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January 15th, 2021


Me and the boys were finishing our album in the studio when i got a text from Jordan. We've been doing good for the past few months, or maybe should I say, since Valerie went missing. Nobody's seen her in 2 whole months. She wouldn't answer anyone's calls, texts, anything. We found out in December that she's sold her house and well basically disappeared, but this time not for a short period of time without updating on her life anywhere or to anyone. Everyone seemed to forget about all of this, especially her best friend Jayson. It just threw me off guard when once i brought her up, and he just started being so rude about it, and saying stuff about her. Yeah Valerie wasn't maybe the smartest person, but she sure has noticed how badly would he treat her for the past few months. I never really liked him, he'd always be so cold towards her when Josie would be around, like he'd put her aside. It was really hurting me, so after all I was glad she was gone from his life, just not mine. I tried looking for her, but it was just pointless. We did find Matthew though. We talked to him and found out nothing. It really was worrying me, cause i wasn't sure if she was safe or even alive. I know she's been struggling mentally, and that just made me feel even worse. Coming back to the text i got. Jordan texted me saying we all gotta come back home fast. I was really confused cause she'd never tell me to come home during recording. Like ever. We took our stuff and drove back home. When we came inside i saw her worried face. I stood in the living room, confused, waiting for someone to explain me what happened.

- Mitty, you should sit down.- Cas spoke to me.

I was even more confused but at the same time her words scared me. Jordan sat next to me, wrapping her arm around mine and putting her head on my shoulder. I kissed her head and looked around for more information from anyone. Kras and Clinton didn't seem surprised or anything, so I assumed they knew already.

- Can someone tell me, what the fuck is going on, you guys are scaring the shit out of me.- I snapped looking around.

The next thing I remember was Jayson walking into the living room. I looked at him and he looked back at me. He was obviously mad but nobody really cared. Cas turned on the TV and we started watching the news. As soon as i read the tittle, I froze and so did Jayson. His face expression changed, now he looked lost and worried. He then got mad again and walked to the hallway, grabbing his car keys and walking outside. Josie followed him. I was still sitting on the couch, trying to proceed what did I just get to know. It was all about Valerie. Someone got into a car accident, one of the victims was her. There was one deceased. Jayson had to check who's survived. I didn't know how to react so i just zoned out right there on that damn couch.


We arrived at the hospital as soon as we found out that Valerie was the survivor. My anxiety's gotten really bad and i just couldn't keep myself calm. Jordan tried calming me down so many times, but she just gave up after some time. We were waiting in the waiting room for a doctor to come up to us with any news. We only knew it's really bad with her. After a few hours we finally got some good news. Her surgery went well but she'll have a long recovery. Jayson seemed relieved, but he still didn't seem like he'd want to talk to her or anything. Yet when we finally could see her, he was the one to literally run to her. They might not be on the best terms, but they still loved each other so much it was so insane for me. Once all of my friends spent enough time with her, I could finally get to tell her some stuff. She wasn't conscious yet, but it didn't bother me. I sat next to her bed, and held her hand.

- Val please, i need you here, with me, remember? You promised you'd always be here, no matter what. And look i'm here, now, next to you like i promised. I love you Valerie.- I kissed her hand while whispering some shit.

Then I felt her squeezing my hand. I looked up to see what's going on and saw that she's waking up. I called a nurse and Jayson since i thought he should be there when she wakes up. The nurse told us to leave the room and we did as we were told. Once she was fully awake we walked back in. She looked at us confused and lost.

- W-who are you?- She whispered while looking at me and Jayson.

The nurse quickly reacted and called the doctor. We were told that she's struggling with amnesia from how hard she hit her head. When Jay heard that, he punched the wall, and when the rest of my friends did, they were lost. Cas and Jordan started crying, and Josie? Well she seemed happy. It pissed me off.

- Bruh, why are you happy. What the fuck is wrong with you dude?- I growled, walking out of the room leaving my friends and her behind.

And when we all thought it couldn't get worse, we found out she won't be able to sing for the next few months, and probably will struggle with getting back her memory for a very long time. It was hell, and I needed to do everything in my power to bring back my Valerie.



𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 // Mitchel Cave Where stories live. Discover now