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January 25th, 2017.


January in Australia is the last month of the summer break. I was getting ready to go out with my guy best friend Jay. We've been friends ever since we started talking, so for about 20 years. Our moms have been best friends since high school and had us at almost the same time. I got born on January 17th, 1997, and he got born on December 4th 1996. We're only 1 month apart, but he still calls me a child or a kid. It's annoying but i can't do anything about it.

Jayson is a 22 years old guy, with light brown hait and hazel eyes and he's 6 feet tall. He's one of the most popular guys in our school.

We have most of our classes together which is pretty cool. Girls hate me, because ever since we started high school, they think I have a crush on him. That shit is more gross than the fact i gotta stand his ass 24/7 and hear all these rumors. We skip school most of the time anyways. To be honest if someone asked me, who's the most important person to me at the moment, I'd say Jay. He's been dating a girl for over a year now. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Her name is Josie. She lives in the US, so most the time they only text, because Jay doesn't like talking at all. She's also my best friend. He barely talks to anyone but me and his siblings. It's okay tho, i undestand him and he understands me.

While i was getting ready my phone buzzed. I looked at the screen and saw a text from, guess who? Jay.



Listen u dickhead, I AM NOT
going to their concert
knowing damn well it's on
my birthday



I quickly answered him and came back to doing my makeup and struggling with finding a good outfit.
I spent about 30 minutes on doing my makeup. It wasn't perfect but it wasn't bad either. I wore a black, tight, short dress and a white sweater, even tho it was hot outside. I don't know why but i always get cold while being out. I wore my white Air Forces 1 and run downstairs, took my keys and came outside, locking my apartment behind me. I was 17 and already living alone, all because my parents decided to move to another city. I didn't want to leave Jay alone. While waiting for him i went on my phone and started scrolling through Instagram. I saw a new post on Chase Atlantic's page and without thinking i started reading the description. It said that they're coming out with new singles called Part One, Part Two and Part Three. I saw the dates of the releases. The first part was supposed to come out on my birthday. I thought about it for a bit and then remembered that Jay wanted to take me to their concert. The next thing I thought about was that I need to talk to him about going there. I'm not going to lie, I was a big fan of them. Jayson knew it too and liked it a lot. He was the one to show me their songs and everything. I didn't want to go anywhere, all because my social anxiety has been really bad lately. Jay was the only person who knew how to calm me down, that's why we would go everywhere together. When he finally decided to arrive we went to McDonald's. We always go there, order food and talk while eating. I ordered an iced coffee and nuggets. He ordered a wrap and fries. Obviously we always share with food so it wasn't a surprise when Jay started eating MY food.

- Vee please, let's go to that concert. It's your birthday and it was the best present i could think of. And also maybe you'll meet someone n stop being a single ass mf.- He said while drinking my coffee.- This shit is disgusting, what the fuck Valerie!- He said while trying to get the taste of the coffee off his tongue, by eating fries.

- It's not disgusting! You just don't know what's good. And fine we can go but don't u dare to make me stand in the first row. I'll kill you dude.- I said while looking for a napkin.


-Yeah yeah whatever, be quiet. We're in public dickface. I ain't tryna get people's attention alright.- I said and came back to chewing on my straw.

When we finished our food we cleaned up and threw away the trash. We came out and headed home. We talked all the way to my apartment. When I was about to hug Jay for a goodbye he stopped me.

- Listen Vee. You're my best friend ever since I remember. In 2 days it's your birthday. I just wanna let you know that when I called you my favorite person i wasn't being sarcastic. You've been helping me so much, and yeah I'm bad at this shit fuck off. Skipping all that nice shit I wanna give you this.- He said and put a shell bracelet on my wrist.- Remember when we used to spend every day on the beach when we were kids? Yeah. I know damn well you ain't gonna take this shit off ever so i want it to be something that will remind you of me, if we ever fall apart. You talk ab that a lot so I just wanted to somehow show you I care for your ass even tho it might not seem like it at times. I have the same one at home n it always reminds me that I have you when I need to talk to someone or anything.- He continued.

I felt my eyes starting to feel up with tears. I was about to start crying, but i stopped myself. This was the only thing i wanted to hear for a long time. Yeah it's been hard lately between us but he remembered that I'm a big overthinker and reassured me.

- Don't you dare to cry hoe I didn't came here n gave you that shit just so you'll cry.- He said and we both laughed.- But anyways, Josie is flying to me and is staying for a few days. She'll be here on the 27th, so your birthday. She wanted it to be a secret but yk I can't keep shit from you.

- YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME. JAY STOP.- I said and a tear fell down my cheek. I wrapped my arms tight around his neck and started tearing up from happiness.- Gosh I'm so happy, you don't understand.- I continued. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me back.

- And so am I. My fucking girlfriend is flying to me bro. Im stressed tf out.- He said looking at me.

- U have nothing to be stressed about. I'm sure everything will be okay. You're just thinking too much.- I said while pulling back.- Remember u can call me anytime.- I said while turning around and walking to my apartment.

- I DO REMEMBER.- He yelled and walked away.

Sure he did. He forgets everything very fast. That's why I always remind him of shits. I opened the door off my apartment and took off my shoes. I walked to the sofa, that was standing in the living room, and threw myself on it. I closed my eyes and just like that I fell asleep.


First chapter. I hope you all like it. Ik it could be better but it's literally 3 in the morning. I love you and please vote <333

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