•First day of school•

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*alrm beeping*"ughhhh"you turn off your alarm and Get up to brush your teeth and hair and To get dressed

*alrm beeping*"ughhhh"you turn off your alarm and Get up to brush your teeth and hair and To get dressed

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You start to put mascara and chapstick on since you dislike lipstick
When you are eating breakfast you get a text from Gwen on snap saying •hey me and Finney are gonna head out you walking with us still?• you text back when you done eating •yea I'm heading out right now ,you can meet me out side of my house😊• "okay we are on our way "you walk outside and wait while on your phone "heyyy" "oh hey gwen!" "Ok let's go we don't wanna be late "you guys start to run to the school when you are about to walk inside you feel someone grab your arm.You turn around to see Gwen"um where are you going Gwen " "OMG let's go look " she heads twords this group of kids cheering the word fight you look to see who it is and it's robin "GO ROBIN !!!" Gwen shouts "is he your friend?" "Yea he's finneys friend but he's also ours" you then look at Robin then you hear "then do it ,unless your scared" they both start to fight and robin beat him up,he throws the kid on the ground and he start to punch him ."Oh shit he's bleeding"you say "hell yea he is Robin never looses a fight"finney says after the fight you say "we should get going before teacher come over "

As you guys walk away you turn around to see Robin smiling at you you can't help but smile back then turn around and the Gwen says "who are you looking at?" "Umm your friend Robin he is staring over here I don't know why" "he probably has a crush on you "she giggles you push her and finney starts to laugh

When you get to your first class the teacher says "ah you must be y/n right " "yes maim " "okay class we have a new student joining us her name is y/n I expect you guys to be kind " "hun you can sit next to mister Arellano " you look where she points and walk there and sit down you looks to your right and you see Robin sitting there on his phone (again guys pretend you guys have phones"you see him pull up Snapchat searching a name then you look away to pay attention you then remember you have your phone in your bag and you raise your hand "hey sweets?" "May I go out my phone in my locker I forgot I had it in my back pack" "yes of course,also put your back pack in there too" "okay!" You get up and then when your in the hall way you check your phone .You go onto snap chat and it reads ~robin Arellano_25 added you by search"you think to your self that's strange so you just add him back and put you phone in your locker then you realize that the shirt your wearing is a bit lame so you go to the rest room and change into these black bell bottom jeans you leave the rest room and start to walk to class but as you turn around you look to your left and see finney with these two boy and they look like he are cornering him into a locker and you look at finneys face and you see him scared "HEY!,what are you guys doing to him!" "Oh look who we have here " Matt says"aren't you that new girl "buzz says "yea you didn't answer my question why u guys cornering him!?" "Because we can and no one is stopping us " "I am so you better back off"you say stepping in front of finney "y/n please don't it's fine I can take the punches " finney says but as you were about to reply one of them kicked your leg but instead of it hurting you you just got mad "I wish I wouldn't have to do this because it's my first day but you guys deserve it " you then punch all three of them but one of them get up and punch you you step back and put them in a head lock and then the two others push you and start to kick you you kick them in the balls and start to lunch then one bye one."MISS Y/N " your teacher says "what are you doing missy" "what do you think I'm doing I'm trying to helo my friend these three were gonna beat him up " you then see all the student come out the class room including robin ,they all look at your bloody hand and nose and then the three boys ok the ground bleeding from there nose "GO TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE NOW" "bitch " you mutter and you hear Robin laugh"WHAT DID YOU SAY" "none of ur businesses " You keeps walking then go to the office and sit down

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