•the grabber•

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When you guys got up there you can see the cops holding a mans hands tightly.When you guys see him you guys all yell in synce"THE GRABBER"

Do you guys know this man"yea he is the guys that kidnapped the paper boy and Bruce and the other kids"
The cops take him away and your parents say "ok guys we need to talk to all of you guys"they say happily"sit down on the bed "your dad says.

You guys sit down and you see two guys walk in and robin gets up and hugs one of them and Gwen and finney hug the other guys "so kid we talked to your guys parents and we asked them if they would like to live with us "you mom say "so they agreed so you kids can live in the hidden room and us adults live up here how does that sound"your dad says.

"Hmm I will have to talk to them over here"so you get up and they follow you to the hidden room "YESSSSS""YAYYYY""OMG OMG OMG"LETS GOOOO"
You guys walk back out and you say "we accept"and you guys all start to laugh.
Guys Ik this is moving to fast and this story is about you and Robin but I wanted to add finney and get just to show that you guys care about your friends more another part is coming btw!!!!

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