Leader and Screwed

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When the leader doesn't know anything and is already ticked by everything unfolding, things are about to get a lot more dramatic

Hyunjin's Pov

Bangchan leaned against the countertop holding a glass of wine slowly sipping it then setting it down on the table. Jeez if he wanted to create dramatics, do it when it isn't 4 Am.

"Felix? First of all how did you hurt yourself" He was putting things in calmly manner. But honestly that was just spooking me more than a ghost would right now.

"Well when me and Woojin got into a fight, he dodged the punch and it slammed my fist into the wall byt my hand slid causing it to brush up against the island that had a nail loose"

Bangchan sighs leaning his head back then says "Please don't try to throw punches. If you do,please do it verbally and not with your fist."  I have a feeling that I might just want to sleep with one eye open tonight.

Felix nods and Bang Chan looks at me "Oh and as for you Hyunjin, don't start shit you can't finish on your own. I mean I know its not your fault but did you have to shove him? Any other way like get the fuck out could have been better" he takes another sip of wine before continuing

"And I know you are often a chill person other than your sharp ass tounge,granted not as bad as Lee know but violence is never the solution and in the end, it caused a bigger mess."

"Well then I guess he shouldn't have been around my boyfriend smelling like booze as his fucking bruise still lay on Felix's neck. I told him three times to back off and go on out so we could dicuss things calmly but he started talking shit about Felix so I got tired of it" I explained to our leader.

"Get to bed guys before I get my blood pressure too high"

We did as we were told as we weren't going to press the leaders buttons today.
Today was Saturday which ment days off for Felix and since I was on break for now, I can't technically go into the JYP building until then.

The next morning

I didnt get much sleep much as all I could think about is Lix crying as he realized that he had to go to the hospital.

I failed him even though I promised to protect him. I should have payed better attention and would have caught Woojin before he even laid a hand on him. It drove me up a wall but also pissed me off of how a guy turn from night to day from when were training verus now.

Felix was laying closest to the wall as I was laying on the non-injured side of his body. My back felt somewhat better but at the same time it still ached. I got up stretching for a moment before I heard noises in the kitchen.

Now what the hell. I walked into the kitchen to smell burnt eggs and bacon, yeah maybe I.N shouldn't be cooking.

"Jeong-in, are you wanting us dead that badly that you tried to burn down the dorm or did you just want your hyung to make breakfast" I winked at him

Seungmin came out from I.N's dorm which-you know what none of my business. "Everyone Hyunjin is making breakfast"

Chan came out next "Just don't burn yourself or the place down. Other than that I'm not that concerned."

Changbin walked over to the blender and made him a smoothie and said "going to the gym, see ya" and left the door unlocked. But chan noticed it and locked it. Sure Changbin let's let in killers in the home while we are at it or post with a billboard that we leave the dorm door open.

Minho was already at the dance studio doing something, he never really says but oh well.

Jisung was already in his studio. I'm guessing doing something to do with producing and writing.

I started on frying the bacon figuring out how much each person eats then giving it to the person. As for drinks, cans are in the fridge so they are barking up the wrong tree there.

Next I fix the eggs the way the members eat them and placed it on their plate. A

Lix still must have been sleeping as he hasnt came into the kitchen yet. But he needed the sleep after everything that went on last night.

I won't wake him up as I will make him what he wished to eat just like I did for the members.

Felix's Pov

I wake up to the sound of the TV running on some drama. I walk in the living room with my blonde hair a mess and rubbing my eyes.

Chan was sitting on the couch watching a drama alone. I smiled and gave him a hug and told him morning before slowly making my way into the kitchen where I heard running water running from where Hyunjin was doing dishes.

I rubbed his back gently up and down as he does the dishes. "Hyunjin, uust sit down and rest. There is no reason for you to do them immediately. Your back is still trying to heal the trama it went through. Give your body a break."

I walk over to the fridge where there is a yogurt cup, I grab one and sat down eating it.

Hyunjin eventually listen to my words and sat down in the light colored wooden chairs. "How are you feeling my angel?" His eyes were fixed on me then travels down to my knuckle where the stitches were.  They didn't seem infected or felt like it so that's a positive note at least.

"Sorta sore but I think I beat myself up more than I did Woojin" I laughed. Woojin just took things too far and I can't just stand around while the man I love is getting hurt and spitted insults at.

He looks to the side as he must have got lost in thought then looked at me happily

"CHAN" Hyunjin shouted for our leader so loud I think my parents heard it all the way from Australia. I stared at him for a minute as I couldn't figure out why he was calling Bang Chan in here.

Bangchan walks in kinda looking annoyed, guessing a good part in the drama but who knows. "This better be important Hyunjin." He wasn't like getting, honestly he is just teasing him more than anything.

"Mind if Felix takes off like two days?" Bang Chan held up one finger then starts to look through his calendar and called staff just in case.

"Should be okay as long as I know where you are going." Hyunjin gets up and whispers "my parents place."

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