Ch. 37 : Menma Vs Haku

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Ch. 37: Menma Vs Haku

Kushina is laughing so hard and not holding back in it.

Kushina: Kakashi, you teach your Genin not only your prize Ninjutsu but also your tardiness, pfft, only to lose and almost died. Nice, pfft HAHAHAHAHA!

Everyone is now laughing at the now embarassed jonin, if theres a hole to hide nearby he would have done so.

Gaara walk in and join with the others in the compitators box with his usual emotionless face. He was greeted by Haku who he become friends with together with Naruto, Ino, Zabuza, Hiruzen and Inoichi during their 1 month of training.

Naruto: UzuKaze Menma Vs Momochi Yuki Haku, please come down.

Menma jump and spin in the air before landing in the middle of the arena, the Konoha audience cheers for him.

Civilian 1: Menma-sama, beat her! Im betting on you!

Civilian 2: show everyone why Konoha is the strongest of the 5 great villages!

Menma Fangirls: Kyaaahhh! Go Menma-kun!

Menma smirks, his arrogance is on a higher level than Sasuke's. Minato and Kushina shook their heads in disappointment.

Minato: i apologize for my peoples behavior, Mizukage-sama. They are just ignorant of your presence and some dont know of humility. And it looks like my wife and i failed to teach our son some values and good manners.

Mei: its alright, Hokage-sama. Its normal to be excited on a day like days, after all today is an special day.

Minato: thank you, Mizukage-sama.

In the arena, Haku arrived but she didnt stand across to Menma. Instead, she went to greet Naruto and give him a kiss in the lips. The male audience are throwing curses to Naruto, while the females squeal.

Ino and Temari felt jealousy and thought that they should have done it during their fight starts before. The 2 look at each other smile and nod, understanding what they are thinking.

In the Kage Box, Jiraiya is writing in his notebook like crazy. According to him, what happen just now is a great 'research material'. Minato sweatdrop while Tsunade and Mei is seething in anger in the Toad Sage action.

Menma: grr, are you here to fight or flirt?

Haku(pout): Whats your problem? Im just greeting my boyfriend. Are you jealous?

Naruto(chuckle): its okay, my dear, we'll just continue after the exam. For now lets not anger the authorities and the audience, alright? (Kiss her back in the lips).

Haku(giggle): hehehe, alright.

Haku let go of Naruto and went to her position and look at her opponent.

Naruto: Begin!

Menma(snort): hmp, Naruto may have taught you for a month, but i was also train by 2 Legendary shinobi: my father and godfather.

"And i dont think you learn more of his Taijutsu than Ino, so you will lose this match!"

<Compitators Box>

Ino, Temari and Gaara chuckled, this get the attention from their fellow Genins.

Shino: whats wrong, you three?

Ino(smile): sure, Haku learn the same number of Narus taijutsu as us, but hers is twice more powerful than mine and Temari.

Temari(giggle): I pity her opponent for underestimating her.

Shikamaru: troublesome, that Naruto sure is not holding back when teaching his girls.


Haku(sigh): such a loud and talkative person. Lets just begin, shall we? Soru, Shigan!

Haku was gone in a speed that the Civilians audience couldnt follow, they were all shock. She reappeared in front of Menma.

Menma was stab by Shigan(finger bullet) in his shoulder stunning everyone, but he 'poof'. Its a Kage Bunshin.

Naruto: ohhhh, thats brilliant. But not enough to scare my Haku.

Menma appeared behind Haku and throw 2 shurikens, then...

Menma: Ninpou: Shuriken Kage Bunshin!

The thrown shurikens turn into 20 and form a net not giving Haku a place to run. Haku is calm, her experience as a missing nin and training with Naruto is giving her confidence to face every challeges and overcome them.

Haku: Fuuton: Great Breakthrough!

A strong wind blows the shurikens back to Menma. Menma took a kunai and parry all the shurikens effortlessly, but his back is wide open and Haku capitalized it.

She appeared behind him and wave handseals so fast that a Genin and some Chuunins cannot follow the signs.

Haku: Suiton: Hundred Water Senbons!

The moisture is the air turn into a hundred light blue water senbons that rain down and stab Menma, turning him into a human cactus.

<Audience Stand>

Kushina: MENMA!

Naruko: BROTHER!

Genins/Sensei: Oh no!

<Kage Box>

Minato: Menma!

Mei: Oh My God!

Everyone couldnt believe that someone have the guts to turn the Hokages son into a live-cactus. The people also felt discontent to Naruto, as he had let his girlfriend do such a thing to his brother.

But a loud roar wake up the people on their thoughts. Their eyes widen and their jaw hang open when what they saw in the arena isnt Menma anymore, but a reddish human-like figure with 4 tails behind him.

The aura he is leaking is full of hatred and malice that made the people scared. The feeling he is giving off reminds them of the beast that almost destroyed their village 12-13 years ago, the Kyuubi.

Menma: other than my father and godfather who train me, you are the 3rd person to made me use this form. Congratulations, now time for you to die!

Haku: is that so? Come on then, i want to see which is stronger, yours or Yaguras form? Hyoton: Hyoryuu (Ice Release: Ice Dragon)!

Menma growled and control 1 of his tail, it bend and attack the Ice Dragon. Haku too, control his jutsu and it move to avoid the Jinchuuriki's tail smash. The dragon bend and bite his tail making Menma scream in pain.

Menma: that hurt, you bitch! Try and avoid this!

The other 3 tails also attack and smash the Ice Dragon until it broke. Menma growled and glare at Haku, but Haku wasnt in her place anymore, she escape using Soru.

Haku: over here! Rankyaku: Ran (storm leg: tempest)!

Haku have more chakra than Ino, her Rankyaku: Ran effortlessly tore Menmas Hybrid-form and cut his 4 tails cloak like they were butter.

When the dust disappeared, Menma was seen lying in the ground unconcious.

A/N: hi guys, miss me? If you are new to my page, please dont forget to Vote, Follow and Check my other Fic works, thanks. 

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