Chapter 19

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So this was the girl that texted me earlier. She seemed nice when she was alone but when she was with Victoria, she just was her slave and I really didn't understand why somebody would voluntary hang out with her. But on the other hand, I just saw what Victoria was like to me, not to the others. "Okay, so... do you need something, or...?" "Oh, no." Courtney interrupted me. "I just like wanted to see how you're doing and... say sorry again." "Um... do you wanna come in?", I asked her. I hated it when the door was open so that everybody could see me and the pyjama I was wearing. Courtney nodded and I closed the door behind her.

"Thank you, that's very kind of you." I said and gestured her to sit down on the couch. Then I sat down next to her. "Do you know why Victoria is so mean to me?" "Please don't tell anyone." Courtney started. "But... she saw you talking to Nathan after your science class on Monday and he told her that he really likes you and... that like made her kinda jealous. She... she's normally not like that. She can actually be a very good friend who really cares." "Oh, well... thank you for telling me." "Oh, by the way, I saw you and Nathan on campus. You look cute together. I think that you really make him happy. He has problems but that doesn't mean he doesn't deserve someone who really cares about him." Courtney was really sweet and she had such a good heart. I really thought that we might become friends. "Yes, seeing him smile is really great and... kinda makes me happy. He told me about his father." "Yes, I met him once and oh my god, that guy is like a total asshole. You should be careful when you meet him someday." She warned me. "Thank you, and I will be. I'll try to avoid talking to him at all though. Does he come here often? You know, to see how the school spends his money or maybe to spy on his son?" I asked. "Hell, no. Luckily not. Just sometimes at football matches to maintain his reputation... which is not good at all." Courtney explained. "Okay, thank you for telling me. I really appreciate that." I smiled at her. "Oh gosh, look at your smile. I do understand why Nathan likes you so much." Now I had to giggle and then Courtney told me that she had to go to bed now, to get at least some sleep and that she was glad to talk to me and with that, she left my room and I went to bed too and fell asleep rather quickly.

As I stood up, I remembered that I had a weird dream about something, but I really couldn't remember it anymore. There were just some pieces of it left in my head and I had no idea how to connect them or something. I tried hard to remember the dream, but I just couldn't and after ten or fifteen minutes, the last few pieces of it disappeared as well.

Anyways, I tried to forget about ir when I got ready for school since I was already pretty late. Campus was completely empty, not a single soul was there. I checked the time and saw that I got five minutes left and I had to go to a class I never had in this school before. Media Literacy. I had no idea what would happen in this class, but I was curious, so I rushed into the room to see that almost all seates were taken. But then I saw Nathan who pointed towards a seat in the back of the room, so I placed myself on the empty chair next to him.    

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