Ch. 2 : Devil Fruit And Kaido's Memories

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Ch. 2: devil fruit//kaido's memories

Naruto open the gift he recieved from the old kage and was surprised.

Naruto(gasp): 200 ramen coupons? Best gift ever!!! Thank you, jiji, I like it!

Hiruzen(laugh): hahaha, glad you like it, my boy.

<The Next Morning>

The old kage leave after telling Naruto that he needs to go to do his duty as the Sarutobi Clan Patriach. Hiruzen got worried when Naruto said he'll stay in the forest to train a little.

Hiruzen: my boy, remember, do not go to deep into the forest. it is dangerous as you go further, there are lots of man-eating plants and animals inside.

Naruto(nod): don't worry, jiji. I promise I will only stay close to the entrance and won't go too deep.

Hiruzen smile and promise that he will go and find an apartment for Naruto in the next few days. Naruto told him he wants to leave the Uzukaze house after the old kage explain to him that he is disowned according to konoha law.

LAW: when the first born isn't name as the clan heir, and the right was given to the younger sibling/s, the first born is banish and disown.

Naruto walk aimlessly thinking about what happened last night, he didn't notice that he already went a little bit deeper into the forest. When he knows where he is, he got scared and decided to leave.

When he was about to turn around, he saw something from the corner of his eyes, something glowing in the distance.

He got curious and decided to probe it. When he got near and saw what it was, it was a pecular-looking fruit. It was the first time he saw such kind of fruit.

But as they say: humans are curious in nature. Naruto took the fruit and eat it, but his face suddenly got distorted.

Naruto: DISGUSTINGGGGG!!! Damn! What the he'll is this fruit?! Taste like shit! But, I won't lose to you, fruit! *munch, munch* REALLY DISGUSTING!!!


After Naruto finished eating the disgusting taste-like-shit fruit, he went to the river to drink to washed away the foul taste that still left in his mouth.

After some time, a painful feeling invade Naruto's head. The pain he felt was too much he give out a painful ear-piercing scream.

Then memories came flooding in. They are memories of the person who previously ate the strange fruit that he eat just a little while ago.

Naruto(panting): so it's a Devil Fruit. Dragon-Dragon Fruit Model: Eastern Dragon, previous eater: Kaido of the Beast, Captain-Commander of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

"Also one of the infamous Yonko (4 emperor) of the sea and contender for the next Pirate King, sweet. 3 types of Haki? Advanced forms? Rokushiki? Hmmm, I can train my body and master this art, I will call it Rokushiki Taijutsu. Perfect!

"this Kaido use a very dangerous weapon, an iron spike-mace. Oh well, I still prefer a big greatsword, but for a non-killing tournament or mission this will do."

Naruto then leave the forest and went home. Naruto took all the money he could find in the Uzukaze house and use it to pay the blacksmith to forge him a big greatsword and spike mace. 

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