Chapter 18

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When we left the diner it was raining outside, so Nathan and I ran towards the truck. After we got in, Nathan asked me if I wanted to go to the cinema and I quickly agreed. There were four movies that sounded quite good but also, my favourite movie was on. 'Chained', so I suggested to watch that one. "Oh, I didn't know you're into that kind of film." Nathan said surprised. "Yes, I really like horror and thriller movies. Sometimes... I also have to laugh when I watch such films.", I told him and he smiled slightly. "Okay, you're kinda creepy... and dark." He said. "Too dark?" "Perfect dark." And then he kissed me before the film started.

Although I already knew everything about this movie, it was still the one I could always watch amd enjoy. It would never get boring, no matter how often I saw it. And Nathan seemed to like it as well.

When the movie was over, it had already gotten dark and when we arrived back at Blackwell, I saw that rusty truck from the diner parking lot again, but I've never seen it here before so I didn't think that it belonged to a student. However, I had a really good time with Nathan and I was glad to have him. When we stood in front of the dorms, he asked me if I wanted to crash at his place but I honestly didn't want everything to go that fast. I knew that it would happen soon but not tonight, so I wanted to tell him an excuse, I didn't want to hurt him. "Um... I honestly think that you need the space in your bed this night. You'll feel the whole boxing-thing tomorrow morning, so it..." Nathan suddenly interrupted me with a long and intensive kiss. "If you don't want too, just tell me. I do understand." He told me. "Thank you." I whispered and kissed his cheek before I got inside the girls dorm.

My room was right next to Max's and when I walked past her room, I saw that girl with the blue hair coming out and she must've noticed me too. "Hey, wait!" She said. "I saw you today... in the diner?" I nodded. "Yep, absolutely right." "But you weren't alone. There was, wait wasn't it Nathan hella fucking Prescott who was with you?" The girl asked. "Yes, what's the problem with that?" "The problem? Girl, have you talked to him?" The girl asked. "Um... Yes, I think I have." I laughed. "And you don't think that he is a hella fucking weirdo?" I shook my head, not understanding what she meant, but then I got it. "Oh..." I said. "Yeah, he can be moody 'n stuff but... just because of his family..." The girl interrupted me. "Well, I don't think that we can agree on anything that includes him. But you seem nice. I'm Chloe." "Is that your truck in the parking lot?" I asked her and she nodded. "Yep, yep. Looks fucking cool, right? Still works perfectly." "I didn't exspected it to drive anywhere anymore, but..." I said and then stopped. "I repaired it myself. At the junkyard. Weird story, including an old friend of mine- Rachel. Have you heard of her?" I shook my head. "She's still my best friend. Together with Max, but she's in LA now. Having a fucking good life. She went to school here." Chloe told me. "Why didn't you got with her to LA?" I asked. "Long story. Gotta go now. See you around" With that, Chloe left and I was really afraid that I made her sad or hurt her with my question. Anyways, I got into my room and changed my clothes and charged my phone before I lay down in my bed and started reading.

I completely forgot the time because the book was so interesting and gripping when I got interruped by a knock on the door. I put the book away and got up to open the door. When I opened the door, I saw who knocked. It was a girl, a bit taller than me and she had relatively short, black hair which was partially dyed purple. I looked at her in confusion. "Um... hey?" I said after a while. 

"Oh, hi. I'm Courtney."

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