39 1 7

October 10th, 2021


Mitchel and I have been living in Hawaii for now 10 months. I was so happy again. Nothing bothered me as much, i was finally free. Yes, I was getting recognized a lot, but i liked it. It wasn't annoying me, like it used to, back when i was living in LA. I overcame my drug addiction as well. Nobody would've known where are we if not paparazzi, but whatever. I completely lost any contact with Jayson, a few months ago his girlfriend did a lot of awful things to me, starting from trying to cancel me for something I didn't do, and ending on turning my best friend on me. I knew she wasn't good for him, or a good person at all, but as long as he was happy I didn't care. I was now happy with Mitchel. I couldn't let a bitch destroy my life.

Yeah talking about Mitty. We weren't back together like he thought we would be. I wanted it really bad, but i felt like it's just not the best time for me. I wanted him, I needed him, i craved him, but i couldn't have him. It was destroying me, but i knew once i get everything sorted out, first thing i'll do is date him. It was really bad at times, but he was my number 1 supporter. Of course our happiness couldn't last long.

We were eating dinner when my phone buzzed. I picked it up to see who's texting me. It was him. I shook my head and continued eating my food. My phone kept going off, so i got mad and called him.

- What do you want?- I asked, trying not to yell at him. I was furious, but what if it was something important?

- Valerie, Josie is really sick. They're saying that..- He couldn't finish the sentence. His voice cracked and i heard him taking a sharp breath in, as if he's been holding in his breath.

- Okay? What do you want me to do about it. There's not much I can do about it.- I rolled my eyes and felt Mitchel reaching to hold my hand. I allowed him to do it.

- Valerie, my daughter just got born. Please, can you come back. I beg you man.- He sounded like he was about to cry. It broke me. I hated the fact that i still cared about him, after all of these things he's done to me with Josie.

- Jay, I'm eating fucking dinner. I cannot teleport to you, and i'm sure not...- I didn't finish, because Mitty squeezed my hand. I nodded my head. I knew he wanted to tell me to not cross the line.- I'll be there in a few hours, hang on.- I sighed and hung up. Mitchel must've noticed that I really don't want to go, because he was now standing behind me.

I stood up and hugged him tightly. I don't even know these people anymore. How will his child react. It's so much, i don't think i can handle it. Mitchel hugged me back, and kissed the top of my head. I felt safe in his arms, and i knew it won't change. No matter with how many guys i'll get with, he is the one i'll always come back to. When i was finally ready to let go, i stepped back and went to the bedroom. I had to pack myself and well Mitchel. He was going too obviously. There was so much to talk about. I didn't even know what's his child's name. Everything was happening so fast again. I was scared. Mitchel knew it. He was sitting on the bed, watching me. I rolled my eyes and looked at him.

- What is it? Just say it before I find out.- I muttered to him. I wasn't sure if the thing he was thinking about was good or not.

- Everything will be fine. I know how much you hate them. You shouldn't be the one, to take care of his shit Vee.- He spoke with a calm voice. It was so calming when he'd speak. I loved him so much.

- I know. Thank you for being here with me Mitty.- I forced a smile and closed the suitcase.- Let's go, we'll be in LA by the morning.

He nodded his head and followed me outside. Of course before all that we both changed and everything. We were at the airport when I decided to call Jayson again.

- Hey, we will be in LA at around 6 am.- I said and waited for him to say something. I heard a quiet "mhm" and then hung up.

I knew it's bad, but i didn't feel bad for her. I hated her. It was hurting me anyways because Jay was hurting. We were connected in ways I couldn't explain. It was really hard for me to see him like that, but i was also really mad. Why am I the person he comes to, once a girl that i told him will fuck his life over is dying? Why should I care? She took him away, i don't care about his life, but yet i'm here, on the airport, with the love of my life, coming back to the city i'm scared of. Mitchel was trying to help me as much as he could. We were sitting in the airplane, when i felt his hand holding mine. I smiled at him and put my head on his arm. I never thought i'd be with him now.

- I'm so proud of you. You're doing this, even tho we both know you shouldn't.- He whispered, kissing the top of my head. I nodded my head, closing my eyes.

- Yeah, after the shit they've done. But if she actually dies, I'll have to help Jay with his kid. I'm not a monster ya know.- I spoke with an accent and heard Mitchel chuckle.

- That you're an aussie is really showing now. I like it.- He muttered. I smiled and looked up at him. Then at his lips, and it happened.

We kissed. I needed it so much. I didn't let go for a few seconds. I liked the way he made me feel. It was full of love and passion. I slept the whole flight. When we were in Los Angeles, Kras and Clinton picked us up. I hugged them tightly. I missed these motherfuckers. Once we arrived at Jayson's house, i felt my stomach do a flip. I didn't want to be here so bad.

- It's alright.- Mitchel reassured me and held my hand. I forced a smile and gave him a kiss on the cheek. We entered the house. I saw Jayson sitting on the couch, half asleep.

I walked to him and sat next to him. He noticed that and hugged me tightly. He started sobbing in my arms. It was the first time he'd do this with anyone. I
sighed and hugged him back, trying to calm him down.

- Bro she's dead.- He whispered and started crying. So hard i was too stunned to say any word.

Josie died? Good for her.

- I'm so sorry Jay.- I hugged him more tightly.

I'm not.

- I'm alone man. With Ellie. She's all i have.- He muttered, while pulling away. He held my hands and looked me in the eyes.- Please help me. I don't know, lock me up, yell at me for everything i've done. Just please help me with the kid.- He was begging for help. I looked around and met my glance with Mitchel. He nodded his head and i hugged my best friend again.

- You're so stupid, but strong. I'll try helping, but you need to know I don't want to talk to you straight off. You know what you did, i don't think i can forgive you for that Jay.- I closed my eyes and let him cry.

He thanked me and once he calmed down i let him go. He looked at me with a small smile and then glanced at Mitchel.

- Thank you.- He whispered to him. Mitchel smiled and nodded his head. Then Jayson stood up, reaching out his hand to me.- Come, you need to meet her.

I sighed and took his hand. He pulled me to a little room, i assumed it was his child's room. It was really pretty inside. I still thought it was really stupid of him to have a child, but oh well.

- Her name.- He started, picking her up from the crib. He kissed her head and gave her to me. I held her, and she smiled at me.- Is Ellie. I told you already.- He finished.

- W-Wait. I thought you're joking?- I stuttered. Ellie is my second name. Only Jayson knew about it, because i hated it. I looked at him while frowning.

- No. Her name is actually Ellie. I know i said I hated you and everything, but you played a big part in my life. Still are. I needed you, but you weren't there, and when I realised, it was too late.- He spoke. My eyes filled with tears, but i didn't let myself cry.

I had his child in my arms. I looked at her with a smile and kissed her head. I knew it's gonna be really hard, but that's not the most difficult thing that's happened back then.



𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 // Mitchel Cave Where stories live. Discover now