tomorrow? Khanyo I really need to talk to you. There is a lot that you don't know, and you need to hear it. I'm no longer sucking up to your attitude now, tomorrow I'm coming to your workplace during lunchtime and we are going to talk.
Kukhanya:But I_
Zola:But nothing. I have begged you for enough now. I'm going to talk to you tomorrow and you will sit there and wait for me, do you hear me?
Zola:Yes who?
Kukhanya:Yes mom.
Zola:That's more like it. Now Goodnight.
I hung up and placed my phone on the table. It's time I use tough love on her, she has been acting like a brat ever since I came back. Not anymore, tomorrow she will know everything. It will be up to her if she wants a relationship with me or not, but I would have done my part and told her everything.
My phone beeps. I look at it and it was a text from Siya.
I read it smiling.
[I know you said you are breaking up with me, but I'm not breaking up with you. I love you Nokuzola and I see a future with you, I want to make you my wife and the mother to my children..
I couldn't even finish reading it at the mention of being a mother to his children. I pressed my lips together as I felt an unbearable pain in my heart. My tears threatening to come out. I couldn't hold them, I just let them out.
To be continued..

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