Mumeistic day

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(Mumei's pov)

I finished the meeting and headed back home, kronii wasn't there yet, so I changed for the mall and supermarket, and waited on the sofa for Kronii to arrive. Until then I checked my phone and got some messages from Fauna.

-Hey meimei :D  ~Fauna

-Tomorrow Baelz will make the group, and I thought we all should hang out!  ~Fauna

-Sure Fauna, I will love to hang out again!  ~Mumei

-But I need to ask Kronii if she could, and right now she is not home. ~Mumei

-I will wait, oh btw how are you? ~Fauna

-I am fantastic! How about you Fauna? :D ~Mumei

-Well, I had a chit-chat with another friend that I missed a lot. You will meet her at the hangout if you come, of course.  ~Fauna

-Ohhhh new friend :o  ~Mumei

-Yes :D  ~Fauna

Mumei hears the door opening, she turns to look at who is it and sees Kronii, tho she didn't notice her there.

-Hi Kronii.  says Mumei and looks for her reaction


Kronii twitches and looks at Mumei.

-Mumei, you scared me, gosh.  says Kronii trying to catch her breath

-Sorry, you seemed in your space, so I needed to wake you up a little.  says Mumei proud of herself

-Thanks, I guess.  says Kronii slowly

-So we go to the mall now?  says Mumei

-Yeah, just let me check a little if all the clocks still work.  says Kronii serious

-Now I understand why people call you Warden, you surely take care of everything you have.  says Mumei and looks at how serious Kronii is for some objects

-Clocks are my passion, and at the same time, I earn money from them if they still work. says Kronii and looks at Mumei for a second, then moves to the next one, which is a pocket watch but different than hers.

-How..?  says Mumei, curious

-You see this pocket watch? This is not mine, I have a client that has a passion for pocket watches and told me that her watch broke after an incident. Her name is Amelia Watson and to be honest, I am sorry for the watch not for her.  says Kronii and adjusts the watch carefully

-oh, I understand. Says mumei surprised at how smart Kronii is 

After some minutes Kronii finished and they both head to the Mall. Mumei was amazed at how many good things she found, Kronii just took care of Mumei to make sure she doesn't get lost at how big the Mall was. 

-Kronii, you didn't get anything yet. says Mumei noticing her with no bags in her hands

-Nothing caught my eyes, mumei.  says Kronii relaxed but after some minutes she sees some clothes that looked cute.

Mumei and Kronii enter the clothes shop and god damn it had a lot. Mumei looks everywhere fascinated but it was too much for her credit card, while Kronii looks at a skirt. 

Finally, she is going to buy something for herself says mumei in mind while looking at Kronii

Tho she didn't expect Kronii to buy something so girly.

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