Knowing you more

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Everything was chill in the house Kronii sometimes goes out to get inspiration or ideas from others but at the same time develops her ideal point of view about what currently is happening with the economy Kronii works on Mumei's laptop, creating an online shop it worked fine still needed improvements tho. While Mumei finds it adorable to look and understand how Kronii works at this stuff, she sometimes helps her fix some clocks if Kronii is very stressed. Mumei as an architect. Using her passion for drawing and construction knowledge, her buildings were attracting people from other countries. Kronii was proud of her even if this means she will get busier. During their time together, they always found something entertaining to do when getting bored in the house, they even decided to get a dog, Mumei wanting to name him Animal for some reason and Kronii naming him Time Mutt but at some point they end up getting two dogs.

Today they were free and decided to stay on the sofa and relax a little from all they did.

-Hey Mumei, remember that day when you found me distant at that hang out? says Kronii trying to ask her questions

-Uh yea, what about it? says Mumei with a smile on her face

-I am so sorry for what i am going to ask and all that got in my mind then. says Kronii and becomes sad

Mumei looked at her and saw how bad she felt for what she was about to say. So she took Kronii's hand and pulls it closer to her face. Making Kronii remembering something but at the same time making her embarassed.

-No matter what you will ask, I will always be happy by your side. says Mumei and smiles cheerful at the Warden

Kronii calms herself and smiles at how sweet Mumei is.

-Ok then, you remember how in the first day when you started crying because you were scared of how i am going to react at you entering my room? says Kronii and gets serious

-Oh yeah, what about it? says Mumei still calm

-And the other day you were so positive just like you forgot about that day. says Kronii looking at her curious

-Oh, well you were so sweet to actually notice my state then at that hour and not only that, i dreamed something that calmed me and I try so hard to control my memories from the past. But because you were with me everytime, i feel more safe and more welcomed in this house.  says Mumei and smiles warming at the Warden

-Anything that you got on mind Warden? says Mumei and Kronii could feel her face get a little hot

-N-no..  says Kronii and tries to understand why she reacted like that but doesn't get an answer in her mind

-You still seem like you didn't processed one thing. says Mumei and looks at Warden curious

-I uh, yeah maybe that. says Kronii but she doesn't know either what is happening to her

-Want me to tell you my past? says Mumei a little sad but will do everything just to make Warden understand

-Well yeah, but don't force yourself please. says Kronii worried and Mumei smiles at that

Mumei told her about her natural mother and all the stuff that happened, Kronii felt sad for asking but Mumei was chill all the conversation knowing Kronii is someone she could trust. After the conversation they end up talking about something different so they can eliminate the negative things of memories. Tho now, Mumei was curious about how Kronii was in the past, she asked her about that and Kronii told everything. It was normal she was a good kid and quite mature at a young age. Kronii even shows an album of photos of her when she was young and Mumei enjoyed it very much.

After all the memories and stuff, they hear a door bell and sees Baelz with a Monopoly, they end up playing it and having fun while Baelz took it as a competition between her and Kronii.

 After the game, Kronii and Baelz talked about how successful the agency was and they both earned money from it slowly. Kronii couldn't understand how good Baelz was at taking risks sometimes. She needed to learn more from Baelz.

The dogs were barking a lot at Baelz for not knowing her and gosh damn how much Mumei laughed at Baelz. Day becomes night and Baelz leaved the two roommates still with the Monopoly at them.

Mumei and Kronii knew tomorrow they must work and decided to call it a day. 

(For more details, Mumei sleeps with Animal and Kronii sleeps with Time Mutt)

-Gosh dammit, Time Mutt. says Kronii when she saw Time Mutt ready to jump in her bed

-Can't you just sleep on the floor? says Kronii while Time Mutt is already cuddling in the bed

-Fine, I will let you. But one day i will make you sleep on the floor. says Kronii and makes herself comfortable 

She wakes up next to a tree with a letter next to her, everything was so peaceful and so quite for Kronii. It makes her relax. The letter seemed familiar from somewhere but she forgot. She takes it and opens it, inside it was a beautiful handwriting but something unexpected happened. She saw Mumei's name on it. After that someone comes from behind her and hugs her.

It was Mumei.

-Hey there, Warden. Finally you found out my past. says Mumei and smiles sadistic at Kronii

Kronii couldn't belive her eyes, this was too much for her. She doesn't want to know anymore about Mumei's past. Everything must have a ending after all. And she tears the letter in Mumei's presence. Mumei looks curious at what will Kronii do after that.

-NO MORE PAST!  says Kronii and gets up hugging Mumei

-You are with me, and I will take care of you until I die. says Kronii and starts to cry

-You don't need to live in the past anymore, that is over. says Kronii and smiles still with some tears falling from her face

Mumei smiles and plays with Kronii's hair.

-I know that dummy. says Mumei  smiling at how sentimental both of them are

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