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February 2nd, 2018.


Me and Valerie have been dating for over 3 months now. We've been doing better than ever, yet I could see that something wasn't right with her. Something was very wrong but every time I asked her about it, she ignored my question and changed the topic. It wasn't annoying me, it was worrying me even more, knowing she's avoiding the subject of her health. I cared about her and was worried about what will happen to her. She didn't seem to worry about herself though. I kept myself distracted by trying to write. It wasn't going well, and every time Val saw me struggling, she'd come to me, sit on my lap and try to help me as much as she could. I love that girl so much, more than I thought I ever will love a girl. We were getting ready for our last tour concert. Valerie was waiting for me near the stage. When I got ready i walked up to her, gave her a kiss and came back on the stage. I was singing Angeline when I saw Valerie's eyes being full of tears. I smiled to her and jumped off the stage. I wrapped my arms around her neck and kissed her. She smiled and kissed me back.

- This is the girl, I wrote Angeline about.- I said through the mic. The fans started screaming in excitement.

When we were done with the performance, we came back home. It was quite late, but I wasn't feeling tired at all. I sat by my desk and started writing some words. It wasn't going well. Valerie noticed that and came up to me. She gave me a kiss on my forehead and wrapped her arms around my neck.

- Is everything okay?- She whispered while sitting on my lap.

- Yeah, I just can't write for shit. My mind's all over the place.- I muttered and kissed her cheek.

- What's bothering you?- She asked and raised her brow at me.

- Everything. I'm worried about what's going on with you Vee. - I said and looked at her. Her face expressions changed.

- Mitty, I'm okay. My ed came back and I've been dealing with a d-. Uhm yeah that's it.- She shrugged and cuddled into me.

- Dealing with what?- I continued.

- It's really nothing love, don't worry.- She smiled at me, but it wasn't a real smile. She faked it.

- Don't lie to me Valerie.- I murmured and hugged her tight.- You can tell me everything. It's not like I'll get mad.

- I'm not! I promise.- She continued.

- Alright then. I'm tired. Can we sleep?- I asked and smiled at her softly.

She nod her head and kissed me. I kissed her back. She walked over to our bed and sat on it as I layed on it. Then she put her head on my chest and fell asleep. I did too pretty fast. I knew she was lying to me, I just didn't know about what and why. It was haunting me. Every single motherfuckin' day. A few months ago, exactly in June I decided to change my appearance a bit. All of my hair was braided. Valerie has changed too. Now she had blonde hair, since her modeling agency made her dye it that color. She's released an EP lately, and we released a song called Numb To The Feeling. We were on the stage checking the sound, because later we were performing. We hired a new photographer. It was a girl. Her name was Jordan. When she came over, I recognized her from the New Years party. We had a quick talk and I came back to singing a bit. After a few hours Valerie came to us. I was so happy to see her. I walked to her and gave her a passionate kiss. She smiled at me and kissed me back.

- Is everything okay?- She asked.

- Yes, everything's ready. I am ready.- I answered and hugged her tightly.- Are you?- I whispered. She's been dealing with a lot lately. I was trying my best to be there for her.

- Yeah, just tired, but I can't miss your concert after all.- She muttered and kissed my cheek. Paparazzi already couldn't leave us alone. We've stopped caring after a few months.

- Hey Mitchel, can we talk right quick?- Jordan came up to us and grabbed me by my arm and pulled me to the side.

I noticed that Valerie was mad after that. I continued talking to Jordan and saw her walking up to some guy. They started talking and laughing like nothing. I clenched my jaw and excused Jordad.

- We gotta go.- I grabbed Valerie by her arm aggressively and pulled her on the back stage.- What the fuck you think you're doing?- I growled.

- Oh my fucking god Mitchel. I can't laugh with a guy now? He literally has a girlfriend chill.- She frowned and punched my chest.

- I'm sorry.- I wrapped my arms around her neck and hugged her. She stood there and didn't do anything.

- Mitchel, you have to understand that I wanna have friends.- She stepped back and looked at me.- It's not like I'll cheat on you.

- Yeah sorry.- I muttered and walked back to Clinton and Kras.

I loved her so much and that's why I was so controlling over her. I needed to give her space after all. After that I started hanging out with Jordan more. She was fun and all, I started to like her. Valerie started being less home so I had to distract myself with something. She was always on set or touring. I was writing a lot. One day we were sitting in our room. It was so quiet. Valerie came back from her tour a few days ago. She seemed so off. I tried asking herself if everything is okay but she just ignored me.

- Listen it's been days since you last talked to me. You're ignoring me, you avoid me. What did I even do?- I shrugged and made eye contact with her.

- Oh my god Mitchel. You wanna know the truth? I'm a fucking drug addict, and you know what else? You've been so friendly with that Jordan girl. Do you think it's so fucking easy for me!- She yelled with tears in her eyes.- My dad is dying in the hospital and all you care about is seeing that girl. I'm your girlfriend bro! Look me in the eyes and tell me she's just your fucking friend.- She yelled at me ans teared up. She was mad and so was I.

- Oh yeah, because you're the only one that's hurt right? I'm the bad guy. Play the victim it's the best you can to, you're an actress after all right Valerie!- I huffed and stood up from my desk.- Everything is always about you, you and you. When have you ever asked how do I feel with you spending so much time with other guys and not me? Just proves my point in you loosing feelings. Have ever even loved me?- I clenched my jaw and made eye contact with her.

- Hell the fuck no, we aren't about to do this shit again. I'm fucking tired Mitchel. Go date that girl. I'm not gonna fight for you.- She answered with her voice cracking.

She was hurt, and at that moment I've realised, that I lost her forever this time.



𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 // Mitchel Cave Where stories live. Discover now