chapter fifteen

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chapter fifteen

belle is now three months old.

marlena  and john  had been asleep for maybe an hour when they heard their daughter begin to fuss on the baby monitor.

marlena tried pushed herself off the bed, only to have a muscular arm stop her.

"It's okay doc, i got it john said, tiredly.

"But, john, marlena told her husband.

I'll get you if she needs you, john said as he  pushing himself off the bed.

He walked out from the bedroom and goes to the nursery.

john strutted to his daughter's crib, picked up the fussing infant, and cuddled her close.

"What's wrong pretty girl?, do you need a cuddle session with Daddy?, john asked his daughter.

marlena heard him talking over the monitor, and his words made her smile.

marlena was amazed at how good he was with their daughter.

He could always get belle to stop crying if her need wasn't food related.

Sure, marlena  could do so herself, but it always seemed that belle calmed quicker when john was holding her.

In the other room, john was sitting down in the rocking chair next to belle's crib, attempting to get her to fall back asleep.

belle had stopped fussing a few minutes ago, and she was just staring at him.

After a few more minutes of cuddling the infant, john looked down to see the tiny girl was sleeping soundly in his arms.

Getting up slowly, john took a step over to his daughter's crib, and gently placed her inside.

He made sure she was lying on her back, and placed her lavender blanket over part of her tiny frame.

john walked back to thr bedroom and then he slipped back into bed.

marlena smiled as she moved her body so that it was snuggled against his.

two hours later

marlena. placed a burp rag on her shoulder and began the process to burp belle,
When the process was done, marlena adjusted her shirt, and began slightly rocking the chair back and forth.

She sat there for a while, belle swaddled in her arms.

marlena was about to get up to put belle back in her crib, when she heard gas escape from the child.

marlena looked down at her daughter, seeing a reflex smile, that was nearly identical to black's charm smile, on her tiny face.

"You think it's so funny to fart on me don't you?, marlena said jokingly.

marlena was standing from the chair and walking over to the changing table, she began to swap the child's dirty diaper for a new one.

After changing her daughter, marlena sat back down in the rocking chair.

Only having to sit there for barely a minute, she looked down to see that her daughter had already fallen back asleep.

marlena Placing belle gently back into her crib.

marlena slipped quietly back to her bed, she look at the time reading six o'clock in the morning.

She figured she should attempt to get a little more sleep before belle wakes up again.

john was the one who awoke to belle's wails at six forty-three.

He was getting tired of staying in the nursery, so he carried the child downstairs for a change of scenery.

Walking into the large living room,  john
sat down on the couch, and propped his feet up on a footrest.

belle was snuggling herself into his chest, as if she was trying to get closer to him than she already was.

Looking down at his daughter, who was gazing back up at him.

john  loved his daughter, and he loved her mother.

He lowered himself so that his back was flat against the rocking chair and moved belle so she was laying on his chest.

He sat like that for a while, stroking the little girl's back, whispering to her.

Then slowly, yet surely, he drifted off to sleep.

When marlena awoke she immediately noticed something was off.

marlena was alone in her bed and that she couldn't hear her daughters little snores on the baby monitor.

Deciding to try to find her husband and daughter, she pushed herself out of bed and walked downstairs.

She heard the TV playing some sort of program, and walked over to where she figured her husband and daughter would be.

The sight she found was seriously so precious it brought tears to her eyes.

Father and daughter were both asleep.

John had a protective hand on the infant's back, the other one propping his head up.

marlena smiled at the sight, she gets her camera and taking a photo of the two.


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