The sparks around people

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Kronii was bored in all the shops until she realize something was off again, she left and followed her instinct. Then she saw the gang but they looked like they already had business with someone, they look like they were in a deal with a pink-haired woman. Tho they seemed angry at the woman for some reason, they punched her, and she defended the punch. After that it started the war, Kronii wanted to help but she couldn't risk her identity. Then she remembered her gun and hides behind a wall, loading the gun with five tranquilizers. 

When she looks back she sees the woman down but still alive while the gang was getting ready to kick her, Kronii shoots them and then notices that she was seen by one and shoots the one that saws her.

All at the ground, the woman gets up, and then she sees Kronii coming closer. The woman looks at her seriously and notices she will not be an enemy after doing what she did.

-You sure have the guts to shoot them. says the pink-haired woman smiling 

-They are not dead. says Kronii looking at them on the floor

-What do you mean?! You shoot them! says the woman and gets worried

-Those were tranquilizers, let me call the police. says Kronii getting her phone but it is stopped by the woman

-NO DON'T CALL IT! says the woman and gets a knife

-what are- says Kronii but then the woman kills the whole gang 

-I will teach you how gangs work but first give me a hand to hide them. says the woman and gets one of the body

-You want me to go in jail?! says Kronii still surprised by how violent the woman is

-You are saving the lives of innocent people by doing this. says the woman

-what do you me- says Kronii but interrupted by the woman

-COME ON. says the woman and points at the bodies

Kronii didn't want to continue but even her feelings punched her to do just as how the pink-haired woman is doing. Kronii gets a body and they hide them in a garbage truck, the worker was there. When they finish they decide to go somewhere in the mall for the talk but they first take care of the clothes that had blood on them. Only the jackets got blood but in the rest, it was all clean. So no problem about the clothes.

They enter a restaurant and command some drinks.

-What is your name, lucky one? says the woman and smiles again 

-Wasn't I supposed to be asking the questions? says Kronii serious

-Ok, I already like you. says the woman and laughs

-My name is Calliope Mori, I came here to deal with those bastards since I am well known for my skills. And not only that, I heard that my sister is somewhere around here and I wanted to say hi since I didn't see her too much because of making sure that the gang stays away from innocent people.

-My name is Ouro Kronii, and I had a small meeting with this gang in the United States. 


-yeah.. looks like you know Amelia Watson. says Kronii 

-You should have stayed away from that danger. says Calliope and looks around to make sure no one is recording the conversation

-Not even a thanks for saving your life there? says Kronii getting harsh

-I am sent by Amelia to take care of you. says Calliope

-prove! says Kronii 


Mumei was getting worried, she didn't see Kronii anywhere with the group. Something was happening, Kronii would never leave the group.

-Guys where is Kronii? says Mumei asking the others

-Wasn't she with you? says Baelz and starts to get worried

-We must look for her. says Fauna and they all walk into every part of the Mall

Mumei was getting scared at what could happen when she saw the tired Kronii coming home in a full rush she knew things are getting worse.

-Wait isn't that her? says Baelz noticing her hair at the restaurant

Mumei looked at it was her, she runs to her.


Calliope looks and notices the group.

-Kronii, you have some visitors. says Calliope getting ready to attack but Kronii looked at her and she guessed that she shouldn't attack

-Mumei? says Kronii looking at her coming closer

Mumei hugs Kronii and makes sure she won't escape so easily.

-Never do that again. says Mumei looking into her eyes

-I am sorry, something distracted me and I found a friend. says Kronii and looks at Calliope serious

Fauna and Baelz are getting closer and Baelz then notices Calliope.

-Sister?! says Baelz confused

-Baelz?! says Calliope and gets happy

The sisters hug and get emotional in front of Fauna, Mumei, and Kronii

They all decide to stay at the restaurant and talk more.

-So Calli? says Kronii 

-Yeah? says Calli looking at her 

-You know something about Amelia? Is she ok? asks Kronii worried 

-I heard that she is fine, but after the accident, she might become more suspected by the police than get that one guy arrested. says Calliope

-That is unfair! says Baelz and gets angry

-That Gang is very dangerous, it might even become a Mafia but they still don't have a boss since they are stubborn. says Calliope and looks around

-We need to do something. says Mumei and looks at Kronii

-We can kill them, but we don't have good protection in front of the police. says Calliope

-No problem about that, Sana can help us since she knows that system well. says Baelz

-But she is in another country, Baelz. says Fauna 

-No worry, even from there she can. says Baelz 

They end the conversation and make a plan so they could always meet when something happens, Calliope became Kronii's bodyguard, and every time she will go somewhere she needs to get Calliope with her.

Calliope got an apartment next to Kronii and would make it not suspicious for the gang to understand. Calliope even had guns for everyone, tho Kronii didn't want Mumei to use them but Mumei already took them and knew from the beginning how to shoot and reload.

Mumei would do everything just to make sure everyone will be safe.

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