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After they all changed you guys walked out the house.
You guys started to walk along the path while talking.
"So what's this place you wanna go to?"Robin says interlocking your guys finger together.
"Well it's a waffle place they also serve desert so I wanted to go there because I know finney and Gwen like desert a lot"you say.
"Yessss"Gwen says.
When you guys got there you let them order whatever they wanted.
"Ok and for desert?"The waiter asks.
You look at Gwen and finney and just nod.
"Can we get a banana split in a size large"gwens says.
"Ok coming right up(pretend you already payed,it was cheap btw)
When the food got there the desert was also there.
You amd Robin were sharing some French toast together while finney and Gwen had a separate plate of French toast eggs and bacon.
Robin cuts a piece and feeds it to you.
You did the same to him.
"Umm y/n"finney says.
"Yea?"you say looking at him.
He points to your left.
You looked and there were dudes walking up to you guys.
They looked your guys age.
Robin scooted you closer to him.
When he did that they all turned right back.
"Umm anyways you guys can eat your desert now"you say changing the subject.
When you and Robin were done eating you started to feed him some ice cream.
"This is really good"finney says.
"Right?,I love the strawberry flavor one"you say.
When you guys were done you guys were talking about where you guys should go after.
"When we were walking over here I seen some bikes,I think you can rent them and ride around"Gwen said.
"We should get one that would be fun"you said.
"We should go already if we wanna get one"Robin said.
You guys got up and started to leave when suddenly someone tapped you on the shoulder.
You turned around and seen one of the guys that was walking up to your table.
"Umm do you need anything"you said taking Robins hand.
"Oh I was just wondering if you recommend any places"he says.
"Umm not really there is a gift shop down by those small houses over there"you say back.
"Ok thanks"he says back looking you up and down.
You guys left the store and continued walking to where Gwen was.
"Look they are over there"Gwen says.
You look and see a man with bikes.
You guys run over there and rent a bike.
The bikes had 4 seats so it was perfect for you guys.
You guys take the bike to the side walk and you guys all get on it.
"Oh y/n he also gave us a map"finney says.
"Ooo let's go here"gwen says pointing at a spot.
"Ok sure let's go!"you say pedaling.
You guys were having a lot of dun talking and just laughing.
When you look at Robin you notice he was looking behind you guys a lot.
"Hey what's wrong"you say putting your hand on his shoulder

Sorry if its bad,and años sorry if I misspelled things last time I put the name Miguel instead of Robin😭😭😭

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