•a day living with your bestfriends•

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You wake up in the other room with Robin you slowly get up and as you were about to get on your feet you feel someone pull your waist back and you fall back into the bed"5 more minutes "you hear Robin say "I need to get up to wake up finney amd Gwen for school"you say back to him"robin?" You say confused.After a good minute you hear snoring and you turn around to see Robin dead asleep.You grab your phone and you check the time,it was 6:31am.
You walk to finney and gwens room and you see finneys head hanging off of the bed and you see gwen on the ground sleeping you can help but giggle "Gwen...Gwen!!"you whisper "oh great finney pushed me off the bed again "she says giving finney and rude look as he gets up and take sup the whole bed again"get up and get dressed we can wake them up at 7:00am".
You help Gwen find a outfit and you guys decide to match clothes!

You help Gwen find a outfit and you guys decide to match clothes!

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(Your the one on the left and Gwen is the one on the right)

After you get dressed gwen asks you where the clips are for her hair you hand her them and she does her hair while you do yours

After you get dressed gwen asks you where the clips are for her hair you hand her them and she does her hair while you do yours

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You look at the time and it's 6:49am.
You brush your teeth and then make breakfast while Gwen brushed her teeth aswell

YOU MAKE BREAKFASTyou check the time again and it's already 7:00am "gwen!!" You shout" comingg!" You hear gwen yell back "can you wake up robin and your brother ?"you ask "yea sure but if I they don't wake up the first time I won't hesitate to dra...

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you check the time again and it's already 7:00am "gwen!!" You shout" comingg!" You hear gwen yell back "can you wake up robin and your brother ?"you ask "yea sure but if I they don't wake up the first time I won't hesitate to drag them"she laughs"okay go ahead"you say while you were setting down 4 plates so you guys can eat but as you were about to get cups out you hear "GET OFF OF MY ""YOU NEED TO GET UP""NOO""FIVE MORE MINUTES GWEN COME ON"

"Great"you sigh you walk close to the hall way to see better and you see gwen pulling robin and finney by there legs and you see gwen slapping there leg because they keep yelling"Ok gwen I think we are good now "you laugh,she lets them go and finney tries to run back to the room but Gwen pulls his arm back and he falls onto robin "owww"robin and finney say at the same time.

You tell finney and Robin to brush there teeth and get dressed "fine only because you told me to"Robin says.You and Gwen are later eating and they finally finish changing and brushing there teeth "took you guys long enough "you said "why do we have to wake up so early but school starts at 8:30"finney says putting 2 frech toast on his plate "because last time I let you guys sleeping in you guys didn't even get to eat because you woke up at 8:20" you say rolling your eyes"ok true"you Hear Robin say laughing.You get up and out food in Max's bowl and water in the other one and a puppy pad just incase.

After you guys eat it's already 7:36am,ok guys head out the door at 8:10"you say packing your stuff in your back pack hey all say ok and go to there room and fix there bed and put stuff in there back packs.

At8:09am you hear everyone coming out there room and heading out.You start to leave with them and you turn the light off the house and leave the kitchen light on,"bye mom by dad bye guys"you say and you walk out the house "ok guys let's go"you hear finney say.(skipping to where you guys are at school bc im to lazy to type about the walk over there)

"Ok bye finney bye Gwen!!!"you yell and start to walk with Robin.When you guys get to class you sit down and go on your phone since the teacher wasn't there yet you go into Bruce's story and you see a photo of him as school and a lot of girl around him and the caption was •I guess getting kidnapped makes you popular?• you laughs and show robin and he says "Thats true i seen the paper boy walking with a lot of gifts in his hand "he laughs.
After that class and 2 others you see finney and you walk with him to the cafeteria you look next to him and you see Donna and can't help but smile because finney is always talking about her.

You sit down and you see moose and Robin yelling at each other "you snobby little beaner"you hear Moose   Say "then do it,unless your scared"you hear Robin say.Them before you know it moose is on the ground and robin got on top of him and started to punch him,after the fight you guys just sat down in the corner of the cafeteria you see gwen running up to you guys in a panic"help-...me"you hear Gwen gasp"what's going on ?"you and "Matt matty and buzz are chasing me " you get up and grab gwens arm and you sit her down where you were previously sitting and you go to the entrance of the cafeteria and you turn around and you see Robin following you because he knew he had to help "I can hear them coming get ready"Robin says .Then you guys see them walk in and you punch them in the face and robin kicked then on the side of there thigh which caused him to fall and you did that to the two boy and soon they were all on the ground "leave Gwen alone next time white kids"you say and grab robin arm and walk away and sit back down.

After school you text your mom saying your going back home and that you got into a fight with these boys that keep bother finney and Gwen,your mom knows it was just for defense so she let it slide.

You walk into your guys house (the hidden room)and you clean up the puppy pad and you give max more food and more water.You then say "I'm ordering pizza want anything else?" "You hear "breadsticksss!!!" "A strawberry shake!!!""white chocolate chip cookieee!!!",again your family is pretty wealthy so you had a lot of money saved up to buy stuff "ok the food is coming in 20"you yell "

You walk into you and Robin room and you see him changing his shirt and he lays down "hey y/n ima take a nap ima sooo tired"he say "alright sleep well"
You give him a kiss on the cheek and take off his bandana to wash it.You grab your guys dirty clothes and his bandana and you walk out the room carrying the baskets.You put them in the laundry and you knock on finney and gwens room and see them rearranging there room "oh great what are you guys doing now"you ask "we put that extra bed from the garage in the room so the bed could be bigger because FINNEY keeps kicking me off of it"she says"ok good luck I guess"you say laughing "maxxxxx!!!"you yell and you hear him walking to your kitchen "hey buddy let's watch tv while we wait for the food"you say to him ask he lays down on the couch and you turn the tv on but before you do you give him a treat.
After about 20 minutes you hear your phone buzz and there is a message that says ~your food has arrived thank you for ordering from us~ you go out the small home and go into the actual house and you go outside and grab the 2 bags of food,you lock the door and walk back in the hidden room and set the food down on the table "food is here!!!!"You shout hand you see finney and Gwen run out and sit down and eat.
You go into you and robins room to wake him up "robinnnnn,foods here let's go eat"you whisper,"ok be there in a bit "he says back
You then leave the door open and call max to do lay down on the bed and rest,you see my lay dow right next to Robin and start to sleeping.
"Ok guys Robin is taking a nap"
Hey guys thank you so much for 1k views it mean a lot ima stop here for tonight my finger hurt from typing😭👍🏼

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