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January 27th, 2017.


It was 4 in the morning. Me and the boys released our single called Part One. I was really excited about it, because we've worked on it for so long. Later that day we had a concert. For the first time I was going to sing 3 new songs and one that's been unreleased. We knew our fans would go crazy about it. I was never stressed out before performing. It was something I love doing, and that'll never change. The concert was talking place in a theater in Brisbane, in Australia. We had to fly from LA there so we didn't sleep much. I was pretty tired, and yet i had to get ready for the performance. The hotel we were staying at was close to the city center and the theater so we didn't have any issues with getting there in time. Kras and I have been testing the mics and singing a few parts of our songs to make sure everything is ready. We spent there a few hours so when we were done, we had only 3 hours to change and eat something. I jumped off the stage and came up to Clinton.

- I'm kinda hungry, do you mind if we went out and ate something. I'm sure you're hungry as well.- I said and waved to Kras so he could come up to us.

- Yeah sure, I'll tell the rest and you two can already head to McDonald's, we'll join you in a few minutes.- He said and walked away.

We walked out of the theater and started walking towards the place we were supposed to meet up with the rest of the group. Me and Kras talked all the way there. We've known each other for years now. The way we act on the stage is kinda sus, but oh well we don't really care. We are having fun, and that's all it matters. When we finally arrived, we looked for a table to sit and wait for the rest. We were sitting next to a big window. I went on my phone and opened Instagram. Nothing new, a lot notifications and unopened dms. I took a picture of the buildings outside and posted it on my story.

- Mitty, maybe we should order already. You know Clinton, he'll get distracted and join us in like 30 minutes or so.- Kras said while I was putting my phone down.

- You're right, let's go. We have nothing else better to do anyways and I'm so fucking hungry.- I said and got up.

Kras got up too and we went and ordered some food. When I was walking back to our table I bumped into some brunette. She turned around and looked at me.

- I'm sorry, I didn't see you.- I said while looking at her.

- It's fine, I wasn't looking either.- She said and smiled at me. Then some guy pulled her to the side.

I shook my head and came back to Kras with my food.

- What took you so long mate?- He asked while frowning and eating his fries.

- I bumped into some girl and wanted to say sorry alright. Some guy pulled her to the side when I wanted to tell her to have a nice day and shit. I forgot how it was in Australia.- I said and took a bite of my burger.

- Am i hearing shit right, or did some girl had a chit-chat with you?- He chuckled.

- Oh my God Christian. It was an accident and I just said sorry, we weren't having a fucking chit-chat.- I murmured and took a sip of my coke.- You gotta be on molly or some other shit if you think something like that.

- I actually am very clean Mitty.- He laughed and hit my arm playfully.- I'm just joking brother, don't get mad.

- I know, I'm just tired.- I sighed and finished my burger.- You were right about Clinton. He ain't showing up for shit. Instead our fans did, look around but don't make it look sus. They're all looking.- I mumbled and turned my head to look at Kras.

- Shit you're right. Let's order something for them and come back.- He said and got up.

We ordered them the same we just ate and walked out of the restaurant. I took a deep breath and looked at Christian.

- I love being recognized, but hate when people stare at me. It's making me anxious as fuck bro.- I whispered and looked around.

- I know, I saw you getting stressed and anxious so that's why I said let's order them shit and get out of that place.- He muttered and hit my back.- Calm down, we're going back.

We started walking back to the theater. I was looking at everything around me and taking deep breathes when i saw the girl i bumped into before. She also recognized me so I smiled to her. She immediately turned her head and started walking faster with the same, tall guy next to her. They were laughing so I assumed they were siblings. They looked very similar. It was almost 6 pm and the concert was supposed to start at 7 pm.
I looked for Clinton, and when i finally found him i smacked his head.

- You liar. You told us to wait and never showed up.- I growled. He just looked at me and chuckled.

- I'm sorry I got distracted.- He said while massaging the back of his head.

- Whatever we got you all food.- I gave him the paper bag and walked away.- I'll go get ready, just don't forget we start in an hour.

I went to my changing room and rubbed my eyes. I was still so tired. I changed into black sweatpants and an oversized, black t-shirt. I put in my in-ear monitors. We've been using them ever since we've started performing. I went out to see how many people already came. Clinton was on the stage, setting his guitar with Kras. I walked on it and looked at tge crowd. There were so many people. Over 1 thousand for sure. I was so excited. When people saw me, they started screaming and yelling something to me. I didn't understand, because of how many people did that.
I looked around one more time and came back on the backstage. Clinton and Christian joined me. In 5 minutes we were supposed to start the concert. I was never more excited than in that moment. We started counting. I looked at the crowd one more time and smiled.

- You're good. Let's do this boys!- Christian screamed and we high-fived with each other.


I LIKE THIS CHAPTER SOO MUCHH. I'll try to post another one later. VOTE PLEASE <33

𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 // Mitchel Cave Where stories live. Discover now