•following you•

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He looks at you then he says"nothing just those guys have been following us for a while".
You turn around and see those guys that were in te restaurant.
"It's okay don't mind them maybe they just wanted to go in these too"you say.
When you guys turned a corner Gwen said"can we stop by this restroom".
"Yea sure I kinda need to go Brb guys"
You says.
You and Gwen use the rest room and then walk out,when you guys do you see those guys from the restaurant standing there waiting.
You think you yourself•what the hell•.
You ignore it and grab gwens hand and get in the bikes.
"Ok let's go"you say.
Robin then says"see i told you"."Yea i know let's just keep going".
You and finney were talking about his baseball games and what he would want to do after.
"Hmm idk maybe we can't just go to a store or something"he says.
"Yea sure let's do that"You say.
You guys out the bikes back and started to walk hike when Robin grabs hood you hand.
He never does that just randomly so you got suspicious and looked behind you guys.
You then see the guys still following you.
"HEY LOOK"finney and Gwen says running to the sand.
You and Robin run with them.
"Oh my gosh look it's a turtle"Gwen says.
"Let's helo him he is still far from the water"robin says.
Gwen picks it up and puts it closer to the water.
You guys followed it until it went to the water.
"Hey maybe there's more ima go over here to look for some"you says jogging to a different area.
You found a huge pile of sea shells and just started looking at then.
"Hey"someone says.
You turn around and see the group of guys standing there.
"Oh hi"you say.
"So do you wanna hang out with us?"one of them say.
"I'm sorry no I'm actually with some people right now"you say looking back the shells.
"I don't see anyone"one of them walks forward to you.
Then he grabs your arm and starts to pull you.
"Ummm Can You let go of me?"you say calmly.
You weren't scared of them since you hand a grip on your pepper spray.
Then two of them grab your arms and then you spray them.
They fall to the ground and you just walked back.
"Y/N"Robin shouts running to you.
"Are you okay did they hurt you what happened"he says.
"Nothing they were just trying to you know grab me"

I told you guys it wasn't the end.

Robin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now