Ch. 14 : NaruHaku

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Ch. 14: NaruHaku

Naruto(nod): okay, i accept your offer. But, are you really sure you want to be sealed inside me?

Sanbi: not a problem at all. Its better to be sealed in you, than to be used again by that bastard Uchiha. Also to us bijuu, only me and chomei the nanabi(7 tails) have mild and serene chakra and personalities.

"So, even if you open the seal to let me out sometimes, you wont endanger your life. And please call me, Isobu."

Naruto nod in understanding, then he sealed the Sanbi into his body. After the successful sealing of the bijuu, Naruto told Zabuza and Mei that he is planning to return to Konoha as he is away for quite some time, and that he didnt want the Hokage to label him as a Rogue Nin.

Mei: Naruto, as the Mizukage of Kiri, i Mei Terumi give you an Honorary Citizenship of Kirigakure. If you one day return here to visit or decided to live, you are very much welcome.

Naruto(bow): thank you very much, Mei-sama. I will not forget your good intention.

Haku(blush): Na-naruto, i-i-i want to tell you th-th-that i like you-no uhm- im in lo-love with you. Wi-will you be my boyfriend?!

Everyone failed to react, their eyes widen.

Naruto: uhm, Haku-chan, thank you for telling me your feelings. But, i already have someone i cherished and i plan to confess to her when i returned.

Haku: i-i understand. Its not easy for me to say this, but, i am willing to share you if you just accept me, Naruto-kun.

Everyone was caught off guard, they didnt expect Zabuzas adopted daugther to say those words.

But, Zabuza was the one who was surprised the most, the shocked he felt cause him to cough blood.

Zabuza: ga-ga-gaki!!! What did you do to my sweet and lovely daugther?! What did you do to Haku?! Answer me or you are dead!!!

Naruto(gulp): Zabuza-san, i promise, i didnt do anything to her. (To Haku) Haku-chan, are you really serious? Do you really love me and want to live in Konoha with me?

Haku(nod): yes, i am serious. But, if possible, i want to stay in Kiri just yet. The village needs more time to stabilize and return everything back to normal.

"Also, i cant just leave my 'father'. But when the situation here is contain i will go to Konoha and find you, i promise.

They know that she is seriously in love with the Konoha ninja, only the village that still need its people to reconstruct it back to its former appearance and power that is stopping her from going with the person she love and pursuing her own happiness.

Zabuza(recovered): (sigh) fine, OI GAKI!!! ill allow you to date with Haku. But, if you made her cry, youre dead! You hear me?!

Naruto(nod): go-got it. Haku-chan, the first time we meet, you already become special to me. Ive also like you in the time we travel together. If you are really okay going out with me, then lets become a couple. 

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