Ch. 11 : Naruto Vs Yagura

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Ch. 11: naruto vs yagura

Naruto didnt give them any chance to talk back, he disappeared using Soru to find Yagura. It didnt take long for Naruto as he found his target on top of the Mizukage tower staring at him.

Naruto: judging from the amount of chakra you possess, you are Yagura? The Sanbi Jinchuuriki and Mizukage?

Yagura: indeed i am, who are you and what are you doing in this battlefield, Konoba brat?

Naruto summon his spike iron mace, the Sky Smasher!

Naruto: i have come to Kiri to defeat you, Yagura. Soru!

With his fast speed, he appeared in front of Yagura. Yagura's widen as he was caught off guard, but he still manage to lift his long hook weapon to defend himself.

When Naruto swing his dangerous-looking spike iron mace, Yagura managed to avoid recieving a critical hit. Nonetheless, Yagura still sent flying far away and into the rubbles.

The battlefield was silence, everyone stop fighting and no one managed to produce a single sound or move.

No one can believed that this 12-13 y/o kid from Konoha managed to caught the tyrant Mizukage off guard and even send him flying to who knows where or how far.

Mei(shock): Zabuza-kun, you didnt tell me your little friend was this strong!

Zabuza(gulp): mei-chan, i only saw him fight with low thugs before too, this is also the first i saw him fight like this.

In the distance, an explosion of earth and stones was seen. Then, Yagura come out and jump in his 3-tailed beast hybrid form.

Yagura: grrr, how daring of you to hit me, Konoha brat! You will pay for your insolence! Coral Release: Coral Fist! Time to die, gaki!

Yagura's fist was coated with hard corals as strong as iron and steel, he then charge to Naruto. Naruto, on the other hand, coat his spiky mace Sky Smasher with Armament Haki, turning it blacker than 'Bitumen'. He also charge like Yagura, when the 2 meet ib the middle.

Yagura: Coral Strike!

Naruto: Raimei Hakke (thunder bagua)!

The 2 techniques collide and a powerful shockwave hit the battlefield making the fighting inside and outside the Mizukages camp stop as the shinobis fall down from the impact.

After the shockwave was gone, the ninjas look at the 2 people who cause the tremor. What they saw cause their eyes to widen and their jaw to drop.

Yagura, who was in his hybrid form was sent flying once again. They also saw him cough blood as he was sent back and get burried to the ground. Naruto feels disappointed.

Naruto: well, that was disappointing. If you really want to defeat me, then transform into your bijuus full form. You can do it, right?

Yagura stand up but was struggling to stay firm. He couldnt believed it, a non-jinchuuriki managed to overpowered him. His pride couldnt allow it continue. With a powerful roar, Yagura transform into a full bijuu mode.

Yagura: since you want me to go all out, then have a taste of this! BIJUUDAMA (tailed beast bomb)!

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