Chapter 15

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Of course the phone had to ring in the exact moment, when I finally calmed down a bit. That annoyed me a lot to be honest and I could see that Nathan was annoyed as well. "So sorry." He said and I took off the blindfold that covered my eyes. He looked very calm and relaxed, even a bit happy but the expression on his face quickly turned into something else, probably it was some sort of fear mixed with anger, when he looked at his phone to see who called him.

"What?" He asked as he answered the call and then he was quiet for a rather long time. "But..." He got interrupted pretty fast, I didn't know who he was talking to but he didn't seem to like it. "No, dad. You don't... okay." His father didn't seem nice at all from what I heard and I felt a bit sorry for Nathan that he had to grow up with someone like him. I've heard about the Prescotts in my hometown, Sean Prescott bought up companies there and many people lost their jobs because of him, including my father. I've also heard that their roots were in Arcadia Bay, that was a reason my parents weren't exactly happy to send me there. But I knew that nobody should get insulted because of their parents or what they did, it wasn't Nathan's fault but he seemed intimidated by his dad's words.

I stood up from the couch and took a closer look on some things in his room. I saw a photo on his desk that showed a man with a dirty and disguisting grin on his face and a kid, wearing some sort of a sailor suit, crying. This kid must have been Nathan and it wasn't a big surprise that he cried when the man was his father. He didn't seem likeable at all. On the other side of the room, close to the door, there was a diploma. 'The best son in the world' I looked at the time this piece of paper was given to Nathan. June 6 2006 'So 666? Fitting date.' In that moment, Nathan hung up, threw his phone on the couch and sighed sadly but also full of anger. "Fuck." He said as he sat on his bed. I didn't know what they talked about, but I saw that Nathan wasn't doing well at all, so I decided to sit down next to him and try to calm him down a bit.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, almost whispering and stroking his arm slightly. "No, I'm certainly not. My stupid dad, he..." Nathan suddenly stopped. "If you don't feel comfortable telling me, just let it be, but... you can tell me. I won't judge." I told him calmly. "I haven't got the best grades in the past few week and now this asshole threatened me with a job in his fucking office." Nathan said. "Because of... bad grades?" I asked confused. "No!" He almost shouted. "It's not about bad grades or even about my wellbeing at all. Just about our stupid family name and reputation. You wouldn't understand the pressure. Nobody would." He quickly noticed that he was pretty harsh to me. "Shit, um... sorry, it's just... I normally don't talk to people about all that. I'm not used to talk to people who... care, you know?" It made me really sad to hear that, but I actually understood him on the other hand.

"You know, I've been under great pressure too. I mean, not in the same way as you, but..." I told him as he interrupted me. "What? Why?" "Because...I was one of the best students in my old school, so the teachers always expected the best grades from me. And when I didn't got an A, all the teachers told me that they're really disappointed and then... well, then the people from my old class started to ask me why I was so stupid that I got a B or C again and again. It was also kinda pressuring, you know?" "Wow, I didn't know you had such a hard time." Nathan said, but I shook my head. "I'm over it, this time is over, but when people, like Victoria, for example, call me stupid names again, then... everything feels like it starts again." I explained. "Oh, by the way, I've talked to her. She won't do it again. And if she does, please tell me immediately." 

Nobody did ever care for me, so I was really happy that Nathan did. "It's good, talking to somebody who understands." I said and Nathan nodded. "But what do you do about your dad now?" "Shit, I don't know. I actually have to improve my grades now if I don't want to look at boring files the whole day." He explained and I got an idea. "What subjects?" I asked and Nathan started to tell me that he basically had problems with all that science stuff, so I offered him help. "Well, thanks. Would be cool, I think." He said and laid his head in his hands. "But what if... I'm too stupid to understand?" He said with insecurity in his voice. "Okay, listen. You're not stupid at all and it's okay to have problems, but you will never understand it when you don't at least try and... I'm here for you." I stroked his thigh softly. "You're too good for me. Do you know that feeling, when you just... wanna break everything?" Nathan asked and I exacly knew what he meant and got another idea.

"Do you want to... blow off some steam? I exactly know how, trust me." I suggested. "What's your plan?" Nathan asked curiously. I stood up from his bed, grabbed his hand and pulled him out of his room. 

"Follow me."

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