Chapter 6

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"Hey." Max said. "Why are you here so late?" "I was at the Two Whales Diner." I explained. "Oh, the mother of my best friend works there. It's a nice place- and the food is awesome! But... were you there alone?" I shook my head. "No, I wasn't. Nathan took me there." I saw that Max couldn't really believe it. The expression on her face said everything. "He's not as bad as you think. He also showed me the lighthouse. It's really lovely there." I told her. "Yes, I know but... it's just... Nathan normally isn't very... friendly to new people. I guess that he rather really likes you or maybe..." She stopped. "Anyways. You should be careful." "I will. Thank you for worrying." I answered and then we said goodbye and I went in my room. I changed my clothes- from hoodie and jeans to sweatpants and a shirt. Then I went to the toilet and brushed my teeth before I lay in my bed and scrolled through social media when I noticed that I got a message. It was from Nathan.

'Thanks again 4 today. Wanna show you other places too.'

'Sure :D really tired right now. Going to bed'

'Sleep well'

'U 2'

When I woke up the next morning, the sun was shining and it was really lovely outside. I went to the shower rooms and when the water was floating, I heard that someone came in and because I was a bit curious, I looked through the small crack between the shower curtain and the wall and saw that it was Victoria and one of her minions. Who else? "Ugh, have you seen her? 'I exactly know people like you.' She's such a weirdo. Everybody knows that it's not good talking to me that way." Victoria said and the other girl just nodded. She seemed like she didn't want to gossip in an area where everyone could hear. They also talked about other stuff which wasn't interesting. Victoria was the classy school- bitch of Blackwell, I figured.

When they left, I got out of the shower and back to my room to change my clothes, grab my school stuff and then I went out. School wasn't very interesting so I was looking forward to the final bell that released me from listening to adults talking about shit that I basically didn't give a fuck about. I had to admit that they talked about this crap in a more interesting way than my last teachers though but when I don't give a shit about anything, then I really don't wanna know it.

It was a lovely day- sun was shining, it was warm and the sky was cloudless. I sat under a tree after school, continuing to write the story my laptop and just enjoying the peace. I saw Nathan, sitting at one of the picnic tables, looking at his camera again, and also some of the people that Max has told me about earlier, I still knew some of their names. It was truely a good afternoon- until I noticed someone standing in front of me. And of course it was Victoria.

"What? Am I sitting under your tree?" I asked and she looked like she was going to kill me which made me laugh deep inside. "Never..." She said. "Never talk to me like this again... Or you'll regret it. Trust me. I've got connections. I can destroy your fucking reputation within seconds. It's almost too easy to do that to a shitty loser like you." She tried to sound dangerous and intimidating, but I couldn't take her seriously. "Yeah, whatever." I answered and then she rushed away in anger. I've been hurt before and I always acted like I didn't care but these words really cut deep. Deep inside, I always wanted to scream and to burst into tears but I couldn't. Not as long as people were around, so I decided to go to my room. On my way, I had to walk past the picnic tables where Nathan sat. I didn't want him to talk to me right now, because I was too afraid of getting emotional right in front of him, so I tried to avoid him but he noticed me. "Wait!" He shouted after me but I just kept going when I felt someone grabbing my hand from behind. Nathan, of course.

"Hey" He said softly, looking into my eyes. "What's wrong?" I really didn't want to talk to him but I didn't want to seem rude either. "Nothing, really. I'm okay." I told him- a big fat lie. "I can see that you're not. You know that you can talk to me, right?" It was cute how he tried to understand me but I just wanted to cry the hell out of my eyes. Alone. I always had to deal with all my problems alone, so I didn't want any company. "Right and... thank you." I said. "But... I'd really like to be alone right now. Please, Nathan." With that, he let go of my hand and I rushed away into my room. And the tears started floating. 

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