Chapter 33

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"Hey Samantha!" I said as I walked towards her. She was pretty shy and sometimes a bit awkward, but actually a nice person to talk to and I liked her. But today, she seemed different. "Hey" she said quickly and already wanted to go away. I wondered why she was like this today, normally we would've talked about our days and everything now. "Wait." I shouted after her and she turned around and looked at me. "What's wrong?" She replied with a sharp "Nothing." and started walking again. "Seriously. What the hell is your problem?" I didn't mean to sound rude, but I really wanted to know why she was like this.

"You really wanna know?" She asked angrily and I nodded. "You. You are my problem." I looked at her confused and she sighed. "I've been here for four years already. And you came just a few weeks ago and already have boys all over you." She explained but this time she tried not to sound so angry anymore. "What do you mean, I have 'boys all over me'?" I asked. "You don't see how all the boys look at you." Samantha explained and I raisend an eyebrow. "Even Nathan. He stares at you and smiles when you don't look." "Yeah, because we're a couple in case you didn't know." I told her, now I was upset that she was mad at me because of that, although I could understand her a bit. "I tried to talk to him so many times, but he always had to hurry, because he 'had to do something' and then you come and he suddenly has all the time in the world." Now I started to understand that Samantha liked Nathan and I was sorry that she couldn't talk to him, but on the other hand it wasn't my problem and I wanted to stay out of that, as rude as it may seem. "Listen, Samantha." I said, trying to speak in a calming voice. "I'm sorry for that, but I think there is no reason to be mad at me since it was never my intension to hurt you or something. I just want to be with the boy that I love." She sighed. "You... might be right, but anyways..." She turned around and walked away and I made my way to Nathan's room.

As I entered the boys dorm, I saw Nathan laying on the floor and quickly ran up to him. "Hey, Nathan. Are... are you okay?" I said worriedly, kneeling next to him. I tried to test if he could hear me. "Please talk to me. Please." He had terrible bruises and scratches on his face. "What happened?" I asked him. It was horrible to see him like this. "Can you stand up?" I asked him and he tried to stand up, which didn't really work out, so I took his hand and placed it on my shoulder to support him and dragged him into his room.

In his room, he managed to stand straight again, which made me sigh in relief. "Who the hell did that?" I asked, ready to smash someone's face. "Some fucking football asshole said that you'd never love somebody like me. That you're just with me for the family money and that..." Nathan told me but I interrupted him. "What? You know that isn't true, don't you?" "Yes, I know. And I became fucking angry at his comments. He fucked off before you came." I was fucking mad, tough I didn't know who it was exactly. But Nathan seemed upset as well, and the injuries on his face didn't seem like they were going to get away in just one or two days. I wanted to calm him down before going to that guy who did that.

"Wanna lay down? Listen to the whales?" I asked him because I knew that he felt more calm when he did that. "No, no whales. Don't need them right now." Nathan responded and lay down on his bed. I sat down on the edge to inspect his injuries. I slightly pulled up his shirt to have a look at his stomach and chest which made him smile. "Wow, do you really want to undress me now?" "Shut up." I told him and chuckled. "Does it hurt much?" I ran my hand over one of the bruises gently and Nathan sighed, probably in pain. "Um... just a bit." He said, sounding a bit tense. It probably still made him nervous when I stroke his chest and abdomen, because he also started blushing, hardly visible. I loved this nervous and soft side on him, that only the two of us shared.

"You know that the bastard talked bullshit, right?" I asked him, changing my expression from amused to serious. "You know that I'm proud to be with you. You know that it isn't about any money or..." "Don't worry." Nathan interrupted me. "I know that. Now come here." He gestured me to lay down next to him, which I quickly did. "How was your day so far?" He asked as I was lying in his arms. "Well... I've talked to... let's call it an anonymous source that told me that you would stare at me all the time when I don't notice and smile." I told him, smirking and looking into his eyes. "What else should I do? I mean, what else could I look at?" Nathan had to chuckle which probably caused pain inside his body. "I love you more than everything else, Nathan." "I love you too."

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