Ch. 7 : I Alone Am Enough

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Ch. 7: I alone am enough

Naruto's words cause a deep impact to the 2 jonin sensei and Tazuna. They felt proud and pride for Naruto, but...

Kakashi: this 2 are known as the Demon Brothers, they work for Momochi Zabuza a borderline S-rank nuke-nin (he look at Kushina).

Kushina(nod): who knows if their employer only has Zabuza in their side, this mission is no longer a C-rank but A-rank to low S-rank one. Sorry Tazuna-san, but we are only a new team, we can't allow this kids to go on a high-level mission they are not ready to take on yet. Sorry, but we have to go back, no negotiations.

Kakashi asked the genins to prepare to go back. Sasuke and menma protested, but when they meet with Kushina's angry-mode they give up. Sakura and Naruko just sigh in relief.

Tazuna(dogeza): please, I beg you, Shinobis! Please help us! If Gato is given 1 more year to rule over wave, many many many people will die! Please i beg you!

Kushina(sad look): im really sorry,forgive us.

Naruto(pat Tazuna's shoulder): lead the way, Tazuna, i will help you. I alone am more than enough.

2 jonin: Naruto?!

Tazuna(crying): thank you, kid! Thank you!

Kakashi: Naruto, don't joke around, this is not something a single genin can accomplished alone. As your sensei, I order you to follow our decision and go back with us to Konoha.

Naruto: no, I will not turn a blind eye to someone I know I can help. I will complete this mission with or without the team's help. You can report my disobedience to the Hokage, they can decide for my punishment later.

"Until then, I will do what I think is right and that us to free wave from Gato. (Tazuna) climb on my back, Tazuna. We will arrive in wave in a flash, so hold on tight. (Tazuna do as he say) Geppo(moon walk).


Naruto kick the air 5 times with astonishing speed. Naruto and Tazuna are now seen a few meters above the trees, Naruto kick the air more and they are now heading to waves direction.

Naruko/Sakura: HOW MANLY!!!

Kushina(bonk them): disobeying your sensei's orders usnt manly in the slightest.

Menma/Sasuke: mom/Kakashi, tell that dobe to teach us his moves, it's unfair that he know an amazing techniques while we don't.

Naruko: why don't we ask dad, for Naruto's punishment, to teach us his Taijutsu? He can't refuse the Hokage's orders, right?

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