Ch. 3 : Progress, Graduation, Team

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Ch. 3: progress//graduation//team

<TimeSkip : 4 years>

Naruto is now 12 years old, naruto's training in the past 4 years is very fruitful. He mastered the 6 six techniques of the Rokushiki Taijutsu: Soru (shave), Geppo (moon walk), Shigan (finger bullet), Tekkai (iron body), Rankyaku (storm leg) and Rokugan (six king gun).

He also mastered the 3 types of Haki: Observation, Armament and Kings Haki, but only the first level.

The Future Sight, Negative Emotion Sensing ( like fujitora) of Observation Haki, Super Hard Body of Armament Haki and Invisible/Invincible Armor of Kings Haki (like big mom and kaido) still need more training.

Naruto also got his Dragon-Hybrid form and Full-Dragon transformation form mastered.

When the people of konoha saw the Golden haired, Golden-Scales Dragon flying in the skies above the village of konoha, the 2 hokage, shinobi's, anbu's and heck even Danzo's root Come out ready to defend and protect their home.

Everyone is in panic-mode which amuse the blonde dragon.

And now, Naruto is getting ready for his graduation and team placements. Oh! Naruto leave the Uzukaze house a week after his birthday.

It took the 2 Uzukaze parents 4 months before the learn that Naruto was gone and neglected by them. They tried to apologize but Naruto refuse them, going as far as refusing to call them his parents.


Iruka: congratulations graduates, now for you team.

Team 1: .....




Team 7: Haruno Sakura, Uzukaze Menma, Uzukaze Naruko, Uchiha Sasuke and Uzu... sorry sorry, Kaido Naruto! You're sensei are Hatake Kakashi and Uzukaze Kushina.

Menma(frown): Kaido? When did you change your last name, useless waste?

Naruko(smile): isn't it fine? It just mean that he us no longer a member of our family. He is nothing after all, so it's better this way.

Menma(snort): hmp, you're right, sis. Lets not associate with this loser.


Naruto just smirk.

Iruka: team 8: Hyuuga Hinata, Inuzuka Kiba and Aburame Shino! Your sensei is Yuhi Kurenai.

team 9 is still active.

team 10: Yamanaka Ino, Akimichi Choji and Nara Shikamaru. Your sensei is Sarutobi Asuma.

Ino in this story is not in love with Sasuke, her crush is Naruto. They meet when they were still 5 years old when Naruto save Ino from a craze dog barking at the crying little Ino.

Naruto and Ino become fast friends and grow to like each other without them knowing. He then take her home and wish her good night. Ino give him a kiss in the cheek as she run inside the house with a blushing face.

Ino: congratulations, Naru. I was worried for a second when I thought you would fail in the exam, it's good that we both pass.

Naruto: thanks a lot, Ino-chan. After we meet our sensei's, how about we both grab a meal at ichiraku later (smile).

Ino(blush): li-li-like a da-da-date?

Naruto(blush): ye-yeah, like a da-date.

Ino(blush): I-i-id love to. 

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