Chapter 5

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I had no idea what he wanted to know and I didn't want to bore him, so I just told him the typical stuff. "Well, I was born in Florida- near Fort Lauderdale where I spent most of the time after school when I was younger but..." I stopped talking and Nathan looked at me in a curious way. I've never told anybody about my past time- about all the bullies that made my life hell. I didn't know if he was the right person to tell that for the first time.

"Anyways." I continued. "I actually stayed at home mostly, spending time with my younger sister. My parents worked a lot and my brother didn't really care so I had to take care of her after school." I could see that Nathan still stared at me which made me feel more than a bit uncomfortable. "W...Wait, you were born near Fort Lauderdale?" He asked and I quickly nodded, giving him a questioning look. "I was born there too." He glanced at me. "We moved away from there afterwards though." Coincidence. Nothing more. "So... do you remember the city? Did you came back sometimes?" I asked. Then I remembered that I've heard about the 'fancy Prescott- assholes' as they were called back then and it wasn't good stuff at all. Anyways I didn't want to judge Nathan, he seemed nice actually and no matter what his family did- it wasn't his fault or anything.

"Never." He answered. "I bet you've heard about my family" I nodded a little bit. "We weren't really welcome there. People had been talking, you know?" I understood what he said. When people judge you and smack talk. We were quiet the rest of the time when we ate our food. I thought about why Max told me to stay away from him- I still didn't understand. When we finished, I wanted to pay but Nathan stopped me and payed himself. I actually didn't want him to because I didn't want him to think that I was some girl that lets someone else pay for their food but I didn't want to argue either. We left the diner and got back to the truck.

Nathan told me that he wanted to show me one special place- "Actually the best place in this stupid town" as he said. We drove for a while, I had no idea where he wanted to go until I saw it- the lighthouse.

We sat on a bench from where we could see the whole town. The view was stunning. We watched the sunset together when I turned to him and saw that he enjoyed this moment. This was also the first time I noticed his blue eyes in the sunlight. He looked like he was thinking about something but I somehow liked that. 'Am I falling for him?'

"It's amazing." I said. "The view from up here, you can see the entire town." "The only place where this stupid town actually looked quite nice." He remarked. I didn't know what he hated about Arcadia Bay but he surely had his reasons so I didn't want to ask. When the sun was completely gone, Nathan said that we should probably go back to Blackwell but he acted kinda strange. As if he couldn't stand another day here. I was truely worried about him.

When we got back to Blackwell, we exchanged numbers before we got out of his truck and then we said goodbye in front of the girls dorm. When I wanted to go inside, I felt that Nathan was grabbing my hand so I turned around and got pulled in a long hug which wasn't as awkward as the one in the parking lot earlier. I felt his warmth and he pulled me closer and closer to him. "Thanks for coming with me." He whispered in my ear and then he let me go. I got inside the girls dorm where I met Max.  

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