What are we?

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-Thanks Calliope for the ride! says Kronii opening the rear door for Mumei

-No problem and please, call me Calli. says Calli and puts on her sunglasses making her look like a real dad

 - How you say, Calli. says Kronii, and Mumei waves to Calliope 

Kronii and Mumei head to the door unlocking it and entering, everything is just as how they left it until Kronii noticed the suitcase with the money.

-Hmm I should probably hide this somewhere. says Kronii 

-Why? says Mumei confused

-This suitcase has a lot of money and I don't trust the protection that I have here. says Kronii worried

-Kronii we have 2 dogs. How would someone be so cruel? says Mumei

-You don't want to know. says Kronii remembering how Calli was close to collapsing on the floor

-This is why I didn't want you to have a gun. says Kronii worried

-I will prove to you one day how good I can aim. says Mumei determined to show Kronii how good she is

-Not here Mumei. says Kronii noticing

Mumei sighs, and puts the gun in one of her pockets. Then she sits on the sofa disappointed she couldn't show off her skills in front of Kronii.

Kronii notices this and approaches her and hugs her.

-I know you are amazing and determined but I am worried that something might happen. says Kronii with a sad smile

-I was worried too when you left, now it's my turn to do something dangerous Kronii. says Mumei and looks into her eyes again

The staring made Kronii stare back admiring her even more at how beautiful she was and how good she was after some days without her. Brown eyes that could even look like golden eyes making them shine like the stars, she enjoyed everything when she knew this girl was by her side. Mumei could look into Kronii's eyes forever, it reminded her of the deep ocean. They both wanted to enjoy every minute that passed.

-I missed you. says Kronii slow still looking at Mumei with a sad smile

Mumei smiles

She will be mine. says Mumei in her mind

-I missed you too. says Mumei 

They broke the hug and they stay in a small silence.

-Kronii? says Mumei 

-Yeah? says Kronii

-Can you now tell me everything that happened? says Mumei, still curious

-You really want to? says Kronii, and Mumei nods in agreement

Kronii tells Mumei about everything that happened on the trip and how she met Calli since she didn't like to see Mumei sad, and Kronii wouldn't lie to Mumei.

Mumei was sad when hearing this, but she decided to take the positives out of it.

-At least you came safe, and you are still here with me. says Mumei with a gentle smile

- So I did keep the promise, right? says Kronii and looks at Mumei 

-Yes you did. says Mumei and smiles proudly at Kronii while Kronii admires it

Animal comes and jumps on Kronii's lap and Kronii breaks the stare looking at Animal getting sleepy on her lap. Kronii laughs softly and pats Animal, Mumei could feel a little jealous because she was sleepy too.

-Where are my pats, Kronii? I did the renovations of the house and took care of everything. says Mumei and looks at Kronii with puppy eyes again

Kronii blushes a little but Mumei was right, she did a lot. Then Kronii decided to please her too.

-Then come here and get your spot before Time Mutt comes. says Kronii laughing

Mumei rests her head on Kronii's shoulder and Kronii rests her head on Mumei's head. They both were embarrassed to do more than that. But they both appreciate it even if it wasn't enough.

Time Mutt came but decided to just stay on the sofa not to stay with them, chad.

-Kronii? says Mumei soft

-Yeah? says Kronii 

-What are we? says Mumei and grabs one of Kronii's hand

Kronii felt the tension between them, that question made Kronii speechless. She was trying so hard to find words to describe their relationship. Mumei observed this and then she gets embarrassed too.

-Let's pretend we didn't hear that. says Mumei and gets up from the sofa

-Where are you going? says Kronii noticing Mumei getting away

-To my room. says Mumei and goes upstairs

Kronii felt this like a deja vu and once again felt bad. She wanted to stay longer with her.

-Mumei, wait! says Kronii but Mumei already was in her room

Animal goes to cuddle next to Time Mutt on the sofa while Kronii is left alone.

So this is what Mumei felt when she was alone, right? says Kronii in her mind and looks at Animal and Time Mutt


Mumei was hiding her face in her pillows, so embarrassed at what she just asked. She took a breath and decided to think about something else. While Kronii finally noticed that she sure might have a crush on Mumei.

Kronii wanted to talk to her more, but it looks like Mumei wanted some space so Kronii decide to let her sleep. She takes her phone and typed on google more about her feelings to understand them while Mumei was trying to concentrate on her thoughts.

They both wanted to say it but they were too embarrassed to even talk about it face to face.

Mumei could wish for the opportunity to finally be alone with her but at the same time to have the courage.


One day they will proceed to take the risk and do it but until then, they must wait. 

So they both decide to call it a day and get their minds away from each other for the night. 


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