"Hey im robin"

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As I see him walk bye i notice that hes wearing a bandana and a necklace on I look away and just focus on my dog as I start to play with my dog and throw his toy across the lawn I laugh because he ran so quick
Then suddenly I feel someone looking at me I turn to my left and I see that the boy with he bandana is looking at my dog and smiling but then he looks as my and smiles aswell.I didn't want to be rude so I just wave at him and smile ,then he suddenly smiles and lifts his head up (idk how to explain it but like puts his head up slightly and down so like say hi)I turn back around then I hear "hey Robin over here"I turn around and I see finney calling for the boy I then see him run twords them and start to talk .
I thought to my self if they must be friends and I guess now I know his name is Robin I then start to thrown a tennis ball for max and he starts running full speed for it "max let's go inside buddy !!!" I walk inside and max runs after me "who were those kids outside?" My mom suddenly asks me "oh there names are finney and Gwen the girl gave me her number "oh I see you already made new friends "I guess so " and who was that boy"of that was finney-l "no the other one with the bandana on his head" "oh idk I think his name is Robin I didn't wanna be rude so I said hi to him" "ok you should go and out the blankets to your bed now " "okay mom!" When I went into my room I realized I didn't a good job on decorating my LEDS were working and my tv was working .I turn on the tv and I watch a random show that popped up I was watching it when I realized I need to put my school stuff in my back school bag for tomorrow.
I put my books and other stuff inside I looked at tu e time and it was 9:07 "oh my gosh I need to go to bed " I turn off the tv and get my bed ready"I need to go to sleep so I can get up really early so I can look at least good for my first day of school "
Y'all Ik it's a little short but like I'm new to this so yea😭

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