Pain and Breaks

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Some times farewell is a good thing, however when rumors spread about Hyunjin with him being a bully, JYP puts him on a four month break.

Hyunjin's Pov

My back is throbbing since Woojin pushed me into the wall. I stare him down as Felix is talking to him. I tried to get up when Felix got hurt but my shoulder had a searing pain when I moved. Felix comes over to me once Woojin left. He puts my good arm around his shoulder and slowly helped me up.

He could tell I was in pain. We couldn't go to the hospital looking like this, if we did it would be on the press and everything else. I'll just tell them if it gets too bad that I hurt it while dancing. 

Felix's lip was spilt and dripping blood, we slowly walked to the bathroom as he helps me sit on the tub. I take off my shirt to reveal big bruises on my back.

"Bang Chan Hyung,I need a couple of pain relief patches and some bandages."

He sighs and tosses it to me studying the wounds and leans up against the wall. "Staff gave me a heads up earlier but you were both asleep at the time but Hyunjin Bad news. Due to the fact of rumors of you being a bully. Which I know is not the case but until we get your name cleared, then after 4 months of break, people will most likely forget it."

Great, just to make my day even better...  Felix looks at Bang Chan confused and said "for a rumor?"  He just shrugs

"I didn't make the decision decision. I told them to just do a private investigation since they had to do one anyways and not put you on break but they told me to butt out."

Felix go over to me and side hugs me. "Its going to be okay. You needed a long break anyways." Felix tries to tell me to calm me down.

"But not like this. That kind of thing ruins your reputation, and I'm afraid that some might think that that is the case and bring down Stray Kids." I runned my fingers through my hair looking at the ground.

There were small puddles of blood on the floor dripping from his knuckles. Felix must have noticed as he cursed and started to run it under cold water to stop it bleeding.

I got up slowly to check to see how deep it is. Fuck,its at least a inch deep to the point of almost seeing his bone in his knuckle but what could have caused it.

"Felix, that wound isn't going to stop bleeding easily, you'll have to go to the ER."

He shakes his head "if the press get ahold of this or say a nurse or doctor leaks it, guess what? They are going to ask how I got it and bam. Felix got into a fight would be all over the place."

I sighed and ran into the living area to see where he sliced it open at. I was searching the area until I found a loose nail that was hanging on the edge of the kitchen island, I  knew by where the dribbles of blood started.

Lee Know walks out of his dorm "Who the hell did you murder and dont you know that you can't hide the body in the tub?"

"Felix is bleeding and he refuses to go to the hospital. Its bleeding bad and it was this nail that he cut it on."

Lee know banged his head on the wall then he walks into the bathroom to Felix crying. I walked in the bathroom after Lee Know and bear hugged Felix.
"Don't worry love, I promise that I would be by your side no matter what." I kissed the back of his neck and let go of him while Lee know tries to look at the wound.

He shakes his head "he'll have to go before he looses too much blood." Lee know stated. God Felix has been through so much and yet there is nothing that I could have done to stop this mess. It was my fault, I shouldn't have shoved him out of the room or woke Felix up accidently by fighting. But he wouldn't stop insisting for Felix to come back so I shoved him out of the room for us to talk away from where he was.

I wiped the blood off of his lip and put on some concealer and foundation on his neck. At least that part is hidden for as best as it could be.

I picked him up bride style even though it hurts alot and carried him to the car.

Felix's Pov

The blood won't start pouring out, I honestly didn't realise it until after I felt a sharp pain when I moved my fingers on that hand.

We are now arriving at the hospital and I tell them that I cut my hand on a loose nail when leaning on the island. She takes a look at my hand and rushes me back. After she takes a look at the wound she starts to prep to put stitches in and stop the bleeding.

Hyunjin held my other hand gently as they were putting the stitches in. "Keep your eyes on me and not the hand." I couldnt get out of the pain even though they did numb it up or attempted to. They said to me 8 stitches and they were only on number 2.

Hyunjin stands up from his seat and leans down and kisses me gently and slow. There was still a twinge of pain he kissed me. The stitched it up before I knew it as I was more distracted from Hyunjin than I was with that.

He pulls away and kissed my jaw lightly "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you" he whispers and I shook my head whispering back "no, it was my fault for trying to fight when I don't know much about fighting. But I couldn't stand it when he landed a hand on you.

I started filling out  the discharge papers and we started to head back to the dorms. Bang chan will definitely be hearing a earful tomorrow I'm sure. 

Except one thing, when we walked up, he was waiting there for us.

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